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Hyssopus Officinalis - hyssop ordinary (blue tutsan or bee grass), a plant of a wide profile of application. Due to the fact that it is not whimsical and the whole summer season pleases with flowering and aroma, it is used to decorate home gardens. It also attracts the attention of bees (great honey). Housewives who understand the subtleties of cooking, do not forget to stock up on this spice for cooking different dishes, but more importantly, get a collection for preventive and therapeutic purposes.
For the first time records of hyssop, made the great medieval scholar Avicenna. He describes the unique properties of plants in the field of cosmetology, the ability to give a fresh look to the face and smooth wrinkles.
The recipes of Abu Ali that have come down to our days, literally look like this:
- If you drink with wine, can dissolve dense tumors.
- A decoction cooked in vinegar can soothe the pain of the teeth, and the steam decoction in combination with figs, if fumigated with a funnel, will relieve tinnitus.
- Boil and apply a soaked bandage on the eyes, which eliminates bruising under the eyelids and in the eye.
- Useful for chest, lungs, chronic cough and asthma. A decoction in combination with honey and figs can heal from "solid" tumors and "standing" breathing. With angina, the medicine guru recommended gargling.
- For the benefit of the spleen, a bandage was made from hyssop, fig and Bavrak, and it was also effective to ingest such a composition to eliminate the symptoms of dropsy.
- The plant can expel mucus, and in combination with pumpkin seeds or wild cumin, "violet root" is a highly active means, expelling worms (worms).
You can decorate the Alpine hills with a beautiful flowering plant, especially since the long flowering attracted the attention of breeders. New varieties have added a palette of colors. Fees on natural habitat are full of useful properties. In nature, there are more than 50 species of plants.Common and frequent are such varieties: Cretaceous, anise and medicinal. Value for healing and cooking represents the latter.
Curative grass belonging to the family of yasnotkovykh, most often large plantations grows in Asia, in the south of Siberia, central Russia, in the Caucasus, Crimea, Kazakhstan, in the Altai Mountains. For medicinal purposes, use all the elements of the plant. The value is a flower, stem and root system. During the flowering season, and this is the period from June to September, you can make several sections of the plant. Collection knit beams and hang in well-ventilated areas, or on the street under a canopy, without access of moisture and sunlight.
To be able to determine the direction in use, the chemical composition of the plant was studied:
- Essential oil. The method of distillation of steam from the leaves of the plant extract oil. The consistency of it is viscous and light, has a yellow-green color. Due to the tart and sweet fragrance, it can be used in aromatherapy and has a positive effect on the general condition of the body.Cheers up and gives strength. The healing properties of the volatile component can help cope with asthma, bronchitis, angina. Oil rubbing is widely used for colds. With nervous exhaustion, depression - adding a few drops to the bath is shown. It is recommended to conduct external treatment of wounds, hematomas, acne, eczema, warts.
- Tannins. Tannins are a component of many plants and are found in all their parts. They have an astringent effect and, reaching the intestines, help to cure dysbacteriosis, stop the activity of pathogenic microbes, remove slags and toxins, the effect of radiation, promote the absorption of necessary, beneficial substances.
- Diosmin. Flavonoid, a medicine of natural origin. Contributes to the narrowing of the vessels of norepinephrine on the venous walls. Increases the tone and lowers the venous capacity.
- Issopin. Flavonoid activates the body's enzymes. Widely applicable in traditional and traditional medicine. Antioxidant. It is appreciated for its ability to maintain the cardiovascular system, prolong youth and even life.
- Hesperidin. Natural natural medicine that strengthens blood vessels and improves blood circulation. Applied to prevent the pathology of veins. The strongest cardioprotector.
- Resins They are similar in composition to the essential oil. In uncured form - balm. They have a wide spectrum of action: bactericidal, laxative, anthelmintic, wound healing.
- Vitamins. The composition has a large proportion of ascorbic acid, as well as A, B, E, PP, K and D.
- Trace elements - manganese, selenium, copper, calcium, iron, chlorine, boron, fluorine, flint, tungsten.
- Ursolic acid - often used in sports circles and an excellent means of obesity. It is an inhibitor of cancer cells. It has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, immunomodulating, antitumor properties.
The use of hyssop ordinary
On the territory of the Russian Federation, hyssop is not used in traditional medicine, but folk healers actively and widely use this herb:
- Bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis and other chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
- Bronchial asthma.
- Neurosis.
- Angina pectoris.
- Rheumatism.
- Increased sweating.
- Diseases of the digestive system (colitis, rheumatism).
- Purulent skin diseases caused by staphylococcus.
Infusions from this plant have a multilateral effect on the body:
- Diuretic.
- Anthelmintic.
- Tonic
Bulgarian herbalists use the collection as an expectorant, for constipation, dyspepsia, anemia. Doctors prescribe a healing substance for intestinal catarrh, chronic bronchitis, sweating. Antimicrobial properties are appreciated.
France, Germany, Romania, Sweden and Portugal officially included hyssop (tops of stems, leaves, flowers) in their pharmacopoeias.
Contraindications to the use of hyssop
Any treatment must begin with a list of contraindications. This plant is not an exception and has its own nuances that require attention.
It is important to know that hyssop belongs to poorly-tolerant plants and requires the use of a serious and respectful attitude. The correct step would be to consult a doctor and a preliminary examination. Sometimes an individual approach and dosage is required.
What to look for:
- You can not continuously, for a long time to take the drug.
- For epilepsy, treatment with this collection is contraindicated.
- Disruption of dosage and excessive use can cause cramps.
- People with kidney disease cannot use herbs for medicinal purposes.
- Hypertensive patients do not prescribe the use of hyssop.
- Increased acidity - is the reason to refuse to use.
- Children under 12 years old are not allowed to take it.
- Lactation can completely stop under the action of a substance.
Pregnancy. The collection, taken in any form, can cause spontaneous interruption of gestation.
It is worth noting the importance of plants in cooking. This is an important component in dietary nutrition and is a valuable additive to the main, sweet dishes, drinks and salads. Calorie seasoning is 21 kcal.
The honey collected by bees from the field, which includes the components of hyssop, acquires even more useful properties and qualities.
For therapeutic purposes, the components of the collection are used in various forms: decoctions, tinctures, tinctures.
- Tincture (cough, asthma and bronchitis): 20 g of crushed, dried herbs, pour vodka in the amount of glass, shaken and insist seven days in a dark place. Filter through gauze and use three times a day, 1 teaspoonful, for two weeks. It is not recommended to extend the course for a longer time, as it is possible to provoke an allergy.
- Broth herb hyssop (with menopause). It has been observed that by using the decoction from grass gathering, menopausal symptoms are more easily tolerated. The recipe is as follows: 1 tbsp. spoon spoon filled with two glasses of boiling water, churned and infused hour. Strain, decoction consumed in a heated form twice a day for half a glass.
- Decoction of grass (for colds): 2 teaspoons of flowers or herbs pour a glass of boiling water. Insist hour, strain. Take 1/3 cup three times a day during the week.
- Hyssop mixture (with choking): Dry harvest to crush to a fine fraction and mix in equal parts with honey. Taking a mixture of a teaspoon three times a day before meals, you can recover from shortness of breath and noise in the ear.
- Tincture (with Koch wand and helminthiasis): 20 g of crushed collection mixed with a glass of vodka or 40 degree alcohol.Set aside for 10 days in a dark place. Pass through cheesecloth and use a teaspoon 3 times a day. Applying the course for a month, you can achieve a positive effect.
Brewed from the flowers of the plant drink is used as a tonic and firming organism. He is able to provoke a good appetite, is saturated with an excellent vitamin composition and is indicated for strong thinness. He also has an expectorant action and adjusts the work of the digestive tract. Preparing simply: 2 tbsp. l inflorescences mix with a glass of boiling water, brew for 15 minutes. Enjoy a drink by adding sugar or honey.
An amazing feature of tea is the complete absence of hazardous substances, you can drink it without any particular concerns, but after a month of intake it is recommended to take a break. The use of the healing composition will help to cope with colic and constipation. It relieves pain symptoms of rheumatism and arthritis. Rubbing the injured skin with tea, you can speed up the healing process of wounds, reduce inflammation.
For overall development ...
- For the first time this grass was mentioned in the Bible. It was used as a sprinkler in the composition of the holy water by the Jews. With it, the rite of purification was performed.
- In Russia, the interest was shown by the clergy. Hyssop was grown in monasteries and used in church rituals.
- Quite often, this plant serves as an additive in the manufacture of alcohol and fruit drinks.
How to apply hyssop containing medicinal substances to children?
In the usual dosage, let us accept children from 12 years old, but, having reduced the rate twice, the treatment can be started from 2 years.
The composition contains bitterness, improves digestion and provokes appetite. It is also a storehouse of a valuable vitamin complex, which has a beneficial effect on the immune system and the general condition of the body. If necessary, to cure cough and bronchitis, decoctions, teas, infusions of flowers and leaves are applicable to children.
Video: medicinal properties of hyssop
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