How to quickly get rid of diarrhea: 7 ways

Diarrhea - the body's reaction to food poisoning, E. coli, infections, and even stress. The body tries to clear itself of low-quality products, toxins and microbes, and diarrhea begins. A person visits the toilet at least three times a day, and some patients cannot move away from the toilet even for 20 minutes. To stop diarrhea, you need to get rid of the bacteria that caused it, to restore bowel function and water balance.

 How to get rid of diarrhea

Disinfection and sorbents

Food poisoning that is not accompanied by high temperature is treated with activated charcoal. A child is given 2–4 tablets, an adult from 5 to 8 at a time. The drug is contraindicated in infectious diarrhea. Coal, along with toxins, absorbs beneficial bacteria that help the intestines fight sticks and viruses. The drug is taken no more than 3 times a day, and after treatment, the microflora of the digestive tract is restored with yogurt and other dairy products.

Probiotics and antimicrobials will stop infectious diarrhea:

  • Linex;
  • Enterofuril;
  • Polyphepane;
  • Hilak-Forte;
  • Smecta;
  • Enterol.

Diarrhea, which appeared due to allergy to a new product or stress, will remove Imodium, Loperamide and Supreol. Kaopektat recommend to patients who do not know what exactly provoked diarrhea. The remedy stops the disorder, removes bloating and discomfort.

Enterosgel is one of the most powerful sorbents that cleanses the body of bacteria, toxins and allergens. Helps with diarrhea, bloating and vomiting.

Diarrhea caused by poor quality food will stop a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Throw 2–3 small crystals into a liter of water. Liquid saturated pink color is diluted until it acquires a pale shade. Concentrated solution burns the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, worsening the patient's condition. Potassium permanganate is drunk twice a day to clear the digestive organs of toxins.

Diet and diarrhea dishes

When diarrhea is recommended to refrain from junk food:

  • smoked meat;
  • fried foods;
  • sweets;
  • fatty fish;
  • pork, lamb and bacon;
  • butter, mayonnaise;
  • semi-finished products.

Within 4-6 hours after the first trip to the toilet, you need to starve and drink strong black tea. To each cup add a dessert spoonful of sugar. Then have breakfast or dine on boiled rice porridge or potatoes. The dish is not filled with butter or vegetable oil.

Useful for diarrhea, croutons and vegetable purees, which supply the body with fiber and restore the digestive tract.

The fixing properties of the soup, which is prepared from:

  • white rice;
  • Luke;
  • carrots;
  • potatoes

Crushed onion is fried in a dry frying pan. Add grated carrots. In a saucepan, heat 2–3 liters of water, sprinkle potatoes and vegetable dressing. Combined with 100-150 g of rice. Get a thick soup that can not be salted or seasoned with sour cream. The dish is served with dried bread. It stops diarrhea and helps with nausea.

Delivered from diarrhea homemade jelly, made from seasonal fruits or berries. Potato or corn starch, some sugar is added to the drink. Kissel envelops the walls of the digestive organs, soothing irritation and inflammation.It helps with food poisoning and infectious diarrhea.

Useful baked apples, currant compotes and bran bread. A patient with diarrhea is recommended bananas. Fruits contain a lot of starch, which absorbs excess liquid. Fecal masses become harder, and a person rarely goes to the toilet.

With diarrhea, salty crackers, boiled eggs and dietetic fish and meat dishes are allowed. You can not abuse the vegetable salads, carbonated and alcoholic beverages. Cakes and pies replaced with natural yogurt without additives. A fermented milk product supplies the intestines with beneficial bacteria that restore the microflora and destroy the infection.

Herbal Broths

Fixing properties have medicinal herbs:

 Herbal decoctions for diarrhea

  • sage;
  • burnet;
  • knotweed, which is sometimes called the bird highlander;
  • cherry fruit.

On the day of drinking 600 ml of broth. Drink from diarrhea is prepared from 200 ml of water and a tablespoon of any plant. The tool is brought to a boil in a water bath. In the broths add a slice of lemon or a spoonful of honey to make it tastier.

If sage or bird cherry did not cope with diarrhea, it is recommended to prepare herbal tea. Mix:

  • Rowan berries - 40 g;
  • leaves and buds of Hypericum - 30 g;
  • Althea root - 20 g.

Grind the workpiece in a mortar. Infuse a spoonful of grass powder in a cup of hot water. Drink half a cup of medicine four times a day.

Diarrhea in adults stops wormwood. Several fresh branches are crushed and consume green pasta 40 minutes before meals. You can drink sweetened water or currant compote.

Prepare from a wormwood and medical broth. Mix 30 g of dried grass with 10 g of burnet, brew with boiling water. The infusion is filtered after 25 minutes, immediately drink the entire cup of funds.

Diarrhea caused by diseases of the digestive tract, stop the cuff. Dried grass brewed instead of tea. On liter of boiling water take 2 tbsp. l plants, infusion poured into a thermos. Drink 400-500 ml per day. Cuff destroys germs that accumulate on the intestinal mucosa, and helps with flaccid peristalsis.

Blackberry leaves are disinfected and diarrhea removed. The solution is prepared from 2 tbsp. l crushed plants and glasses of boiling water. Grass brewed in a glass container, which is covered and wrapped with a terry cloth robe or woolen scarf. Filter in 30 minutes, drink 50–100 ml four times a day.

Fenugreek seeds have soothing and firming properties.The plant can be added to yogurt or steamed with boiling water: 1 cup of liquid in a glass. l natural medicine. Drink infusion before eating food.

Diarrhea, which is accompanied by pain and bloating, will be removed by ginger. Dried or fresh root is ground, boiled for 10 minutes over low heat. Take 2 tbsp. l billet per cup of distilled water. The taste of the drink from diarrhea will improve lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey. Ginger root powder is added to porridges and soups, as well as herbal decoctions.

Tinctures and unusual ways

Get rid of non-infectious diarrhea blueberries. Berry has antibacterial properties, contains antioxidants and pectins, which absorb toxic substances and restore the work of the digestive organs. Fresh fruits are added to porridge, dried blueberries are used to prepare compotes and jelly.

Bacteria-induced diarrhea is treated with apple cider vinegar. Dissolve a tablespoon of supplement in a glass of boiled water. Drink twice a day until the symptoms of diarrhea disappear. Vinegar destroys germs and supplies the body with pectins, cleansing the body of toxins.The drug is contraindicated in irritable bowel syndrome and gastritis.

If bloody clots or streaks are visible in the fecal masses, it is recommended to make tea from the hips. Dry the billet in the oven and grind to a powder. A glass of boiling water mixed with 20 g of the plant, boil in a water bath for half an hour. Drink 60–80 ml of the drug three times a day.

Important: When bleeding necessarily go to the doctor. Red blotches indicate infectious diarrhea, as well as diseases of the digestive organs.

Adults with a healthy stomach are recommended to drink a shot of vodka. Alcohol is mixed with 5 g of sodium chloride or iodized salt. Drink in one gulp, but do not bite. Food consumed after 25-30 minutes, when the stomach walls absorb vodka.

Red rose petals help to get rid of diarrhea caused by food poisoning. The flower contains tannins and antibacterial substances, which soothe the inflamed mucosa. In a jar with a tight lid, pour 2 tablespoons of clean petals. Add 2 cups of boiling water. Close and wait for the drink to cool. Drink 100 ml of fragrant tea 4 times a day.

For severe diarrhea, black pepper is recommended. Eat 10 peas before bedtime, washed down with water or chamomile broth. Chew medication is not necessary. Pepper is forbidden to patients with gastritis, a tendency to heartburn and an ulcer.

Effective medicine is prepared from chicken ventricles. The by-product is thawed, washed under the tap and removed the yellow skin on the inside. The billet is laid out in a thin layer on a baking sheet and sent to the oven, setting the minimum temperature. It is better to leave the door ajar so that the ventricles are not burnt.

The skin should be dry and slightly harden. It is crushed in a coffee grinder or mortar, pour the resulting product into a glass jar. Chicken ventricles are taken twice a day. Eat 5 g of therapeutic powder, washed down with water. Diarrhea usually resolves within 2–3 days.

Sweet lovers are recommended to brew strong black tea. In the hot drink put 5 dessert spoons of sugar, add 100 ml of freshly squeezed grape juice. Drink in one gulp, do not snack.

Agents with astringent properties

Barley and acorn coffee helps to stop diarrhea. The drink should be strong and savory. Drink 300-400 ml per day.

 Acorn Coffee from Diarrhea

Useful for diarrhea decoction of oatmeal and dried pears. Porridge take the usual, not fast. Connect 2 glass of water and 100 g of cereals. When the oatmeal razvarytsya and become mucous, add pieces of dried fruit. The cooker is turned off, 60 minutes are pressed for the pears to swell. Divide the cooked porridge into two portions, eat per day.

Cinnamon helps to get rid of diarrhea. Pour 2-3 g of spices in a cup of hot water, add a pinch or a drop of red hot pepper. Means wrapped, insist hour, covered with a plate or lid. Drink a sip every 60 minutes.

Stressful diarrhea

Diarrhea, which occurs due to feelings and emotional over-stimulation, is treated with chamomile decoction. Drink drink in the morning and evening for 2-3 weeks. People who are suffering from stress diarrhea are recommended to include cereals, flour products, dark chocolate and quince in the diet. Useful pears, pomegranates, natural cottage cheese and cocoa with milk. But to use products with fixing properties you need to diarrhea.

If diarrhea occurs because of feelings and an excess of emotions, you should always keep sorbents in your purse, at least activated charcoal.Drink decoctions of blueberries, cherry flowers and Potentilla. Take B vitamins to strengthen the nervous system.

Patients who frequent the toilet are advised to drink plenty of solution that restores water balance. To prepare the tool, you need to mix 1 liter of liquid with 120 g of sugar, 15 g of salt, 5 g of soda and 5-6 g of calcium chloride.

Diarrhea is an unpredictable and dangerous disease. When food or infectious poisoning diarrhea lasts from 1 to 3 days. If on the fourth day the disorder has not disappeared, and the patient's condition has worsened, you should give up home methods and consult a doctor.

Video: how to treat diarrhea folk remedies

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