Hazelnuts - beneficial properties and contraindications

Wild hazelnuts can be found in the eastern and southern parts of Europe, in the expanses of Asia Minor, in North America, Sweden, Italy, on the southern coast of France and in Germany. However, many people manage to cultivate hazelnuts in the warm regions of our country, thanks to which it is becoming increasingly popular. Valuable qualities are studied thoroughly, but can a nut harm? Let's talk about everything in more detail.

 Useful properties and contraindications of hazelnuts

The composition and properties of hazelnuts

Hazelnuts, like other types of nuts, include many fatty acids. They are given more than 60% of the total volume. But do not worry, fats are presented in the form of unsaturated acids, which are required by the internal organs and systems of man.

Athletes love the nut for the accumulation of proteins, there are about 22% of them. Calorie portions 100 gr.is 666 units. There are practically no carbohydrates in the nuts, so do not worry that with their regular use, you damage the figure.

Hazelnuts are often included in the menu of a person who diets. Also, the useful properties of the nut allow it to be included in the diet of children, the elderly, men, girls, women during pregnancy.

The composition of hazelnuts has pyridoxine, thiamine, riboflavin, other vitamins from group B, which have a positive effect on the activity of the human nervous system. Also, B vitamins are essential for muscles, heart, blood vessels, and the brain.

Not done without the participation of tocopherol, otherwise it is called vitamin E. This compound has excellent antioxidant properties. Tocopherol removes toxic substances and prevents free radicals from affecting healthy cells.

Hazelnuts are famous for the accumulation of a rare substance - pakletaksel, which is part of cancer drugs. Pacletaxel not only prevents the formation of new capillaries in the area of ​​the tumor, but also blocks the blood flow. As a result, the neoplasm resolves faster.

In addition to the inclusion of the above compounds, hazelnuts are not deprived of iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, copper, zinc, cobalt, selenium, chromium and other equally valuable elements.

Walnut concentrates glycerides, dietary fiber, flavonoids. In combination, the listed substances improve the quality of blood and clear the channels of cholesterol plaques.

Useful properties of hazelnuts

  1. The product is famous for its ability to reduce body temperature. To this end, it is necessary to combine it with raisins, pereteret in mush and take a teaspoon 5 times a day along with hot tea.
  2. The product is used for the treatment and prevention of cancer. Of course, in its own form, a nut will not cure cancer, but it will be an excellent tool for healing in combination with medication.
  3. On the basis of hazel bark folk healers prepare decoctions and tinctures. In the future, these tools are used to treat rheumatism, trophic ulcers, hemorrhoids, dermatological problems. Broths to some extent, treat dysentery and colds.
  4. In hazelnuts a lot of protein, protein is necessary for compaction of bone tissue and speedy muscle building. In combination with mineral compounds, such as fluorine and phosphorus, teeth and nails are strengthened.
  5. Tocopherol and retinol, which are part of the nuts, are responsible for the beauty of hair and skin. These natural antioxidants cleanse the body of toxins and other poisons, helping to lose weight.
  6. Nuts are prescribed to patients after a recent illness or operation. Hazelnut quickly restores strength, nourishes the body with the necessary minerals and vitamins.
  7. The product is used to improve immunity in people who often get sick. A total of a handful of nuts a day will protect the body from viruses and seasonal colds in the offseason. Hazelnuts must be taken on the road and vacation, in order to more easily endure climate change.
  8. Nuts have a positive effect on the work of the male reproductive system and potency. Hazelnut enhances mobility and sperm quality, improving the ability to reproduce children. The product must be eaten by couples who are planning to conceive a child.
  9. Nuts have a positive effect on the activity of the digestive system.Hazelnut accelerates the absorption of food, reduces the frequency of its fermentation in the esophagus, eliminates possible bloating and constipation.
  10. The special value of hazelnuts carries people who have heart disease. Walnut is needed to prevent arrhythmias, bradycardia, stroke, myocardial infarction and other pathologies. Also, atherosclerosis is prevented by cleansing the blood channels from cholesterol.

The benefits of hazelnuts for women

 The benefits of hazelnuts for women

  1. Since ancient times, women regularly ate nuts to maintain health and beauty at the proper level. The unique composition of hazelnuts suppresses the negative effects of the environment on humans.
  2. It is recommended to eat nuts for women in the necessary order. As a result, you will find a healthy, strong and shiny hair. To maximize the result, it is recommended to additionally apply masks based on egg yolk.
  3. Nut oil has no less benefit. The composition is famous for its excellent antioxidant properties. Proper use of raw materials effectively eliminates acne, abscesses and other skin ailments.
  4. Numerous studies have shown that hazelnuts have a positive effect on the treatment of infertility.In addition, the nut is widely known in the world of nutrition. Raw materials are recommended to be used as a snack instead of the usual food.
  5. The product has found its application in the field of cosmetology. Ground nut mixed with olive or corn oil acts as a body and face scrub. Regular procedures relieve cellulite and pigment spots on the face.
  6. Hazelnuts are widely used for weight loss because they have the ability to increase metabolic processes in the body. Again, its nutritional properties help curb appetite. A person eats less, but eats up and gradually loses weight.

The benefits of hazelnuts for pregnant and lactating

  1. Hazelnut will bring invaluable benefits to girls during gestation. The nut contains an abundance of folic acid and tocopherol, which are necessary during pregnancy.
  2. Vitamin E helps the body to resist various ailments. In addition, the enzyme significantly reduces the likelihood of miscarriage.
  3. Pregnant girls need to consume nuts so that the fetus in the womb is formed in accordance with the term.The likelihood of developing congenital malformations is reduced.
  4. Hazelnuts are indicated for consumption by women during lactation. Rich nut composition nourishes breast milk with micronutrients, makes it more nutritious and healthy. Walnut will help get rid of buckwheat in milk and improve fat content.

The benefits of hazelnuts for men

 The benefits of hazelnuts for men

  1. Hazelnut should be an integral part of the diet of men. Walnut contains an enormous amount of protein. The product is widely known among athletes. Systematic eating hazelnuts allows you to build muscle mass in a short time.
  2. Regular workouts in the gym and proper nutrition will help you create the perfect body. Remember, without perseverance not achieve the desired result. Hazelnut helps the body produce testosterone that is important for men.
  3. In addition, experts recommend eating hazelnuts in order to prevent the development of prostatitis. Walnut protects the body from the negative effects of the environment during heavy physical exertion.
  4. It is proved that the raw material significantly increases the potency. For good health, it is enough to eat 40 grams every day. hazelnut tree The sexual function will work without interruption even after 50 years.

The benefits of hazelnuts for children

  1. Hazelnuts are recommended to be eaten to children not only as a delicacy, but also as an excellent remedy for various ailments. Nuts strengthen the physical condition of the child and the immune system. Raw materials must be eaten for the overall development of inert and muscular tissue. The body is accelerating fat metabolism.
  2. You can make a tasty delicacy in the form of peanut butter from hazelnuts. Children will like this treat. The composition has nutritional properties and is easily absorbed by the body. The daily rate of nuts for children should not exceed 12 pieces.
  3. In ancient times, hazelnuts were given to children to prevent gas formation in the intestines. To fix the problem, you need to make nut milk. To do this, fry slightly 100 gr. nuts, chop and pour 500 ml. homemade milk. Add vanilla to taste.

Hazelnut contraindications

  1. Despite the invaluable benefits, hazelnuts are not allowed to include in the diet of people who suffer from diabetes at a difficult stage. Raw materials are also contraindicated for chronic liver disease.
  2. An adult should not eat more than 50 grams daily.raw materials. Otherwise, there will be a severe headache. Active ingredients in nuts provoke a spasm of blood vessels in the brain.
  3. Hazelnuts are contraindicated for consumption in atopic dermatitis, obesity, gastrointestinal ailments and liver ailments. Also it is necessary to take into account the individual intolerance of raw materials.

The main value of hazelnuts lies in its nutritional properties and fully balanced chemical composition. The product contains almost no carbohydrates, but it has enough fatty acids and proteins to ensure the full activity of the human body.

Video: the useful hazelnuts

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