How to quickly remove age spots on the face

Well, what woman does not dream of a perfectly smooth, smooth and monophonic skin of the face? But as it turns out, this is not always easy to achieve. Wrinkles, acne and freckles often spoil the appearance of the skin, causing the fair sex to be pretty nervous. But the biggest chagrin for a woman of any age is pigment spots. It is quite difficult to get rid of them, besides, they affect a large area of ​​skin. But before you get rid of these spots, you need to figure out how and why they appear.

 How to remove age spots on the face

What are age spots?

Melanin is responsible for the color of human skin. Violations in its development can be caused by external factors or internal disruptions in the body. The pigment spot may be darker or, conversely, lighter than the rest of the skin.The size of the spots may be different - from one millimeter to several centimeters. Often, pigment spots are localized in one place in large numbers. Freckles are also pigment spots that usually appear at a young age. Over time, they can pass or remain on the skin forever. Lentigo are spots that, on the contrary, appear in adulthood. They are also called age spots.

Sometimes the skin does not form spots of brown and yellow, but, on the contrary, becomes whitish. This depigmentation is called vitiligo. The edges of such spots can be both smooth and symmetrical, and absolutely ugly.

Pigment spots do not rise above the skin, they are completely flat. In addition, this state does not carry any harm to health. The only drawback of pigment spots is the aesthetic component. Often, even a small amount of pigment spots spoils the appearance of the face. That is why everyone is trying to get rid of them as soon as possible. But where do they come from?

Causes of age spots

  1. Ultraviolet. One of the most common causes of pigmentation is a long and uncontrolled exposure to the sun.Ultraviolet is quite harmful to the skin, and sometimes the epidermis may change color after tanning unevenly. This also applies to tanning beds.
  2. Disorders in the liver. As you know, the liver is a filter of the human body, and if some malfunction occurs in its work, the bile can affect some organs and even the skin. In this case, the spots have a yellowish tint.
  3. Allergy to cosmetics. Everyone knows that even the highest quality cosmetic products can cause a reaction or individual intolerance. Including, in the form of the appearance of pigmentation.
  4. Hormones. When the hormonal background changes, a woman’s face is often covered with small or large pigments. This is especially noticeable when taking birth control pills, during menopause or during pregnancy.
  5. Genetics. Unfortunately, the likelihood of skin pigmentation is inherited. And, if your mom has a lot of pigment spots, your susceptibility to their appearance increases several times. You need to more carefully follow preventive measures to protect your face from unpleasant blemishes.
  6. Injuries. Often wounds and sores become covered with new skin, forming a scar.If you are with a scar on the skin in direct sunlight - it becomes hyperpigmented, that is dark. And even if the scar becomes less noticeable and evens out in relief, the speck remains.
  7. Aging skin. Unfortunately, age-related skin changes are often impossible to stop completely. But you can slow them down. If skin pigmentation usually occurs after 40 years, careful care of the face and nourishment of the epidermis may delay this period.
  8. Avitaminosis. The lack of certain vitamins directly affects the color, condition and structure of our skin.
  9. Parasites. The most common cause of small specks on the face and body is the presence of parasites in the body. To find out, you need to pass tests.
  10. Diseases. Some diseases can cause thinning of the dermis, resulting in spots on the face. These are, for example, tuberculosis, syphilis, autoimmune conditions, gastrointestinal diseases and even nervous exhaustion.

Try to analyze the time and place when you have pigment spots. Consult a doctor. And then, perhaps, you can accurately determine the cause of their appearance. In the meantime, you need to learn how to deal with them.

Anti-pigment cosmetic products

There are many creams and tonics that will help you get rid of the hated spots. Among them are such means as Skinoren, Melantiv, Oriflame Bleaching Line, Evinal, Vichy, Differin, Benokvin and others. All of them are sold with the mark "cream of pigmentation" or "whitening cream." Their composition contains substances such as hydroquinone, kojic acid, arbutin, rucinol, as well as natural extracts of bleaching plants and herbs.

As for cosmetic procedures, there are also a lot of methods that can save you from annoying stains.

 Cosmetic procedures for age spots

  1. Laser peeling. Under the influence of laser beams, the beautician removes a thin top layer of dead skin. Along with this layer, the pigment spot is also removed, at least a significant part of it. After laser peeling, you can not sunbathe - the skin is incredibly sensitive.
  2. Microdermabrasion. The procedure for the principle of action does not differ from laser peeling. However, in this case, the upper layer of the epidermis is removed not by laser beams, but by physical impact, that is, by mechanical cleansing of the upper layer of the skin. Most often this is done with the help of the smallest aluminum particles.
  3. Chemical peeling. In this case, the keratinous layer of skin is removed with the help of a light acid, which eats away dead scaly. For such a procedure, you can use natural acids - lemon juice or use special glycolic or trichloroacetic acid. Depending on skin type and acid concentration, it is possible to make superficial, medium or deep peels.

In addition, modern techniques offer complete removal of the pigment spot with preventing its recurrence. Aesthetic medicine clinics remove pigment spots with laser-targeted point exposure, the use of liquid nitrogen, as well as targeted infrared treatment. All these procedures are quite expensive, but do not despair. Some recipes for home cosmetology are not inferior in their effectiveness to expensive salon procedures.

Folk remedies against age spots

 Folk remedies against age spots

  1. Lemon juice. This is a natural product that has excellent whitening properties. Lemon juice, you can simply wipe your face in the morning and evening, with a cotton swab.After a couple of weeks of this wiping, you will notice that the skin has become much lighter and the pigment spots are less noticeable.
  2. Cucumbers and alcohol. Grate a couple of large cucumbers and place in a glass bottle. Fill the pulp with alcohol diluted in half with water. Leave the tincture in a cool place for two weeks, periodically shake the container. When the tincture is ready, it can wipe the face like a tonic. This not only brightens the pigmentation, but also becomes a solution for oily skin. If your skin is dry, before using tonic, add a few teaspoons of olive oil.
  3. Parsley and milk. Take a few bunches of parsley and chop the greens. Fill with hot milk, cover and let it brew. After a few hours you can strain the mass. First you need to use the pulp itself - put greens on your face and lie still. After that, wipe your face with filtered liquid every day before going to bed. Keep the composition in the refrigerator, so as not to deteriorate.
  4. Grapefruit. If the face has large obvious spots, you can get rid of them with a grapefruit.It is enough to squeeze fresh fruit juice into a small container and smear a spot several times during the day with a cotton swab. The next day, you need to use fresh juice. After a few days of this treatment, you will notice that the stain has become much lighter.
  5. Red currant and kefir. A handful of freshly picked red currants should be crushed in a blender and mixed with kefir. If you have oily skin, you need to take fat-free kefir. If dry, you must use fatty kefir or even sour cream. Mix the two ingredients and apply the mask on your face. If the mask turned out to be very liquid, then you can do so. Cut out an oval from a clean piece of fabric and make a slit for the eyes. Dampen homemade mask in currant-kefir liquid and apply on face for a few minutes.
  6. Cottage cheese, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. A tablespoon of cottage cheese should be whipped with a blender, pre-mixed product with a teaspoon of ammonia and the same amount of hydrogen peroxide. Apply the resulting mass in a thin layer on the face and leave for 10 minutes. This is a real way to quickly and qualitatively whiten your face and get rid of age spots.However, remember that such a mask can not be held longer than 15 minutes.

Among these simple tips, you will find one that is sure to suit your skin.

In order not to fight pigment spots, you need to be able to prevent their occurrence in time. To do this, in the summer time, wear hats that hide your face, and also use sunscreen. Follow the health of the body and its changes. Remember that the perfect face is not a given of nature, but a long and painstaking work. Be charming at any age!

Video: how to get rid of age spots

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