Himalayan bear - description, habitat, lifestyle

Bears inspire fear, their external data only scream about it. In today's material we will study the next representative of the family. He is called the Himalayan. As the name implies, the habitat captures the Himalayas and surrounding areas. Some call these bears whitehears, because in front of them they have a corresponding mark. Let's examine everything about these animals so that you can form your own opinion.

 Himalayan bear


  1. To a greater extent, the individuals of the represented family are dispersed throughout the Himalayas. They are also located in Korea, China in the northeast, India in the north. Meet this species in Japan, as well as in the Far East. These individuals like to live in larch and mixed stripes. They can live in deserts and highlands. Sometimes they go up to 3.5 km. upwards.In the winter, they descend to the 1.5 km mark.
  2. Individuals of the family under discussion live in the foothills near Pakistan, Manyama and India. They occupy most of Asia, except in Malaysia and the central part of China. However, the distribution area is gradually expanding. In the Far East are located to the south. There are individuals in North Korea, but most of them in the southern part of the country. In Japan, belogrudki live near the islands of Shikoku and Honshu.
  3. As for the number of heads, it is difficult to say for sure how many animals there are. If we start from the information received from Japanese specialists, there are about 10 thousand individuals in Honshu. However, official data on the exact number is not available. In the expanses of our homeland there are still about 6 thousand animals, in 2012 there was a surge, recorded 15 thousand. In Pakistan, about 1 thousand, in India - about 8 thousand.


  1. According to their external characteristics, the representatives of the family are somewhat similar to prehistoric bears. If we start from these scientists, then these individuals are the ancestors of the rest of themselves. The only exceptions are spectacle bears and pandas.These individuals are herbivores, but may show aggression towards a person or those who are life threatening.
  2. Animals are characterized by pigmentation of the muzzle. It can be pure black, like coal, or brownish. Also there are animals with whitish patches in the chin. The chest has a lightened whitish spot, in the format resembling a wedge. The ears are huge, stick out, are similar to the bell.
  3. Tail length is stretched to 10 cm or more, depending on the individual. In the shoulders of the animal grows up to 0.8 m. On average. The height of its indicators vary in the range of 1.3-1.8 m. Again, this directly depends on age and gender. As for the mass, it is 70-190 kg. in males and about 50-140 kg. in females But the average for the two sexes is 120 kg.
  4. These bears can be compared to brown ones, but they look slimmer and slimmer. Also, the body is famous for its ease, and the habits look ridiculous and even ridiculous. The limbs are subtle. The nose is very mobile, as well as the lips. However, do not confuse a cute look with kindness. These are tough and dangerous animals attacking even buffaloes.
  5. The head can not be called huge, it is rather average in terms of overall characteristics. Massive, especially this quality is manifested in the area of ​​the chin. Animals for the most part ranked as herbivores. However, the skull is powerful, strong teeth, a strong grip that allows them to beat the enemy easily. Eyebrows are narrowed, temples strong and thick.
  6. If we compare the data of representatives of the family, for example, with black American individuals, the latter are much larger. However, some animals of male sex can outgrow indicators of fellows. This is a rarity, not constancy. The sense of smell, touch, sight and other sense organs in the breastplate are more developed.
  7. The individuals of the pedigree group discussed have a remarkable limb structure. The front is very strong. Therefore, when an individual damages the hindquarters, it can still climb a tree along the trunk, wielding only forelimbs. The top of the hull is more developed, since bears use it during active pastime. On the paws there are huge claws, especially on the front. They help the animals dig the ground and climb up.


 Himalayan bear lifestyle

  1. According to the family, wakefulness is characteristic of the day. However, some prefer to get food in the evening or at night, lounging around near the agricultural land and human dwelling. They prefer to live in families. Sometimes unite in small size groups.
  2. These animals are considered to be born climbers. They will easily climb into the mountains to rest, get food or hide from enemies. Approximately 15% of the time of the total duration of existence of these individuals are in the trees. They use branches to ennoble their place of existence.
  3. A distinctive feature is that this species does not hibernate for too long. Animals begin to prepare the lair around mid-autumn. At the end of the season, they fall asleep, wake up in early spring. The minks in the inner part are ennobled by the branches. The lair is located, as a rule, on the sunlit slopes in the highlands, caves, holes, hollows.
  4. These animals have a well-developed hearing aid. They compress even the most seemingly quiet sounds. Also able to talk, imitating other animals.For example, they roar, grunt, squeal, cry, whine and even slurp.
  5. May sound different from the rest when they are worried or sad. Animals begin to hiss when threatened, screaming very loud during fights. When they approach themselves, bears click their tongues and give signals resembling a frog croaking. Regarding the duration of existence, on average individuals live 23 years. However, the record in 44 years fixed for a long time.


 The diet of the Himalayan bear

  1. It is noteworthy that the individuals in question prefer food of plant origin more than brown bears. However, the presented animals are more predatory, unlike the American black congeners.
  2. If we compare the Himalayan bears with the pandas, the former are not as dependent on low-calorie foods as the latter. Otherwise, the specimens discussed are omnivores, and they have little to no matter what they eat.
  3. In addition, Himalayan animals in most cases prefer just high-calorie food, because it will need much less. Such bears are accustomed to plenty to fill in to save the stock in fatty layers.
  4. Only after such actions wild animals can go to hibernation with peace of mind.Often bears do this at a time when they begin to lack food. When there is a shortage of food, animals begin to wander along the rivers. In this area, they can enjoy hazelnuts, insects and larvae.
  5. It is noteworthy that the animals in question are omnivores, and they simply seek to satisfy their hunger with any food they can meet. Such bears also eat beetles, termites, bees, carrion, mushrooms, flowers, herbs, berries, fruits, and seeds.
  6. From mid-spring to mid-summer, the represented individuals mainly include plant food in their diets. It also includes fruit. From mid-summer to early spring, bears climb trees.
  7. On them they collect various berries, vines and cones. Otherwise, such products are only a small part of the main menu. As mentioned earlier, the individuals represented are rather predatory, so sometimes they even attack artiodactyls.
  8. Often recorded attacks on livestock. And it happens regularly. As for wildlife, bears prey on boars, deer and even adult buffaloes. Presented individuals simply break the victim's neck.


 Breeding Himalayan bear

  1. In the usual habitat, the mating season in such animals occurs in the middle of summer. After mating, babies are born around January. Females reach sexual maturity by about 3 years. After giving birth, the animal takes a break for 2-3 years. During this period, the body is restored.
  2. About 15% of the total number of individuals represented in pregnant females. Before giving birth, animals arrange their homes in hollows of trees and caves. Children can be born both in winter and spring. The period of gestation of offspring takes about 8 months.
  3. Already on day 3 after birth, the youngsters open their eyes. The next day, the cubs are able to move independently. It is noteworthy that young animals grow very slowly. Completely independent lifestyle offspring begins to lead only by 2.5 years.

The enemies

  1. Interestingly, Asian bears often attack brown relatives and even tigers. In addition, the represented individuals are constantly at war with packs of wolves and leopards. The greatest danger to bears is the Eurasian lynx.This is the most terrible opponent of the considered individuals.
  2. In addition, black individuals often show superiority over Far Eastern leopards. Only this dominance occurs in dense vegetation. In open territory, wild cats are stronger than such bears. It is interesting that leopards try to hunt precisely on baby bears that are less than 2 years old.
  3. It is noteworthy that tigers, too, sometimes prey on young animals of the considered individuals. In order to at least somehow escape from pursuers, bears try to climb high on the trees. The victim waits for a while until the tiger gets tired of waiting. As a result, the wildcat leaves. Only adult bears can resist tigers.
  4. Black bears go to a safe area at about 5 years of age. In this case, they can already fully fight with their enemies. It is worth noting that the individuals in question are brave fighters, and they never give up. Even a wounded bear can stalk its abuser to get revenge.

The problem is that such unusual predators are gradually dying out. For the most part this is due to massive deforestation.In addition, poachers from valuable body parts and skins hunt these individuals. Currently, bears are protected, trying to keep their species.

Video: Himalayan bear (Ursus thibetanus)

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