How to quickly pump biceps pushups

Biceps - this is one of the most important muscles of the human body, which is part of the flexor-extensor system of the hand. It is this muscle that is responsible for the flexion of the shoulder in the shoulder joint, and also of the forearm - at the elbow; with the help of the biceps, a person lifts various weights, performs any strength work. Triceps, located on the back side, is in most cases an auxiliary element, because for most people who have decided to bring themselves into shape, the task of increasing the volume of the biceps is the main one.

 How to pump biceps pushups

The most effective methods of pumping the biceps are exercises on the bar, push-ups and various sets of exercises that involve working with dumbbells. Push-ups are a favorite way to increase the volume of this muscle among non-bodybuilders, that is, people whose main task is not to achieve cosmic indicators of biceps volume, but to gain strength and shape.

Important: using only one push-up, it is impossible to quickly pump the biceps, because for full pumping of any muscle of the human body, it is necessary to perform exercises both with maximum additional weights and with a large number of repetitions with its own weight.

However, a combination of both push-ups and any strength exercises will allow you to quickly pump the biceps and, as a result, to trace the visible growth of muscles.

The correct technique of push-ups for biceps

The correct technique for performing any isolating exercise (that is, aimed at pumping exclusively one muscle) is the basis of rapid muscle growth; incorrect performance can cause any tears, sprains and other unpleasant consequences. That is why when doing push-ups you should always pay attention to the location of the arms, legs and, especially, the back.

Tip: Most people who decide to pump their biceps using push-ups do it themselves at home, so you should understand the importance of adhering to the technique for performing an exercise.If, for any reason, the position of the body described below causes pain, then it does not make sense to continue practicing.

So, the technique of doing push-ups aimed at the biceps is as follows:

  1. The correct horizontal position implies the closest possible location of the feet, even when combined (this is necessary so that the maximum load goes on the upper body), as well as the palm position parallel to the shoulders and rotated laterally, not wide. The arms themselves must be bent at a right angle in the elbow, describing a square in the air.
  2. The projections of the line of the back (spine) and the line of the neck to the floor should coincide; there should be no bends in any case.
  3. In the case of classical performance (that is, without additional weight), the back should not be tense, that is, there should not be any sagging inwards or, conversely, upward bending.
  4. When bending the arms to perform push-ups, the load should be felt not only on the biceps, but also on the abdominal muscles, shoulder muscles and pectoral muscles.
  5. Breathing is the key to achieving the maximum number of repetitions.So, it is necessary to bend the arms while inhaling and reach the lowest point possible; while exhaling, one should bend the arms and take the initial position.

Schemes for pumping biceps using pushups

There are two main schemes of push-ups from the floor, which use fundamentally different approaches to the pumping of the biceps: for example, the first implies a gradual increase in the number of repetitions at each approach over time, the second - an integrated approach, which also includes pull-ups on the crossbar, therefore maybe not everyone.

The first scheme, the classical one, is quite simple and consists in performing push-ups in five approaches. Firstly, it is necessary to determine experimentally the individual maximum number of push-ups, take it as the “starting point”. It is this number of repetitions that should be performed at the first approach of five. Further, after a two-minute rest, it is advisable to repeat the same number of repetitions, reduce the number of repetitions by 5 and 10 by the third and fourth approach.

Important: in this case, the maximum number of repetitions is the amount after which a person can normally straighten up and “stand” in a lying position for a small amount of time. That is, in this case it is not necessary to work for wear, since this will make it impossible to perform a sufficient number of repetitions with the following approaches. Push-ups are best when performing the final approach.

It is necessary to try regularly, but gradually, without fanaticism, to increase the number of repetitions, for example, every 10 days. In any case, the body will always make it clear when it is capable of a little more repetitions, and when it is not.

The second scheme, as mentioned above, implies the implementation of an integrated approach, including pull-ups on the crossbar, which are the first exercise in the program. The final, finally finishing muscles, stage just the same and act push-ups.

Since the load on the muscles, in this case, is greater than in the previous scheme, the number of repetitions varies somewhat.On the horizontal bar should also perform five approaches reverse grip (or narrow), the number of repetitions in this case should not exceed ten. However, each repetition should be performed slowly in order to work through all the muscles involved in lifting the body. Since it is necessary to work out the biceps, the descent should be carried out at the same slow speed as the ascent. There should be no jerks or sharp sags: firstly, it is fraught with the appearance of injuries, and secondly, it does not give a full load to the muscles.

After performing pull-ups, push-ups will be given somewhat more difficult, and therefore their number should be reduced. Fifteen slow repetitions are usually enough to emphasize biceps. Often, you may feel that it is possible to perform another two or three repetitions, but it should be ignored: it is better to take a short break and, with the right technique, perform another comprehensive approach.

A complex approach

Although push-ups with pull-ups on the crossbar are capable of producing a result, only an integrated approach, which implies the implementation of strength exercises, in particular with dumbbells and a barbell, can significantly increase muscle volume.

 How to pump your biceps

Exercises to flex the arms can be performed both standing and sitting, it is only important to follow the correct bend of the arm at the elbow joint. Lifting the barbell while standing is a more general exercise that involves not only the biceps, but lifting the dumbbells while sitting is more insulating, aimed only at the biceps. Therefore, at first it is recommended to always perform exercises with a barbell, and later - with dumbbells.

Important: it is not recommended to combine push-ups, pull-ups and exercises with dumbbells and a barbell, it is enough to allocate two training days a week. If, however, the study of the biceps is carried out only through pushups, it is necessary to perform the exercises 4 times a week.

Briefly about nutrition

The first thing professional trainers in fitness centers say to their wards is the importance of nutrition and dieting. Muscle growth, obviously, is impossible without the intake of substances necessary for the construction of their substances, proteins and carbohydrates.

When pumping biceps, as well as other muscles of the body, you need to use 2-3 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of body weight per day, carbohydrates - 4-5 grams. It is due to the receipt of these substances by the body that heal microcracks, breaks in the fibers of the muscles, and the muscles themselves, thus, increase in volume.

In the days of biceps pumping, it is also recommended to perform various exercises aimed at strengthening the back muscles. The idea of ​​targeted pumping of only one muscle, although it has a clear and clear task, makes little sense: without the development of other muscle complexes, there is no increase in strength, therefore it is important to pay attention to other exercises.

It is important to remember about the correct recovery mode: at first, unprepared people are recommended to take one or two days a week to the workouts (as they are), and then to increase the number of training days. After a workout, a sauna or a bath, taking a contrast shower, as well as a massage can help recover.

Video: how to pump biceps pushups from the floor

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