Gaur - description, habitat, lifestyle

The bull gaur is considered to be the largest representative among cattle. The unskilled animal is from India, and today it is considered rare, and is also a giant among other types of bulls.


Description and key features

In size, an animal can be compared with a bison, but there are noticeable differences between them: the bison wins in the weight category, and the gaur has impressive dimensions. The length of the trunk of Gaura reaches 3 meters, and the weight can exceed the figure of 1.5 tons. Horns grow in the shape of a crescent. Most often they are extended upward and have a length of 90 cm. A striking feature is the presence of a bulge on the forehead between the horns of the gaura.

The height of the largest adult bull may be 2 meters. The skull of an animal is rather large, which is confirmed by a wide forehead and massive head. Female bulls are a little inferior in size and weight to their partners.

The body of a bull is covered with a hard coat, which perfectly protects the skin from external influences. The coat color may be black or reddish. Older individuals have a darker color, fresh colors are inherent in young ones.

Gaur is considered a domesticated animal. In the household it is usually called the Mitan or Gayal. They are used as labor or allowed for meat. Domestic ones are especially smaller than the representatives of the wild nature, and have a calmer character.

The enemies

The extinction of this species is associated with excessive hunting for them poachers. Among the natural enemies of bulls can be noted crocodiles and tigers.


It lives in gaur in Central and Southeast Asia. A large number of representatives of the species lives in India. They are also found in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and other countries.

 Gaur lifestyle

If we talk about the Indian bull, the forest is considered to be its habitat. Gauras usually prefer

  • deciduous forests;
  • evergreen.

Sometimes the choice falls on the forest with a pond. It is very rare to find a bull in an open area, as representatives of the species try to avoid such areas for their own safety.

Happy bulls graze among the greens.Usually they do this in herds, the number of heads in which does not exceed 10-12 individuals. The herd includes 2 males and 6 females, and the young are taken into account. The reason for changing the feeding regime from day to night may be the location near the habitat of human bulls. Animals do not seek to leave their shelter until they are fully convinced that there is no threat around.

The head of the herd, surprisingly, is the female. During the period of movement she goes ahead, but if the herd retreats, then her place is behind her. To stop or warn the herd, the leader emits special signals in the form of a piercing snort. As soon as the herd stops, the formation of a battle formation begins.

Gauras prefer not to attack first. They are distinguished by their peace-loving nature and, if possible, avoid emerging conflicts. They do this in the form of a retreat, hiding from the danger in the forest. If the situation is critical and does not go away without a fight, then the Gauras will attack mercilessly. The victim is either severely injured or dropped dead a few meters. As a result of such a defense for old age, the bulls noticeably erased one rock.

Another interesting fact: the old bulls prefer to leave the herd and live as hermits.

Gaur's food

This type of bull is considered herbivore. The Gaurov’s diet consists of various herbs, leaves, sprouts, and shrubs. Animals prefer to feed either early in the morning or at dusk.

 Gaur's food

Drink bulls pretty much. Often you can meet swimming bulls. They love water, and in any free minute they don’t mind refreshing themselves in any body of water.

In the heat, the bulls prefer to hide from the sun in the shade of large trees, and also try to eat the most moisture-saturated food.

Reproduction and longevity

Typically, the breeding period falls on the beginning of November and lasts until the end of April. At this time, single males may join the herds in order to eventually irrigate one of the females. In order to attract the attention of the female partner, rivals make various call-up sounds that resemble the roar of deer. You can hear them at a distance of 2 kilometers, as they are very loud.

Also, males can compete for the attention of females with the help of a duel. In this way, they demonstrate their strength, which is why they give admiration to the ladies.During the fight, the bull turns to the enemy sideways and starts to snort loudly, trying to intimidate him. At the same time, the head of the male is tilted rather low, and one horn is directed towards the second bull. In fact, this rarely comes to a real fight. Usually the fight ends at the moment of demonstration of its own power. If, nevertheless, it comes to battle, then the rivals try to cause each other as little damage as possible.

A pregnant female carries a fetus for nine months. Throughout this time, she tries to avoid open spaces, and when the moment of birth comes, she goes into the bushes. Most often females give birth to one calf, slightly less often - twins. She returns to the herd with offspring.

For 7-12 months, the baby is fed milk. At this time, the female excessively cares for the calf and shows aggression if it seems to her that he is in danger. She does not leave the baby for a minute.

Calves become sexually mature at the age of 2-3 years, and at this age the young bulls can already form their herd. On average, the age of the animal can reach up to 30 years.

Gaurov can also be found in zoos and reserves. The society strives to preserve the endangered species, therefore, it is doing everything to protect the remaining individuals, as well as to increase the population of gaurs.

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