How to quickly cure zadyy in the corners of the mouth

Did small bubbles appear in the corners of the mouth? Do they hurt, interfere with talking and eating? Is burning and itching worse when in contact with salty or spicy foods? Symptoms point to angular stomatitis, which is popularly known as jade. Because of the constant mechanical action, the vesicles burst, turning into sores, and the corners of the lips swell and redden. The disease is treated in a drug and folk way, but first establish its cause.

 How to cure buns in the corners of the mouth

Main factors

Patients with angular stomatitis are recommended to recall what they did before the appearance of nodules. Probably, the habit became the reason:

  • lick your lips;
  • eat unwashed vegetables or fruits;
  • squeeze pimples on or near lips;
  • use someone else's dishes or a toothbrush.

Inflammation and cracks in the corners of the mouth are caused by too large or poorly made dentures that regularly traumatize the mucous membrane and delicate skin.The situation will correct the trip to a good dentist and hygiene requirements.

Sometimes, angular stomatitis is just a symptom indicating a more serious illness, like:

  • diabetes or liver disease;
  • caries and fungal infection in the mouth;
  • anemia and impaired metabolism;
  • avitaminosis or a weak immune system;
  • HIV or hypovitaminosis;
  • overdose with antibiotics, hormones or antidepressants.

The diagnosis will be made only by the doctor, it is impossible to determine the cause and find the right treatment. If you need to eliminate discomfort and quickly remove inflammation, recommend ointments with antiviral properties and natural folk remedies.

Alcohol and herbal decoctions

Bubbles and bleeding ulcers cauterize with fucorcin. Liquid crimson shade disinfects open wounds and destroys the fungus. Antiseptic do not process the jam, located on the inside of the cheek.

Instead of fukortsina apply Zelenka or iodine, which lubricates the sores 2-4 times a day.After using antiseptics, the skin around the mouth is moistened with vegetable oils or petroleum jelly, and hygienic lipstick is applied to the lips.

The ulcers are burned with 3% boric alcohol, and if the bubbles appear because of the fungus Candida, a glycerin solution of borax is recommended. Bleeding wounds should not be treated with products containing fat or vegetable oil. They clog pores, slowing down the regeneration of the epithelium and healing. Inflammation increases, purulent discharge sometimes appears.

The burst bubbles are washed with herbal decoctions with disinfectant properties. The antiseptic composition includes:

  • bark of oak or viburnum;
  • chamomile;
  • calendula flowers;
  • sage;
  • a succession;
  • dried celandine.

Take one component or mix several. Pour 30 g of the billet 250–300 ml of boiling water, put the container with the decoction into the water bath. Keep in hot water for 20-25 minutes, and after cooling down, strain and moisten a gauze pad in herbal tea. Wipe ulcers several times a day, and then treat with ointment or other antiseptic.

After the meal, pieces of cotton moistened with thermal water are applied to the wounds.The product soothes the burning sensation and washes away the parts of the products that got into the sores. Keep the compress for 5–10 minutes, it is not necessary to wash off the remaining water.

Ointments and masks from natural ingredients

To dried zaedam and cracks, which no longer bleed, put vegetable oils and masks. They moisturize the skin and accelerate the healing of wounds. Ointments and other medicines are prepared only from those products with which they had been in contact before. If you use unfamiliar ingredients, a weakened body may react negatively to new components, and an allergic reaction will begin.

 Ointments and masks for jam

Masks for angular stomatitis
Garlic has an antibacterial effect:

  • One or two cloves to peel and crush.
  • Garlic pulp rub with olive oil.
  • Apply the mask on the jam, hold a maximum of 5 minutes.
  • Rinse with warm, soapy water.

Olive garlic mixture removes burning sensation and soothes itching.

A night mask consisting of honey and butter will soften the inflamed skin:

  1. Melt the products in a water bath and mix in equal proportions.
  2. When the components turn into a homogeneous mass, the billet is cooled to room temperature and applied to the cracks.
  3. Do not rub, but simply lubricate the inflamed areas.
  4. Apply at night and rinse in the morning.
  5. In order not to stain the pillow and hair, the corners of the mouth, treated with a mask, cover with a piece of gauze and fix the fabric with a plaster.

Honey disinfects wounds, preventing bacteria from multiplying, and oil moisturizes overdried skin, calming inflammation.

Apply to zaedam and mask based on fresh apples:

  1. Fruits crush to make gruel.
  2. Pour some melted butter into the apple mass to form a thick homogeneous mixture.
  3. Apply the drug for 10-15 minutes, and then carefully remove with a cotton swab and wash the ulcer with water.

The wounds will heal in a few days, if compresses of fish oil and natural honey are applied to the sore corners of the mouth. It will take 20 drops of the first ingredient and 20 ml of the second. Products put in a bowl and put in a water bath. Stirring, bring to a homogeneous state. Soak cotton swabs in the tool, apply for 20 minutes to the gum.

The dried skin around the mouth and the lips themselves are softened with vegetable oils:
 Lip softening with vegetable oils

  • olive;
  • flaxseed;
  • sunflower;
  • apricot pits.

Only an unrefined product that is heated in a water bath is suitable. Add 2-3 drops of essential oil to the base: rosewood or tea tree, as well as a little vitamin E. Tocopherol is sold in liquid form in pharmacies.

Apply the mixture of oils with cotton swabs or tampons directly on the jam. Lubricate the skin around the lips with a nutrient, leave for 30-40 minutes or overnight. Top cover with a towel, then more oil will be absorbed.

Vitamin compress and infusion to rinse
In case of angular stomatitis, it is recommended to rinse the mouth cavity with tincture of oak bark: a teaspoon of the crushed component in 400 ml of cold boiled water. Means to insist at least 8 hours, apply 4-5 times a day.

Instead of oak bark, calamus root is used: brew 20 g of crushed plant in a cup of boiling water. Strain after 20 minutes, rinse your mouth with the product three times a day.

After hygienic procedures, a vitamin compress is applied to the sores. It will take:

  • concentrated decoction of rosehips;
  • liquid vitamin A and tocopherol;
  • Castor oil.

Rose hips to simmer in a water bath for 30 minutes. It will take 60 grams of dried berries and 100-150 ml of liquid.

Spoon a warm broth from the hips to pour into a glass jar, add 10 ml of castorca and 4-5 drops of vitamins. Components are heated, but it is not allowed to boil. Vitamins are destroyed at high temperatures. Stir the liquid with a wooden spatula and set aside.

Soak cotton swabs in a warm cocktail of rose hip and castor oil and apply 3-5 times a day to the sores. Repeat the procedure until the glands disappear.

Beer ointment
Stomatitis, which appeared due to a lack of vitamin B, is treated with beer ointment. Calendula, which is part of the drug, disinfects, and butter softens and promotes the rapid healing of sores.

Chop the dried flowers of a medicinal plant in a coffee grinder or mortar. Pour 35 ml of beer and 40 ml of melted butter into calendula powder. Stir products, shift into a glass jar and set aside. Apply frozen ointment on the wound and gently rub.

Beer cream will remove the uncomfortable sensations, if applied to the jam at bedtime and left overnight. The tool is spread in a thick layer over the inflamed areas, covered with a cotton or gauze pad, with a plastic wrap and covered with a plaster.

Beer and calendula ointment are replaced with fresh cucumber. Vegetable cut into thin transparent slices and applied to the wound. Lie down for 40 minutes. No time to rest? Then cucumbers should be glued with a plaster.

Lubricate the inflamed corners of the lips with Kalanchoe or Aloe juice, apply a fresh leaf of plantain and compresses from concentrated green tea.


Ointments relieve ulcers and cracks in 2–5 days, but only a doctor should select the remedy. They are divided into two types: with the content of antibiotics and antifungal. The first option is for the treatment of stomatitis caused by streptococcal infection. The second type is prescribed if the fungus has become a Candida fungus.

 Medication drugs

Antibiotics contain:

  • erythromycin ointment;
  • liniment synthomycin;
  • Kamistad, which happens in the form of a gel;
  • levomikolevaya;
  • methyluracil.

If there is a Streptocide package in the first-aid kit, then you will not need ointment Crush a tablet or two and sprinkle with the powder obtained. Do not eat or drink anything for at least 1-2 hours.

The category of antifungal agents includes ointment:

  • levorinic;
  • sulfur-salicylic;
  • with fluconazole;
  • nystatin.

It is recommended to fight the fungus Miramistin and Clotrimazole, as well as Stomatidin.

Could not determine the reason for the appearance of the brittle or did not have time to visit the doctor? We'll have to stay on one of the universal drugs that have antibacterial and antiviral properties and destroy the fungus. This category falls into:

  • Metrogil Dent;
  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • Bepanten;
  • Triderm;
  • D-panthenol.

Ointment applied carefully, it is impossible that the product got into the stomach. Means for external use combined with immunomodulatory drugs. Independently you can take echinacea tincture. More serious medications are prescribed only by a doctor.

Diet diet

Weakened immunity is supported not only by preparations, but also by products containing ascorbic acid, vitamins of group B and A, tocopherol. The list of healthy dishes includes:

  • brown rice, preferably brown;
  • green leafy vegetables and legumes;
  • egg yolks;
  • fish and meat of any bird;
  • nuts and bran;
  • cheese and vegetable oils;
  • boiled corn and all varieties of cabbage;
  • garlic and carrots with pumpkin;
  • decoction of the fruits of wild rose, citrus;
  • chicken or beef liver.

With the appearance of bubbles from the diet exclude alcohol and too spicy, try not to use a lot of salt and pickles. Until full recovery is prohibited to drink alcohol and soda. Proper nutrition is recommended to supplement brewer's yeast, in which a lot of vitamin B2.

  • It will be easier to cure the icing if you find their cause and pick up drugs for internal and external use. After recovery, one should eat and sleep properly and strengthen the immune system using all available methods to prevent the recurrence of angular stomatitis.

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