Goose fat - medicinal properties and contraindications

People from the depth of centuries had to use improvised means for treatment. Among them, a separate group distinguishes animal products. They began to forget about their medicinal properties, preferring modern medicine. Watching their appearance, an increasing percentage of people are trying to limit themselves to eating fatty and high-calorie foods, or to completely eliminate it from their diets. However, the disadvantages of such an unbalanced diet manifest the opposite effect - in the form of deterioration of appearance, impaired immunity and the functionality of the organism as a whole.

 Medicinal properties and contraindications of goose fat

What is it like?

Goose fat is a product of natural origin, produced by melting goose fat.This is one of the most saturated and vitamin-rich fats (a complex of vitamins of group B, E, A, D, K, H, PP). It includes many vitamins and essential fatty acids: myristic, arachidonic, oleic, stearic, palmitin-oleic, omega-3 and omega-9 acids. Includes minerals: zinc, copper, selenium, magnesium, sodium. Does not contain cholesterol, so indispensable in cooking. 100 gr. pure fat contains 900 kcal.

Application area

Used in traditional and traditional medicine. Due to its low cholesterol content and excellent taste, it is widely used in cooking.

In cooking, cosmetology and therapy, the use of goose lard is most convenient. This is melted fat. It has a melting point equal to that of the human body. The consistency of it resembles butter and mixes easily with any products.


For centuries, it has cured diseases and used for such ailments:

  • bronchopulmonary;
  • rheumatic;
  • psoriasis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • diseases of the female reproductive and reproductive system;
  • tuberculosis;
  • for colds, for the treatment of cough;
  • nervous exhaustion;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • skin rashes.

Also shown is goose fat in violation of metabolism, problems with digestion.

Such a large spectrum of action of goose fat can have due to its properties:

  • strengthening and stimulating immunity;
  • has a warming and wound-healing effect;
  • adjusts metabolic processes;
  • resolves tumors;
  • has an effect on cancers;
  • removes toxic substances from the body;
  • softens the skin.

In humans, polyunsaturated acids (included in goose fat) perform the following functions:

  • Plastic (construction of new cells and tissues).
  • Source of energy resources to ensure the reactivity of functional processes.
  • Accumulates nutrients and water.
  • Regulates the temperature.
  • Controls the reproductive, cardiovascular, hormonal system.

Where can I buy?

You can buy goose fat for your needs in pharmacies, shops of alternative medicine, special farms, online stores. But such a product will not be of high quality. The conditions of its manufacture will also be in doubt.Therefore, it is better to immediately go to the market and buy goose lard from sellers who sell bird carcasses.

When buying, stop your choice on a little yellow color, without foreign unpleasant odors. If you want to remove the fat for long-term storage, then put it in the freezer in a plastic bag or container. Such storage will extend the shelf life by 1 year. Means prepared for frequent use should be left for storage in an airtight container. So the product may not deteriorate within 8 months.

Contraindications and restrictions in use

Goose fat has no contraindications and side effects, there are only a few caveats. It is considered completely safe and hypoallergenic.

  1. It should not be used by people with individual intolerance and in acute and chronic liver pathologies; diabetics; Persons with disorders of the pancreas and obese; women during pregnancy and breastfeeding; children up to 3 years.
  2. For external use there are several limitations. Do not apply to the skin surface when exposed to direct sunlight, as oxidation of fatty acids and the formation of toxins.It is recommended to use fat in the evening or lubricate areas of skin inaccessible to the sun.
  3. Overweight or obese people should moderately consume this high-calorie product. Especially in combination with aloe, as this mixture will affect the increase in appetite.
  4. If cholesterol is elevated, then a doctor's consultation would be superfluous.


 Recipes of traditional medicine with goose fat

  1. Cough rub. Goose lard heat and mix with melted wax in a ratio of 4: 1. Massage the resulting mixture with a rubbing back and chest. Do not smear the heart area! For best effect, the procedure is carried out at bedtime. After grinding, you need to drink tea, wrapped up warmly, try to sleep.
  2. For a cough compress, it is necessary to prepare 0.5 kg of product of goose origin and 0.1 kg of garlic. Garlic cloves chop up (you can squeeze garlic press), mix with fat and heat up on a steam bath. Apply to chest and back. Top woolen woolen or downy scarf. To carry out the procedure for another 5 days.
  3. For the treatment of frostbite. You can immerse the limbs in warm water and gradually add more hot, it will return the same sensitivity.Then wipe off the frostbitten area, dry and treat with melted fat (this therapy should be carried out 3 times a day), and a compress can be applied at night.
  4. For the treatment of burns. This recipe is used at the healing stage. Smear the place of injury and apply a bandage. Once a day it is necessary to replace the fat with a new one. Leave a bandage until the wound heals.
  5. Psoriasis will help to cure the home-made ointment. For this, 3 tbsp. l goose Smaltz mixed with 1 tbsp. l shredded root of soapwort. To mix both ingredients and to apply on the infected place. From such a drug allergy will not. The result is even better than from many purchased ointments.
  6. From tuberculosis. Simplifies the symptoms of a special tool. All ingredients take 100 grams: cocoa powder, natural honey, lard, aloe juice. Stir the resulting texture thoroughly. Drink 3 times a day under Art. l Wash down with warm milk. If used for several months, it increases the body's defenses and stops inflammation.
  7. With thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. It is necessary to prepare a mixture of goose Smaltz and Kalanchoe juice in a ratio of 2: 1.Mix and place in a cool place. After a few days the ointment is ready for use. Apply daily to problem areas. It is desirable for the night. Treatment continue until recovery.
  8. For the treatment of hemorrhoidal formations used lotions. 100 gr. Goose fat and chopped dried calendula flowers mix, heat for 30 minutes on a steam bath and strain through a sieve. Moisten a napkin with leftovers. Attach to the sore spot before bedtime. Continue treatment for another 10 days.
  9. For the treatment of chronic wounds (with purulent discharge) apply the composition of 115 gr. powder oak bark and 20 g. fat Mix everything up to the consistency of ointment and apply on the wound. Then wrap in cellophane and fix with a bandage. An hour later, remove the bandage. This secret recipe was borrowed from Korean traditional healers, great wizards.
  10. You can fight the hangover syndrome by drinking 1ch.l. goose fat before taking intoxicating drinks. It envelops the gastric mucosa, slowing the penetration of alcohol into the bloodstream.
  11. Ointment with pepper from rhinitis (rhinitis). In 50 ml of melted lard add 1 tsp. red ground pepper.Mix the mixture until smooth, pour into a clean jar with a tight lid and put in a cool place. At the primary signs of rhinitis, rub the heels, wear wool socks from above. The ointment has a warming effect.
  12. Against lymphadenitis (inflammatory process of the cervical lymph nodes) caused by angina or tonsillitis. Make an ointment by mixing 110 gr. natural honey and fat. To enter into the composition of 90gr. cocoa and 15 gr. aloe juice Stir the ointment. Transfer to the jar. Take when the inflammatory state of the lymph nodes is not more than 1 tbsp. l with a glass of boiled milk.
  13. For the treatment of ulcers. 150 gr. crushed propolis mixed with 1 kg. Smaltsa This composition is heated to 90 degrees. And hold for another 10 minutes. Then filter it all and take 2 tbsp. l once a day. Store in a cool place.

Application in cosmetology

There will never be cracks and dryness on the hands if greased with grease. This procedure will soften, moisturize and nourish the skin of the hands. This treatment is applicable to the skin of the face and lips. In this case, the fat should be applied before bedtime. After 15 minutes, remove the excess. The holding of such an event has a positive effect on the regeneration processes and over time reduces the number of wrinkles.Covering lips with a protective film helps to protect their surface from cracking and dryness. Used as a balm, especially necessary during walks in the autumn-winter period.

To save the skin from the effects of cold in winter, it is enough to lubricate it periodically with a cream mask of goose fat. Preparation means: 5 gr. camphor oil mixed with 50 grams. fat Apply for 20 minutes on the skin, remove the excess excess and wash the face. During this time, the required amount of fat will be absorbed into the skin and prevent frostbite.

The same recipe of the cream helps weak, split and damaged hair. They smear the roots, rubbed into the skin. After 30 minutes, rinse with warm water.

To return a healthy look to hair, it is necessary to heat up 2 l. fat product on the steam bath. And rub into the hair roots, evenly distributed between the strands. Wrap your head for half an hour. Wash your hair For best results, rinse the hair with a decoction of chamomile.

Goose fat is easily absorbed, when moving from one state to another, even when frozen and heated, it does not lose its healing properties. It has a natural origin and wide application in various spheres of life.It is easy to purchase and use. It has so many useful properties that it can be useful for any age category. Important advantages include a long shelf life.

Video: Goose fat is a powerful remedy.

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