Citronella essential oil - properties and uses

Citronella essential oil is often mistakenly attributed to the citrus class, possibly because of its name. But in fact, citronella is a grass that reaches a height of 1.5 meters, and its natural place of growth is the island of Sri Lanka. However, many Asian countries began artificial cultivation of this plant.

 Citronella Essential Oil

In ancient times, citronella oil was used to protect your own house from evil forces, and for this it was applied to the threshold of the house. It was also believed that citronella oil makes warriors and soldiers invulnerable.

Citronewall essential oil is not lagging behind in its characteristics, because it not only has an invigorating smell, but also has many beneficial qualities.


Externally, citronella oil can often be confused with lemon oil, but this coincidence is not at all accidental,for citronella essential oil can be used as a cheaper alternative to lemon or eucalyptus.

Citronella oil is extracted from the upper parts of the plant, which is distilled with steam. It has a liquid texture and a yellowish-brown color, and in the aroma you can find all the most pleasant smells, ranging from notes of freshness, which give the sea breeze, the aroma of freshly cut grass (because of the nature of the plant), and ending with an oily and woody shade.

Emotional impact

Oil is considered a universal aphrodisiac, but has many other positive qualities that can not be mentioned.

Citronella essential oil is widely used to combat antipathy, improve mood and appearance of vigor. It is believed that this plant helps to improve mood and general condition, get rid of negative thoughts. It is also known for eliminating negative attitudes and anger in general.

This oil is also widely used to enhance concentration, improves the assimilation and memorization of information.Since ancient times, it is believed that essential oil protects against any negative impact and emotional message, helps to cope with obsessive thoughts about ill-wishers.

It is believed that citronella essential oil can make a person completely reconsider his views on life, discard all routine affairs and finally begin to live a full life. It is also believed that citronella attracts extremely positive energy, and therefore those who will use citronella oil are threatened with dramatic changes in life. It is impossible not to emphasize that the essential oil contributes to the activation of personal development.

Healing properties

Citronella is used in both formal and alternative medicine. Its healing properties include the following:

  1. The fight against dystonic and vestibular disorders.
  2. Elimination of the effects of neuralgia, anemia and migraine.
  3. Helps to cope with any problems that are caused by vegetative-vascular dystonia, including dizziness, weakness and lethargy, nausea and a sharp darkening in the eyes.
  4. A rare property of citronella is that it helps restore or improve hearing after experienced infections or even operations.
  5. Essential oil also facilitates, but does not fight against infectious diseases, including even intestinal damage.
  6. Citronella inhibits appetite, which speeds up the process of cleansing the body and removing infection from it.
  7. A well-known effect is also the improvement of the body's self-regulation processes. Citronella activates processes in the body that help recover faster from diseases, infections and even after operations.
  8. In combination with therapeutic exercises, citronella can also improve the flexibility of joints and muscles. It is important to remember that a plant can only have such an effect along with physical exercises; without them, it will have no effect.
  9. Citronella can also be used to combat skin problems. It helps to effectively deal with corns, even the most old formations, and is used in the presence of fungal infections.


 Citronella oil in cosmetology

  1. It is important to note that the most effective way to use citronella in cosmetology is to use it not as part of other means, but when spot-applied to the affected areas.Most often, citronella essential oil is recommended for use by people with oily skin, because it can not only eliminate the oily skin, but also narrow the pores, and also helps their cleansing. The oil also smoothes the structure of the skin, and thus accompanies the reduction of acne or its disappearance altogether.
  2. Despite the fact that this essential oil is mainly used to combat the oily skin, it is no less effective for aging skin. Citronella helps to moisturize it, improve muscle tone, smooth out wrinkles, and even promotes the return of already lost regeneration properties and density.
  3. The oil is also used to treat dandruff and reduce oily scalp. To do this, you need to take a wooden comb, preferably with rare teeth, and comb your hair for 10-15 minutes. This procedure should be repeated at least 3 times a day, after having lubricated the hair with a few drops (up to 4) of essential oil.

With the help of essential oil, you can also create your own hair products or even make special masks.

Important nuances to be aware of

  1. Citronella oil can also be used in the domestic sphere, because it effectively fights various unpleasant odors and even scares insects. This oil is suitable for washing dishes.
  2. If you apply oil to the skin, it is important to know that it can cause itching and burning for several minutes (usually it lasts up to 5 minutes). This is not a side effect or even a manifestation of allergy, it is a natural property of the oil.
  3. Citronella oil can also be used internally, but only if the patient does not have peptic ulcers, gastritis, or high acidity.
  4. When inhaled with this oil only, it can cause sneezing, and therefore it is recommended to dilute it with other soothing ingredients.


  1. Holders of sensitive skin is not recommended to use this oil, because it can cause irritation and redness.
  2. Oil is also categorically not recommended for use by pregnant women and people who suffer from hypertension. Because of its tonic and invigorating effect, the agent can cause a sudden negative effect, which will lead to a sharp deterioration of health, as well as may lead to miscarriage or childbirth in early pregnancy.


For air purification, as well as concentration, it is customary to use an aroma lamp, in which it is sufficient to add only a few drops of this oil. Aromolamp is recommended to turn on at bedtime, it also helps to effectively deal with headaches and relieves stress. If you turn on the lamp before bedtime - you will sleep better and improve the quality of sleep in general.

For use in inhalation, baths, compresses and rubbing enough will be only 3-4 drops of oil. It is important to remember that compresses can only be done with cold water.

If you want to add citronella to shampoo, lotion or even a hair mask - you must use 5 drops of oil per 15 ml of any shampoo or other means.

Citronella oil can be ingested only if you check yourself for side effects. To do this, it is recommended to start using no more than 1 drop 3 times a day. However, it is necessary to immediately jam the oil with heavy food and drink a little acidified water. If no side effects were detected at this stage (but it is better to test the product for several days, and only then draw conclusions) - it is recommended to drink 2 drops of oil with herbal tea.It is believed that this improves the effect of oil on the body and accelerates its action.

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