Iriaterina Werner - care and maintenance in an aquarium

All aquarists from professionals to beginners want to diversify the aquarium, so they are in search of new species of fish. Today we will talk about Werner's iriaterina, this wonderful creature attracts the eyes immediately. The type of fish is ideal for keeping in the aquarium conditions, but not everyone can take care of this miracle.

 Iriaterina Werner


  1. There is no need to excel in terms of an aquarium; an ordinary vessel of 50–60 l is suitable. For a specified amount of water, you can inhabit 6-8 fish. They will grow, become bright and feel confident. It is important to pay attention to how many individuals and what kind of gender you plant. Two females rely on one male, this ratio is considered ideal. Otherwise, you may encounter skirmishes that will occur among fish. This will affect not only the external data, but also the general condition of the pets.
  2. Weekly it is necessary to drain a third of the liquid from the vessel, filling the new one. In order to prevent serious diseases in fish, it is better to add broth on oak bark or iodinol. Earlier it was mentioned that fish are demanding to water. Therefore, remember that the aquarium fluid must contain a large amount of oxygen. It will improve the state of the microflora of water, so the fish will not get sick.
  3. Fishes occupy the already prepared, filled with water house. It is important that nitrates, ammonia and other substances that could disturb the nitrogen concentration are absent in the liquid. If the water is not sufficiently purified, the fish will develop reddening of the gill covers, the edges of the fins will look like singed by fire. Naturally, pets have significantly reduced life expectancy. Some individuals die if they are placed in an aquarium liquid with ammonia. Before you run fish into the water, test it.
  4. For representatives of this breed, stiffness of 5–18 units is important. But if the fish will be fruitful, that is, the breeding is planned, then adjust the stiffness to the level of 5-9 units. Too hard water adversely affects reproductive functions.Acid-alkaline medium must also be special, neutral, in the zone of 6-7 units. But in the absence of plans for breeding, these figures are subject to change.
  5. Not every water boasts the ideal parameters. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the indicators to the required mark of the fish. Reverse osmosis is used to soften the liquid in the pet's dwelling in artificial order.
  6. In matters of maintenance, it is extremely important to pay attention to the environment of the aquarium environment. Naturally, you should get a water heater, buy a filter considering the size of the aquarium. Do not allow temperature fluctuations. The soil is lined with a height of about 5 cm, it is better to choose the composition of the fraction from 2 to 3 mm. Suitable neutral soil, for example, quartz.
  7. Iriaterines love greens, treat it with care, so you can choose instances with a weak or medium root system. Floating plants like duckweed, pisti, hornpole, etc. are welcome. Fish feel good in herbalists, you need to additionally install snags and stones for throwing eggs.
  8. Representatives of the aquatic environment love security, so it is preferable to equip the aquarium environment in such a way that the water surface is decently protected.In the house, the fish can be fed gas and fertilized water, because the presented family of fish is not sensitive to such manipulations. As for the duration of life, while ensuring normal conditions, the iriaterins will live for 3-4 years.


 Werner's iriaterine aquarium fish

  1. If you are going to independently choose food for the representatives of fish in question, do not forget about their important peculiarities. The thing is that such individuals have a very small mouth. You can grind large fodder to dust or buy already crushed composition.
  2. In the wild, such individuals feed on plant debris. Often they are presented in the form of insects, detritus and similar trifles, which falls into the water. Consider, the considered fish need to be fed with various feeds.
  3. They are excellent for eating daphnia, artemia, protein feed, cyclop, and formulations with a high concentration of spirulina. In addition, the fish are advised to additionally give all sorts of vitamin supplements. When purchasing animals at a pet store, be sure to ask what they previously ate.
  4. As soon as you feed the fish yourself, look carefully,Is it convenient for them to eat such a product? If other individuals live in the aquarium, make sure that the iriaterines can eat on time.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to overfeed represented individuals. Otherwise, the fish will start to hurt a lot. They develop serious problems with the digestive system. In order to avoid any unforeseen situations, once a week do a fasting day.
  6. Separately, it should be mentioned that any kind of fish can live without feed for up to 2 weeks. Therefore, do not worry if you are going on vacation. It is also forbidden to overfeed the fish before leaving. Otherwise, trouble can happen.
  7. Do not forget that feeding all aquarium representatives must be correct. Choose exclusively balanced feed. It should also be diverse. Simple recommendations will help to maintain the health and general condition of the fish at the highest level.
  8. Currently, all owners of aquarium fish prefer ready-made dry food. They are completely balanced and useful for any individuals. The most popular feed brand "Tetra".Manufacturers have a huge range of products for absolutely any fish.
  9. In the arsenal of the company presented individual feed, even for exotic fish representatives. You can easily buy food for goldfish, guppies, arovans, cichlids, discus, loricarids and many others. Special feeds can also enhance the color of various individuals.


  1. Most owners of such wonderful fish claim that during the mating season, the couple are doing an incredibly beautiful dance. For such a phenomenon is very interesting to watch. With regard to gender differences, it is quite difficult to distinguish the female from the male.
  2. The female has a round belly, lighter color and modest fins. The male on the contrary has all sorts of colors. Also they strongly straighten the fins and flaunt in front of the female.
  3. Spawning occurs at a water temperature of about 27 degrees. Often spawning comes at the beginning of summer or the end of spring. The male himself selects a secluded place. After that, he begins to attract a female. Then she spawns. The male, in turn, fertilizes the eggs.

Iriaterins require special conditions, starting with feeding, ending with acidity and water hardness. If you are serious about becoming the happy owner of this family, then familiarize yourself with the basic aspects regarding content.

Video: Werner's iriaterina aquarium fish

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