How to quickly defrost crab sticks

Recently, crab sticks are becoming increasingly popular and in demand. Housewives prefer this product more often, because it is affordable, tasty and easy to prepare. It is rare to find a New Year's table, when at least one salad would not include this ingredient. But how to defrost crab sticks, so as not to lose the taste, freshness and benefit of the product?

 How to defrost crab sticks

How to defrost crab sticks

Crab sticks, like any seafood, are quite capricious in defrosting. The fact is that the high temperature of heating can quickly spoil the product. For example, defrosting crab sticks in hot water is not recommended - the consistency of the product will become viscous, like porridge. In addition, heating the sticks is more than usual, there will be an unpleasant smell of rotten fish, which will not be easy to weather out.Here are some classic ways to properly and safely defrost crab sticks.

  1. Long defrosting will help to preserve the good and taste of the product, namely, a smooth transition of temperature. A few hours before cooking, transfer the pack of crab sticks from the freezer to the fridge. After some time, the sticks will melt and become suitable for cooking and consumption.
  2. If you need to cook a salad in a couple of hours, thaw crab sticks at room temperature. To do this, open the package and leave the product in an individual package on the kitchen table.
  3. If the guests are already on the doorstep, the crab sticks for salad may not be thawed. The product is quite soft and easily crumbles even in the form of ice cream. Simply chop the frozen sticks and dip into a bowl. While you are cutting the rest of the ingredients, the pieces of ice cream sticks will thaw out, and you will only need to drain excess water from them.
  4. Some recipes do not mean cutting crab sticks, but unfolding them. This is usually done when stuffing the product. If you are going to cook such delicacy, you need to defrost the sticks in a different way.Just take them out of the pack, remove the individual package and hold it over boiling water. Steam will soften the product, but leave it quite elastic, which is not the case with simple defrosting. If you keep the product above the steam uncomfortable, just use the slow cooker. Leave the chopsticks on a special stand, pour water into the bowl and set the cooking mode “steamed”. You just have three minutes after boiling water.

These simple ways will help you to defrost seafood properly, while maintaining its taste and healthy properties.

How to defrost crab sticks quickly

If the salad needs to be prepared here and now, and there is no time to defrost, you can use emergency methods that can help any hostess.

 How to defrost crab sticks quickly

  1. The easiest way is to defrost crab sticks in the microwave. However, be careful, it is better to underexpose the fish product than to overdo it. Remove individual packaging from the chopsticks, put them on a plate and leave in the microwave on the "defrost" mode. Waiting time - about a minute, but not more than two minutes, otherwise the product will deteriorate.
  2. Crab sticks, due to their porous structure, defrost rather quickly. You can simply leave them near a warm object and the sticks will thaw out in 5 minutes. Put a pack of crab sticks on a boiling kettle, battery, or near a heater. As long as you go in for another dish, the chopsticks will be ready.
  3. You can thaw crab sticks with water. For this it is not necessary to take them out of the pack. Just dip the sealed package of crab sticks in cool water and change the liquid as it cools. Be careful not to immerse the product in hot water - it will be spoiled. In addition, you can not lower the sticks in the open form - the water will take from them all the taste and saturation.
  4. If you have recently taken out pastries from the oven, and she did not have time to cool, use this to defrost crab sticks. Simply place the chopstick pack in the warm oven for 5 minutes and the product will be ready to cook. You can not put the sticks in a hot oven - the process is not accelerate, but to spoil the product is very easy.

These tips will help you if you need to defrost the product as soon as possible.But how are crab sticks? Why do most Russians love this product?

Crab sticks recipes

In addition to the classic use of crab sticks in salads, there are quite a few recipes in which the product serves as a decent snack.

 Crab sticks recipes

  1. Crab sticks themselves are very tasty and juicy. And if you cook them in batter, even children will not refuse such a snack. To prepare batter we will need a couple of eggs, silent salt and flour. Mix products until creamy consistency. Dip the crab stick into the mass and fry in the hot vegetable oil. Serve crab sticks in batter with any sauce.
  2. Decorate any table will help roll of pita with crab sticks. Crab sticks need to grind, mix with grated cheese and yogurt. Add salt, pepper and garlic to the mixture. Unwrap the pita bread and place the minced meat on it. Twist the sheet and serve it on the table in the form of a cut roll.
  3. Delicious and juicy crab sticks cutlets turn out. Shredded chopsticks need to be mixed with grated potatoes, a small amount of semolina and chicken egg.Roll the cutlets in flour and fry in vegetable oil. The dish is not just tasty, but simple and easy.

From crab sticks, you can cook anything - recipes are limited only by your imagination.

When choosing crab sticks, ask yourself the question - when am I going to cook them? If in the coming days - it is better to take a chilled, rather than frozen product. If you take seafood for future use, give preference to a frozen pack.

Video: what you didn't know about crab sticks

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