How to quickly pump your biceps at home

Volumetric and prominent male biceps are associated in women with strength and excellent physical shape. Inflated muscles of the shoulder joint are of interest to girls, and make their owner an object of increased attention. You can achieve amazing results in 1, maximum - 2 months at home. You will need dumbbells, an improvised horizontal bar and a bar with removable pancakes.

 How to pump your biceps

Approach one: simple selections for beginners

Start a workout with a warm-up to warm up the joints and prepare the muscles. If you abandon the five-minute charge, and proceed immediately to the main exercises, the risk of stretch marks and tendon rupture increases.

Wake up the body will help bends, squats and waved hands. It is necessary to bend and unbend the muscles of the shoulder joint without weighting, then shake the upper limbs several times, and proceed to the main program.

Push-ups for raised biceps
People who are far from bodybuilding and met with the sport recently, recommend pushups. Such exercises are ideal for home workouts, and are suitable even for the office if there is an empty office or other secluded place.

You can start push-ups from the wall, if you raise the body from a lying position was a daunting task.

  1. Rest your palms on a hard surface, an angle of 45 degrees should form between the body and the support.
  2. Transfer the weight to the socks, tear the heels off the floor.
  3. Straighten your back, it should not arch or “sink” inside, otherwise you can damage the spine and muscles.
  4. If the feet slide, you should put a support under them, or engage on a rubber mat.
  5. Place your hands as wide as possible, or with a narrow grip so that it is the biceps that are tightened, not the pectoral muscles or the wings.
  6. Gently lower the body, stand still, counting silently for 6 seconds, and slowly rise, having assumed the initial position.
  7. Repeat until light pain appears in the hands.
  8. In a similar way, they are squeezed out from the floor, trying to make final approaches with the last forces, so that the return is maximum.
  9. You can not fall sharply or use inertia to raise the body, because in this case, the muscles are not loaded enough, and the results will have to wait a very long time.

Crossbar - biceps best friend
To build a mini-horizontal bar at home is simple: to find a strong iron, in extreme cases - a wooden stick, and fasten it in the doorway. You can purchase a crossbar at a sports store, where it is sold with all accessories for installation.

 Crossbar - biceps best friend

Beginners, who avoided the side bars, should stock up on gloves. Without these accessories, the palms are quickly rubbed and covered with calluses, there is a risk of skin tearing, and then you have to forget about beautiful biceps for another month.

To work the muscles of the shoulder joints, arms should be located shoulder-width apart. The distance between the upper limbs can be increased, as long as it is convenient to raise the torso. Legs should be crossed over, tightening the heels to the buttocks, but they should not necessarily come into contact.

  1. The nails and wrists are turned to the face, the body is slightly tilted back so that the chest is looking at the crossbar.
  2. Body smoothly lift, bending arms.Feet repelled prohibited.
  3. It is not necessary to overstretch the neck muscles, because the exercise is intended for training biceps, not wings or a trapezium.
  4. To be fixed at the top point, it is desirable that the chin be above the bar, and not under it or opposite.
  5. Count down seconds 4–7, depending on endurance, smoothly, without abrupt movements, go down, but you can’t fully extend your arms. Training is effective only when the muscles are in constant tension.

Pull-ups are hard for beginners. An athlete who does 10–15 pushups will not necessarily be able to lift the body at least once. It will take regular classes, and should begin with a minimum.

Hanging on the bar, do not relax the muscles of the arms, and try to pull up at least a few centimeters or millimeters. Fix the position, and make the maximum number of repetitions before the appearance of mild pain in the biceps.

To the muscles have learned to take the correct position when pushups, you need to show it to them. Find a low crossbar, just above your own head, and raise the body with a jump.

Tighten your biceps, and stay in a hanging position until the strength runs out. With your legs tucked in, gently lower your torso. Hang on with tight biceps for 6–8 seconds to get some rest, and do a few such repetitions.

When pulling up, one of the main roles is played not only by the position of the hands, but also by the number of approaches. During the first one, it’s necessary to give everything a maximum, before the second one a minute and a half rest, and reduce the number of repetitions by two. A three-minute break, and catch up as many times as during the first. Before the fourth, finishing, sunset, the duration of rest is 1 minute. The number of pull-ups, as in the second approach.

Muscles need to strain, but biceps also need time to recover. The ideal schedule for training is the day of classes, a day of rest. You can not do long breaks, because then all push-ups and pull-ups will be useless.

Approach two: dumbbells

Hard work makes a monkey a man, and from a beginner a real professional who is ready to raise the bar. Basic exercises will prepare the biceps for intense loads with a barbell and dumbbells.A five-minute warm-up is not neglected even by experienced athletes, because it increases the effectiveness of training.

 Exercises for the biceps with dumbbells

Work with additional devices
You need a steady stool, and an ordinary chair will do. Sit down, legs spread apart, and elbows on hips against knees. Squeeze the dumbbells in your hands, the palm should look up. Gently lower and raise the weighting agent, straining the biceps at the end point. It is recommended to do exercises on “one - four”. When the palm is close to the shoulder, the wrist should be bent so that the nails look at the ceiling. At least 15 reps at a slow pace. You need to feel how each layer of biceps tightens.

In the second exercise involved a ball for fitness. To lay back on the sports unit, having stretched hands with the dumbbells clamped in them. Elbows slightly bent, so that the muscles felt tension. The palms are turned to the ceiling, the legs firmly rest on the floor. Raise the dumbbells above them with slightly bent arms, while maintaining balance.

The ball is far from being carried, it will be needed for the third exercise. Become in front of inventory on his knees. Take a dumbbell in one hand, leave the other free.Rest your upper limb with a weighting agent in the ball, the other to hold it. Bend the hand with a dumbbell to fist looked at the ceiling. Lift weight using biceps muscles. The forearm should be perpendicular to the ceiling.

Unusual Techniques
Wrap the dumbbell in a long towel, fix it so that it does not fall out during training. Holding the edges of sports equipment with your hands, take a standing position. Upper limbs hold at the seams, legs put so as not to lose balance. Head looking forward, chin not bending. Elbows do not move when lifting dumbbells, you can lightly press them against the body for fixation. The main load falls on the biceps, the arms turn outwards. Reaching the top point, stand still for a while, and then lower.

Without extra equipment
Armed with dumbbells, take a standing position with legs shoulder-width apart. Weights hold straight grip when the palms are turned to the face of the back side. Without twisting the wrists, raise the dumbbells, smoothly bending the arms. To fix the upper limbs at the peak.

Brushes turned to the hips. Both hands squeeze dumbbells, the top finger covers all the others.Keep your back and legs straight, trying to shift the load to your biceps. While the right arm is raised, the left remains motionless, tightly pressed against the body. The upper limbs alternate, as if two blacksmiths take turns hammering the anvil with hammers.

Approach the third: bar

At hand should always be a few pairs of pancakes of different weights. You can alternate exercises with a barbell and dumbbells to improve the relief of the biceps. Work with a lot of weight should be with a partner who can hedge. Start training with a bar recommend that people with developed muscles that can withstand intense loads.

 Biceps Exercises With Barbell

Option One
Back pressed to the wall. The palms holding the barbell are looking at the ceiling. Elbows rest against the body. When the bar is raised, the biceps is tightened, while lowering the triceps is added. Weighting should rest in the chest. Hold your hands in that position for a few seconds and lower them smoothly.

It is possible to do jerks with jerks, but care is required here not to pull the ligaments and not to damage the joints.

Option Two
Additional equipment is needed: a special simulator or incline bench, which fixes the elbows, and does not allow the back to take part in the lifting of the barbell. The weight of sports equipment should be impressive, but not extreme, so as not to suffer the technique of execution.

The barbell is raised and lowered, like dumbbells. The range of movement should be limited, so the biceps account for the main load.

It is advised to combine push-ups with pull-ups at one time, and add to them exercises with weighting. To achieve the result, one approach will not be enough. Ideally, there should be 4 repetitions of each type of exercise with short breaks.

Diet is important too

Biceps should be developed on a par with the whole body, otherwise the figure will look disproportionate, and the results will have to wait 6 months or more. Accelerate the growth of muscle mass balanced menu, which necessarily present:

 Diet for biceps growth

  • chicken breast;
  • low-fat cottage cheese and dairy products;
  • fish, very useful mackerel and salmon;
  • brown unpolished rice (wild);
  • oatmeal and other cereals that supply carbohydrates;
  • vegetables, fresh and steamed;
  • eggs, at least 2 per day, but you can 10;
  • beef or turkey as sources of protein.

Every day should eat and meat, and vegetables, and cereals. You should carefully plan your diet so that it is balanced and nutritious.

What to consider

  1. Beginners are advised to keep a diary so as not to forget to train, and constantly monitor their progress.
  2. To grow muscles, you should sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  3. Movement should be diverse. During one workout you should do about 5 different exercises.
  4. We can not believe the sources promising instant results. The growth of biceps depends on the individual characteristics of the organism and the number of workouts. Muscles will never become bulky and prominent in a week or even a month.

The main rule of an athlete who wants to have beautiful biceps is training, intense and regular. At first it will be difficult to overcome their own laziness, change the diet and constantly engage, but the results are worth all the effort.

Video: how to pump up your hands at home

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