Raccoon-poloskun - description, habitat, lifestyle

In the life of animal lovers entered the new fashion - to keep at home as a pet raccoon-poloskuna. Some, just taking this animal, are perplexed - where did he get such a strange name "poluskun"? But after quite a bit of time, they understand the reason - everything that gets into the small paws, the raccoon necessarily washes and rinses in the water. Especially the food.

 Raccoon Raccoon

Description and appearance

Raccoon-poloskun - small animal the size of a large cat or not very large dog. Normal weight ranges from 5 to 10 kilograms, the length of an adult raccoon is 65-70 centimeters, and its fluffy tail is up to 30 centimeters. Males and females have only one difference from each other - the males are larger.The remaining signs are absolutely the same.

The head is very wide, round ears always stand up. The muzzle to the nose is pointed, it resembles a theatrical mask (black nose, white hair around, eyes circled in black circles, a brown stripe comes down from the forehead through the entire muzzle).

Long white wool forms a sideburns on both sides. Paws are short, but developed, long marigolds grow on them. The fur is grayish-brown, long and fluffy. Across the gray fluffy tail, nature has inflicted 6-8 black ringlets.


Initially, this animal inhabited only the North American continent, from southern Canada all the way to Panama, but then the travelers brought a raccoon to the European mainland, from which it spread throughout the world.

In the thirties of the 20th century, the animals were brought to the Soviet Union and settled on farms. After some time, some of the animals fled and settled in the forests. Then they spread across the country and began to live in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, and Transcaucasia.

In the wild, it lives in mixed forests with a predominance of deciduous trees, the main condition is that there should be some water bodies nearby.It can be rivers, lakes, swamps, streams - if only there is water.

With the help of tenacious long fingers on both of their paws, a raccoon climbs trees easily and descends just as easily. It is in the hollows that they prefer to live. It depends on the number of hollow trees how many cunning animals live in the area.


Activity at a raccoon begins at dusk and lasts all night until the morning, and during the day he sleeps in his house. Not only those abandoned by the former owners of the hollow at a height of 20-35 meters, but also burrows serve as dwellings. The raccoon itself does not dig them - it is not rewarded with this skill, but settles in the free and deserted ones, from where the previous owners left. And even evicts the inhabitants, living in a vending shelter.

As soon as the sun sets, an animal with excellent hearing, sight and scent, goes to look for food. It is leisurely, so it does not go far from home - about a couple of kilometers.

In winter, activity decreases, most of the cold time of the year, the animal spends in a shelter in a state of stupor. But sometimes you have to leave the house to eat a little.

Raccoons are rather indifferent to their relatives, just do not pay attention to them. In a single hollow, about a dozen small animals can settle in the winter.


 Food Raccoon Poloskuna
Raccoons eat everything - and food of plant origin, and animal. In the warm season, different rodents like lemmings are found on the ground, and they catch beetles.

Climbing trees, destroy bird nests, eat eggs and chicks there. They can also catch a snake in the way. Often climb in chicken coops, causing discontent of local residents.

In water bodies, frogs, toads and crayfish are caught. The hunt for aquatic inhabitants is as follows:

  1. The animal, bending down to the water surface, lowers its paws into the water and carefully examines the bottom.
  2. After a brief search, he gropes his prey and immediately grabs it.
  3. Carefully rinse the prey in the water.
  4. If the prey is a cancer, then with a force it hits it against the nearby stones and again lowers it into the water. Thus, it is certified that the prey is dead.

As soon as autumn comes, the ration of the animal is replenished with berries, ripe nuts and acorns. If people live near the place of residence and there are gardens with gardens, then the animal is visited and there, stealing something tasty.

In search of food, the beast even visits garbage, rummaging there in search of food.


Sexual maturity in male raccoons begins in the third year of life, in the weaker sex, a year earlier. The male begins to search for the bride at the end of winter - early spring (from February to March). He sniffs out the air and, smelling the smell of a female, hurries to her. After a short courtship, pairing occurs, and then the male leaves the female.

She walks pregnant about 60-65 days. All this time, the future mother is very aggressive towards others. Having given birth to 2-5 (in the northern regions, it can be up to 8) with babies weighing 70-75 grams, for three months the mother feeds them with milk.

Children are born helpless, sight and hearing are not developed. Eyes open only in 20-22 days.

After 2 months of life, children are completely similar to their parents - the fur coat grows and becomes thick, the mask on the face acquires clarity. Gradually, babies acquire their milk teeth, and they begin to eat more solid foods than mother's milk. Nevertheless, their mother still breastfeeds them for some time.

Educating the younger generation

For the first time, grown-up little raccoons leave the house, reaching 3 months and always accompanied by their mother.She teaches to get food and other tricks that help to survive. Between themselves and their mother cubs communicate through shouts or whistles. Having matured, they become much quieter and communication takes place with the help of a low rumbling. And even then, adults rarely talk with each other, only when in need.

Raccoon children become independent by the age of six months. By this period they are already trained in hunting, they know how to find their own food and know how to defend themselves from enemies.


Once a year the raccoon begins to molt. This usually happens in February - old hair falls out and is replaced by new one. But it happens for a long time, the process is greatly extended. Only by September the old wool falls out completely, but until October the growth of the new one continues. Therefore, only three months a year, you can admire a beautiful fur coat - from November to February.

Advantages and disadvantages as a pet

As already mentioned, many give birth to this exotic beast at home. A little about the pros and cons of the raccoon-poloskuna as a pet.

 Raccoon-poloskun at home


  1. Unpretentiousness in food.The raccoon living in the house eats the same natural products as in natural conditions. Perfectly can eat dry food.
  2. The animals are endowed with intelligence and ingenuity. The raccoon living nearby does not give owners a reason for boredom. He is able to copy the habits of the tenants and is amenable to training.
  3. Raccoons are curious creatures and do not mind to talk. However, sociability extends only to domestic ones, strangers do not delight the animal, but cause fear and a feeling of hostility. With the masters, he is ready to play and mess around always, causing fun and joy. And curiosity is limitless - an interesting thing you need not only to examine and smell, but also to taste. So the owners have many chances to find traces from the fangs of an inquisitive mask carrier on their favorite book or son's toy.
  4. These animals are clean. Raccoons are very clean creatures, completely odorless, and all the time watching their bodies.


  1. Nightlife. Since raccoon activity comes at night, the owners will have to get used to the noise and anxiety, disturbing sleep after a busy day.
  2. Poloskun. It should be remembered that this word is not just a prefix to the name of the animal, but a way of life.Therefore, any object caught in the clinging paws - appliances, telephone, clothing, jewelry - will surely end up in the water.
  3. It is trained badly. Although it is possible to teach the animal to perform simple commands, but you need to understand - this is not a dog. Natural instincts in him are too strong and can not be eradicated.
  4. Aggressiveness. Even when playing, the animal can bite and scratch. And it does not matter to him that he bites his beloved master.
  5. Does not want to understand the prohibitions. Poloskun does only what is good for him, does not react to inhibitions.
  6. Puberty is a hard time for a raccoon. When there is a puberty period, poluskun is very aggressive. In case of any action he does not like, he can pounce on the hosts. And constantly marks territory.
  7. Can not get along with any other pets.

Having started the home of the raccoon poloskuna, we must leave the thought of acquiring cats, birds, white mice and other animals. Raccoon other animals perceived as rivals or food, immediately engaging with them in a fight. Yes, and jealous of the owners of other inhabitants, demanding that all the attention be paid only to him and no one else.

Things to feed a domesticated raccoon

Poluskun's convenience is that he eats absolutely everything. Practically, it can be fed the same that the owners themselves eat. He will not give up meat and poultry, cottage cheese, sour cream and other dairy products, he will be happy to eat eggs, cereals and vegetables. Will delight in fruits and sweets. Sometimes you can give dry food, after consulting with experts.

Some interesting details and facts.

 Procyon lotor

  1. Paws of the raccoon poloskuna look very much like human hands. Due to this structure, the raccoon quite cleverly climbs trees and is able to hold any objects.
  2. Poloskuny very fond of alcoholic beverages. These adorable little animals are familiar with the intoxicating effects of alcohol. Many stories are known about how they specifically made their way into someone's house in search of strong drinks. With their paws, they easily open the jar of beer adored by these thieves and can dry half a liter of the drink right there. Foamy drink acts so severely that the furry thief immediately falls asleep drunk sleep.
  3. Raccoons are distinguished by rancor and great cunning.They know perfectly well what needs to be done to get revenge on the offender and how to trick the offender. They tell stories when raccoons made ice looser by deceiving wolves or hunting dogs, and the latter, failing to realize the deception, fell into the water.
  4. Love sweets. Raccoons like sweets so much that any treat the beast with goodies for a while (while the animal eats) becomes loved and adored.
  5. They do not suffer from many infectious diseases, but can serve as carriers of these diseases.
  6. The hind paw of the animal unfolds 180 degrees.
  7. Raccoons living in the house, easily master the art of opening taps with water, instilling in the owners the fear of ever flooding the house.
  8. The female feeds the children every hour.

Video: raccoon (Procyon lotor)

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