Sandalwood essential oil - properties and uses

People knew about the amazing properties of sandalwood at the dawn of our civilization. Then this valuable liquid, which has an unusually rich aroma, was used by healers of that time to heal wounds, treat kidney and liver diseases, and many other ailments. This fragrant, oily liquid was used by temple workers to conduct various religious activities. Beauties of that time also actively applied the magic oil of sandalwood: to maintain their youthful skin they took baths with an aromatic liquid, rubbed it into the body, rinsed their hair with oil.

 Sandalwood Essential Oil

Later, when this unique product received deserved recognition in Europe, it became known that sandalwood oil is also a powerful avrodisiac.

Why is it a rare and valuable product?

Sandalwood is one of the representatives of relict plants. It is believed that his homeland is India, although the tree grows in East Asia, China, Egypt. That the Egyptians in ancient times began to include sandalwood oil in the composition for embalming bodies. Unfortunately, the distribution area of ​​this exotic plant today has significantly decreased. And just a few decades ago, sandalwood was at the stage of complete extinction. And only recently, measures were taken to restore sandalwood forests. This factor greatly affects the cost of the product obtained from wood by distillation.

The production of sandalwood oil itself is a very complicated and expensive process. Indeed, to obtain a quality product, only mature specimens are taken, that is, the tree must be at least 15 years old. Otherwise, the product obtained from wood simply will not represent any value. In addition, many characteristics depend on the type of wood: in Egypt, oil is obtained from white sandalwood, but the product from dark wood (red sandalwood) is valued more.

The virtues of sandalwood oil

Sandalwood oil has many advantages:

  1. Firstly, it is a unique bouquet of aromas, in which you can guess soft woody notes with an exotic accent of musk. But this heterogeneous composition has no sharp accents, on the contrary, its aroma is light and unobtrusive.
  2. The texture of the natural product has a viscous consistency, which helps it to moisturize the skin well and have a gentle effect on the mucous membranes. The oily liquid is mostly colorless, but sometimes a light yellowish shade is allowed.
  3. This type of oil perfectly combines other essential essentials: juniper, rose, geranium, myrrh, fennel and other ethers. This ability to interact with other environments allows you to create unique combinations for use with therapeutic purposes, as well as to maintain youth and beauty.

In addition to these high qualities, sandalwood oil has a whole range of useful properties. But more about that later. The only disadvantage of this natural component is its exorbitant cost. The reason for such a high price lies in the fact that the production of sandalwood oil has now been greatly reduced.Therefore, the export of the product is prohibited. But there is another factor affecting the cost of the product: more than 100 kg of wood chips are required to produce only 1 kg of natural product. In total, all these factors make sandalwood oil one of the most expensive pleasures for fans of aromatherapy.

Chemical composition and properties

The composition of the oily liquid is very modest, but this does not detract from its value. The product contains such rare components:

  • Santalol is the main active substance, whose share is 90%.
  • Sandalic acid.
  • Pinene is an easily soluble substance that is actively involved in biosynthesis.

Sandalwood oil has a lot of useful properties:

  • bactericidal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • aseptic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • sedative.

All these qualities only increase the popularity of this natural product and expand its scope.

Areas of use

In fact, over the course of several millennia, minor changes have occurred in relation to essential oils. Today they, like many centuries ago, will be applied in medicine, the cosmetic industry and the perfume industry.

 Sandalwood Oil Applications

The medicine
The exponential qualities of sandalwood oil have long been recognized in traditional medicine, although it is mainly the means with the inclusion of this product promoted by traditional healers. Good results demonstrate healing compositions with sandalwood oil in the treatment of such pathologies:

  • respiratory infections;
  • prolonged bronchitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • gastritis;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • female genital problems;
  • hypotension;
  • vegetative dystonia;
  • nervous disorders

Here is a universal recipe for internal use in diseases of the respiratory, digestive and urogenital diseases. To make a healing drink, you will need only 100 ml of milk, which you need to warm up a little, then add 3 drops of sandalwood oil elixir to it.

Sandalwood oil is widely used for prophylactic purposes. For example, if you regularly use products based on it, you can significantly strengthen the immune system, prevent the development of thrombophlebitis.

Oil perfectly helps to remove the effects of insect bites, as well as to balance the emotional state.Used in medicine, the product in the form of solutions for rinsing, compresses, inhalations. Doctors advise patients with problems of the joints and the spine to massage with an oily substance.

The possibilities of sandalwood oil are widely used in the cosmetic industry. A favorable factor for this is the absence of contraindications to the use of a natural product. That is, bringing great benefits to human health and his appearance, he is completely safe. Of course, if a person does not have an individual intolerance to this particular type of oil. Basically, the oily substrate of sandalwood is used as an additive in the manufacture of cosmetic and perfumery products.

In home cosmetology, this product is also in high demand: it is added to skin, nail and hair care products. Sandalwood oil has the following positive effects on these structures:

  • removes signs of skin fading;
  • smooths wrinkles;
  • nourishes and moisturizes the skin;
  • tightens the contours of the face;
  • refreshes the complexion;
  • strengthens the structure of the nail plate;
  • eliminates dandruff;
  • counteracts hair loss;
  • strengthens hair follicles;
  • removes signs of irritation;
  • gives hair a luxurious shine.

Since ancient times, sandalwood oil has been considered a basic component for aromatherapy. Today it is also used by yogis during meditations. The properties of an aphrodisiac make this product in demand in the regulation of the emotional state under stress and other nervous shocks. Under the influence of fragrant aroma of sandalwood oil, anxiety decreases, fears go away, sleep is normalized. In addition, inhalation of oil vapors helps the body to tolerate weather changes, magnetic storms, changes in atmospheric pressure. Often aromatherapy with sandalwood oil is carried out to stimulate sexual desire.

Fact! Winemakers use this type of oil to enrich the wines. The natural component gives the drink a special taste and spicy aroma.


Sandalwood oil is not recommended for internal use in pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 12 years of age. Although the product has no restrictions to receive,before using it as a component of medicinal formulations that are to be ingested, it is imperative to consult with your doctor.

Important! Sandalwood oil in its pure form can not be used, it should be diluted with other base oils.

Effective recipes

Due to the properties of sandalwood extract, with its regular use, it is possible to improve the condition of the skin of the face, to correct the oval line, to remove the signs of fading.

 Effective recipes with sandalwood oil

Anti-aging masks
It is no coincidence that sandalwood oil connoisseurs of good cosmetics called the elixir of youth. If it is combined with other natural ingredients, you can achieve a good result in a short time.

  1. A stunning effect gives a cosmetic mask of blue clay and essential oils: geranium, jojoba, primroses, sandalwood, limetta. Clay is taken as the basis for the composition, and all the listed oils are added to the base component of 3-4 drops. After mixing the ingredients, the composition is applied evenly on the face and holds there for a third of an hour, then the mass is washed off with water at summer temperature. Making the procedure 2-3 times a week, after 10 sessions it will be possible to observe positive changes: the skin will shine with freshness, and the signs of fading will disappear altogether.
  2. This method of rejuvenation is also designed for the long term and regular implementation. This mask strengthens muscle tone, as a result of which the skin becomes elastic and taut. The base product of this mask is white clay (2 l. Art.), You need to add exactly the same amount of sour cream to it, mix everything well. Then one drop of essential oils of lavender and juniper is added to the mixture, and last of all - 4 drops of sandalwood oil. The anti-aging composition is gently applied with a thin layer and remains for 10 minutes. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to make a gentle face massage so that the components are better absorbed into the skin.

Fading Skin Mask
To restore the skin a healthy look and attractiveness will help more complex cosmetic composition. For this composition you need to take:

  • cream (2 l. Art.);
  • finely ground oatmeal (1.5 l. Art.);
  • ether rose (1 cap.);
  • sandalwood oil (3 drops.);
  • Almond oil - a teaspoon.

All the above components in the indicated doses are thoroughly mixed. The composition obtained in this way is applied to the surface of the face with light massaging movements. After a twenty-minute relaxation, the mask should be washed off with lukewarm water.It is recommended to complete the procedure by wiping the face with a decoction of chamomile or a refreshing tonic. With the systematic carrying out of this procedure in a month mimic wrinkles will be smoothed, and the skin will shine with youth and freshness.

Nourishing mask
This technique is more suitable for dry and problem skin, but it can be used for the normal type. To prepare the healing mixture, you need to take a medium-sized banana, peel the fruit and knead well. Then add to the fruit pulp:

  • three spoons (table) of yogurt;
  • coconut oil (1 l. Art.);
  • ether patchouli (1 cap.);
  • Sandalwood oil (3 drops.).

Before applying the cosmetic mixture, the skin should be thoroughly cleaned. After a half-hour exposure, the mask is washed off with water, and the skin receives additional nourishment and hydration.

An effective remedy for acne
The composition obtained by this formulation has a pronounced antibacterial property. A procedure is shown for the systematic treatment of problem skin, as it successfully copes with acne and acne. Mask components:

  • sour cream (1 tbsp.);
  • strawberries (2 medium sized berries);
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice (1 l. Art.);
  • almond oil (1 tbsp.);
  • Cognac (1 tsp.);
  • sandalwood oil - 3 drops.

Preparing the composition according to the technology similar to the previous recipe: strawberries pounded with sour cream, then the rest of the ingredients are gradually added to this mixture. The mask rests on the face for about half an hour, washed off with water. After manipulation, it is possible to wipe the skin with a tonic or an ice cube to stimulate blood circulation.

Nourishing hair mask
This composition is very easy to prepare, because the whole technology consists in mixing tea oil taken on a spoon: burdock, castor, coconut. To the resulting oily mixture is added 4 drops of sandalwood oil. The mixture is applied to the hair for an hour evenly, from root to tip. To ensure good exposure, it is recommended to put a hat on your head. After the specified period, the mask is washed off with shampoo, and the hair is then rinsed with vinegar.

On the basis of sandalwood oil, you can still make a lot of useful, truly miraculous compositions. But we must remember that only a natural product will bring the expected effect. Since sandalwood oil is a very expensive product, you need to verify its quality before purchasing.To do this, drop a drop of oil on the paper: natural ether always volatilizes, no traces remain after it.

Video: properties and application of sandalwood oil

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