Gambusia - care and maintenance in the aquarium

Gambusia is a rather rare fish that has a small size. Individuals of this species belong to viviparous fishes, they are extremely rare today, especially in aquariums. To date, there are two types of mosquito fish: eastern and western. The first option is the rarest and is no longer on sale today. The second option can still be found in pet stores.


Existence in natural conditions

Common gambusia is a fish that lives in North America and is found on the shelves of pet stores. For these individuals, small rivers in Illinois, the streams of the state of Indiana, and the Missouri River are habitat. It was from these places that individuals began to gradually spread throughout the world. Such amazing breeding and movement to other territories of the fish owes its unpretentiousness to the living conditions.

In a number of countries, mosquito fish belongs to the category of invasive fish, and therefore it is prohibited to sell, as well as to keep. In Australia, the mosquito fish has significantly damaged the ecosystem of many water bodies, and therefore its maintenance and breeding was also banned.

It is important to note that in many other countries the gambusia is an assistant, as it is able to fight the larvae of anopheles mosquitoes by feeding on them. Due to this process in these countries there are significantly fewer mosquitoes. The effectiveness of the fish is so high that it even put several monuments in different countries. For example, the most famous monuments are in Israel, in Corsica, as well as in Adler.

Characteristics of the species

The gambusia that lives in an aquarium does not grow to large sizes. Females usually reach a maximum of 7 centimeters in length, and males - 3 centimeters. Appearance in fish of this species is rather inconspicuous. Females can be compared with guppy fish, as they are similar in appearance. And the males have a gray color, complemented by black dots. Representatives of this species live not too long, the average duration is only 2 years. Traditionally, females live longer than males.

How to contain mosquito fish?

Gambusia - extremely unpretentious in the care and maintenance of fish. These individuals can even live in cold water, which for many species of fish becomes life-threatening. In addition, the kambuzy can survive even in very salty water.

Fact! Representatives of this species calmly experience the low quality of water, a small amount of oxygen in the liquid and sudden temperature drops. Such characteristics are most suitable for beginning breeders of aquarium fish.

Not only that they practically do not require care, they are also quite difficult to bring to death. The only problem is that there are representatives of this breed very rarely.

In spite of the fact that traditionally the gambusia live in ponds, they can easily exist in the conditions of an aquarium. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to buy a large-capacity tank, only 50 liters will be enough. However, they will not mind even larger options.

In this case, it is not necessary to use filters and equipment for aeration of water, since there is no strict need for this in mosquito fish. But, if there is an opportunity to purchase such equipment, the fish will not mind at all.However, it is important to remember that gambusia belong to the category of viviparous individuals. For this reason, external placement filters should not be placed in an aquarium, as they may become a trap for fry. It is better to buy the internal equipment without a casing and with one washcloth.

The most suitable conditions for mosquito fish is the temperature of water from 20 to 24 degrees, although individuals calmly withstand temperatures up to 12 degrees. PH should be in the range of 7 to 7.2.

How to distinguish the floor from the mosquito?

 Aquarium fish Cambusia
It is quite simple to understand which of the individuals is male and which is female. First, it can be done in size. Females in fish of this breed are larger than males. In addition, males can be identified by the presence of a red color near the caudal fin. In females in the state of pregnancy, you can see a black spot near the anal fin.

With whom can gambusia live in an aquarium?

Gambusia are fairly aggressive fishes that can be very hard on other fishes. For example, they can easily tear off the fins from representatives of other species. For this reason, it is not recommended to keep gambusias in the same aquarium with fish with long fins.In addition, it is undesirable to have gambusia next to slow-moving individuals. For example, the neighborhood with guppies or goldfish would be wrong. The most suitable neighbors are Sumatran barbs, cardinals or fire barbs.

However, representatives of these species behave rather evil towards each other, therefore it is better not to put many individuals in one aquarium. If the mosquito fish experiences severe stress due to the presence of neighbors, they may begin to dig into the ground. In nature, fish do this when they are scared. You should observe the behavior of the fish and, if necessary, reduce the number of neighbors to relieve the fish from stress.

How to feed balmies?

Under natural conditions, mosquito salmon feed mainly on insects. In addition, they also periodically eat vegetable ingredients. During the day, one individual can eat several hundred insect larvae. In order to destroy several thousand larvae, gambusia only need two weeks.

You can feed the fishfishes living in the aquarium with live as well as frozen food.In addition, representatives of this species can eat artificial feed options. In general, Gambusia are almost omnivorous, however, Artemia, Daphnia, and Moths are the most favorite. In the conditions of our climate, it is unlikely to get the insect malarial larvae, but moths are easy. From time to time you need to add to the diet of fish dry food containing fiber.

How breeding kambuzii?

As if this was not unusual, but it is very difficult to breed gambusia in the conditions of an aquarium. After the female produces the fry, it is very difficult to care for them. For example, it is important to control the number of males and females. There should be at least three females per male. This is necessary first of all so that young females do not feel the tension and stress due to too obvious courtship of the male. Such an overvoltage can lead to diseases of individuals and, as a result, to death.

Also problems can arise when females begin to delay delivery. This can also occur due to the actions of the males. Under natural conditions, female gambusians resort to such measures when they perceive danger from the outside.In the aquarium, the main danger for them is just the same males. In order for the female to give birth in due time, her safety should be ensured. To do this, you can put it in a separate container or organize a space inside the aquarium that males cannot penetrate.

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