How to quickly pump shoulders at home

The shoulder muscles are just as important as the muscles of the legs, which withstand the weight of our body almost round the clock. In addition, beautiful hangers for girls are an opportunity to wear thin T-shirts, dresses with short sleeves, and just to be self-confident. And the inflated male shoulders are an indicator of strength, courage and, of course, attractiveness for the opposite sex. To pump them up, you don’t have to go to the gym, you can do it at home, the main thing is to remember the basic rules.

 How to build shoulders

Preparation for training

Performing strength exercises, not adhering to elementary rules, means putting yourself at risk of injury, and both muscles and joints can suffer. Any workout should be preceded by a warm-up of at least 15 minutes. Heated and stretched muscles listen better and take up the load, for beginners it should be increased gradually.

After reviewing the technique of doing the exercises, for example, when working with dumbbells, do not try to immediately grab a lot of weight. Start with the lungs, exercise for a month, then gradually increase the load. Otherwise, you can damage the wrists, joints and spine. In addition, there is a risk of muscle clamps, accompanied by pain.

It is better for girls to start buying kilogram dumbbells, increasing the weight to 2.5 kg. Getting started, it is worth remembering that you will get a more effective result by increasing the number of repetitions, and not the weight of the projectile itself. Perform each of the exercises at least 15 times in three sets, taking a break. The entire training should be held for at least thirty minutes.

Basic recommendations

It is recommended to select a complex for inflating shoulders on the basis of which part you want to see more relief. All exercises are divided into two groups: the bench - part of general exercises and max - is included in the complex of special trainings aimed at creating relief of a certain muscle.

The bench is performed in standing and sitting positions.Dumbbells, a barbell and special blocks that can be pressed from the chest and head are used as projectiles.

For pumping the deltoid muscle swinging, lifting loads in front of him. When increasing the average delta projectile lift through the sides; To form the back delta, the exercise is performed in a slope.

Classes are recommended to begin heavy presses, and feeling tired, move on to different moves. This scheme is due to the fact that starting a training session, a person has enough physical and emotional strength to perform difficult exercises. At the end of classes, the energy supply is exhausted, and it is advisable to move to a lighter complex.

Exercises at home without special equipment

Complex training exercises can be performed without the use of sports equipment. It is enough to perform daily pushups from the floor. Only exercises aimed at developing muscle mass are different from the classic physical education classes.

 Vertical Pushups

  • Stand with your back against the wall, bend down. In the position of the arm at shoulder-width, rest against the floor.
  • Raise both legs alternately, using the wall as a fulcrum.
  • Keeping upside down, start pushing up on your arms.

Exercise is very difficult for beginners, and at first it is better to have a person close by. Showing perseverance for several weeks, you can independently achieve an effective result by affecting your shoulder muscles with your own weight. Having mastered push-ups against the wall, proceed to the exercise without support, and later try walking on your arms, which will give relief to your body. Just take into account that this exercise has contraindications. It affects brain activity and increases blood pressure.

The second exercise, which does not require additional projectiles, is performed in the prone position. Lean on the socks, joined together and elbows, which should be laid back, close the hands at the very chest. In this position, lift the body as high as possible and returning to its original position, pausing at the highest point for 5-10 seconds. Make 15-20 such movements in three sets.

From a standing position, lean forward at a right angle, resting your hands on the floor. Pulling up on your socks, lower your head until it touches the floor.Hands should bend at the elbow joints. Returning to the starting position, repeat the exercise as much as possible.

Dumbbell exercises
The most common and easiest way to pump shoulder muscles at home is to use dumbbells.

 Exercises on the shoulders with dumbbells

  1. In a standing position, put your feet shoulder-width apart. At the same time, separate both hands with projectiles to the sides, try to keep them parallel to the floor. Adjust the number of lifts on your own, gradually increasing (should be performed easily and naturally).
  2. Perform movements similar to the previous exercise, only raising hands with dumbbells not to the side, but forward. The inner side of the palms at the same time should be turned up.
  3. Legs in knees slightly bend, a basin forward a little. Hands with dumbbells lower along the body, begin to raise to the level of the chest, bending at the elbows.
  4. Sit on the floor, slightly leaning back the body, bend your knees. Raise your arms with a projectile above your head, then spread it to the sides.
  5. Lie on your side. Hold the dumbbell in one hand, slightly bent at the elbow, and begin lifting-lowering in cyclic movements.

Such exercises will help to pump up the biceps, forearm, deltoid muscles.The effectiveness of the final result increases with increasing weight of the projectile.

When you master the dumbbells, decide which goal you are pursuing. To build muscle, it is necessary to increase their weight every 10-15 repetitions. If you want to strengthen the shoulder girdle and give it relief, pick up a projectile so that you can get up to 25 repetitions. If you do not like too voluminous forms, select individual exercises and a small weight of shells, and conduct the training at a slow pace.

Exercises on the bar and with a barbell
It is possible to pump up muscles in house conditions, carrying out a complex on a horizontal bar. To get started, learn how to pull up. The basic rule is the girth of the crossbar so that the thumb does not close with the palm. Do the exercise slowly 10 times, making 4 sets.

Next, perform a narrow grip - this is when the distance between the brushes does not exceed 15 cm. And again there are 4 sets, but already 12 pull-ups.

One of the main techniques for building muscle is training with a barbell. Standing position, feet shoulder width apart. Sharply lift the barbell, putting it on the upper chest area. Taking a breath, lift above your head.Lower slowly as you exhale to increase the load on the deltoid muscles. Repeat 10-12 times.

Power under power loads

A corrected diet is also important for building muscle.

 Power under power loads

  1. The calorie intake of food must be increased.
  2. In the diet should prevail foods with a high content of protein. His intake should occur no later than one and a half hours after exercise. Then the process of muscle recovery and their increase in volume is accelerated.
  3. A source of fat when pumping shoulders is lean meat, red fish, and various vegetable oils.
  4. Before training, eat food rich in fast carbohydrates. You can replace them with a dietary supplement for athletes. They quickly split and at the same time give the body strength and sufficient time to conduct a workout before it gets tired.

In addition, do not forget that one of the main rules - to drink water during training - does not apply to you. This contributes to the burning of fat, that is, losing weight, and the direct build-up of muscle mass - by no means.Therefore, try not to drink one hour before your workout, minimize water consumption during it and refrain from watering for the next half hour or even an hour - it depends on your endurance. Then, if you regularly follow all the rules, you can achieve the desired results. And remember that patience and work are our everything.

Video: how to quickly pump huge shoulders

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