Cauliflower in pregnancy - the benefits and harm

Such a popular vegetable, like cauliflower, appeared in our diet relatively recently. Its original homeland is considered to be the island of Cyprus, although references to its use in food are found in some other ancient peoples. For a long time, dishes from this plant were considered a real privilege of wealthy and noble families. So it was until this healthy and tasty vegetable became the most widely spread in all corners of the world, where it is grown everywhere today, becoming one of the most popular crops.

 Cauliflower during pregnancy

Currently, cauliflower, whose positive properties and stunning taste qualities in a very different form no one doubts, is an ingredient of tens and hundreds of different dishes.Valuable vegetable, sold in every grocery store, contains a lot of useful substances that not only strengthen human health, but also can prolong his life. Particular attention should be paid to the use of cauliflower in food during pregnancy due to its rich chemical composition, various elements of which can bring both benefit and harm to the developing baby.

The composition of cauliflower

Vegetable contains a large number of simple and complex compounds, the concentration of which can vary in a slight range depending on the particular variety:

  1. Vitamins (2-3 times more than white cabbage in ascorbic acid, only 50 grams of the product contain a daily intake of vitamin C).
  2. Cellulose (an excellent product for diet and improving the bowels).
  3. Iron (here, this chemical element is several times more than in the rich Bulgarian pepper, and even green peas, lettuce, and fresh zucchini).
  4. Trace elements (compounds of manganese, molybdenum, iron, cobalt, zinc, copper).
  5. Macronutrients (cauliflower is rich in calcium and phosphorus, potassium and chlorine, sulfur and magnesium).
  6. Unsaturated fatty acids and fats.
  7. Organic acids and sugars.

The high content of useful substances for the body makes this vegetable not only a nutritional ingredient for cooking, but also one of the recognized means of traditional medicine. Cabbage rich in vitamins and microelements can be extremely useful for the future mother and the fetus developing inside her tummy. However, like any other product, it can carry both benefits and harm, and also has a number of contraindications.

The benefits of cauliflower during pregnancy

Pregnant women should be especially careful with their diet, therefore, before eating a product, you need to know in which cases it may be useful, and in which cases it may not be very good. Consider the use of cauliflower during pregnancy:

 The benefits of cauliflower during pregnancy

  1. The high content of B vitamins in this vegetable significantly reduces the risk of birth defects in the future baby.
  2. Its valuable amino acids are essential for most important metabolic processes and are quickly absorbed by the mother's body.
  3. A large number of easily digestible vegetable protein makes this product an excellent choice for a healthy diet when carrying a child.
  4. Cauliflower is a low calorie food. 100 grams of fresh vegetable contains not more than 30 kilocalories. And this means that even its regular use in dishes will not affect the weight of the future mother in a negative direction. But at the same time, we should not forget that the caloric content of 100 grams of boiled or stewed product can reach 180 kilocalories, so you need to be careful with it.
  5. In the early stages, this green vegetable is an excellent source of the vitamins and minerals that the small organism develops in the mother’s stomach. In particular, it is rich in vitamin B9, which is involved in the formation of the nervous system, the lack of which can cause miscarriage or the development of severe abnormalities.
  6. Vitamin A contained in cauliflower is necessary for proper laying of important cells of the body of the embryo, and ascorbic acid in large quantities here forms a powerful immune system of the baby.
  7. The product is rich in calcium and phosphorus, which are necessary for the formation of the muscular and skeletal system, as well as ensuring the correct laying of the teeth of the unborn child in the early period of pregnancy of her mother.

Regular consumption of cauliflower in late periods is a good prevention of constipation, heartburn and other unpleasant phenomena in the gastrointestinal tract. To ensure the normal functioning of the intestines, it is recommended to eat this vegetable in its raw, boiled or stewed form at least once a week.

Cauliflower harm during pregnancy

By itself, this vegetable does not contain hazardous substances that can harm the healthy body of a pregnant mother and the baby inside her belly. However, there are cases of individual intolerance - in this case, you should find an alternative to this product. In addition, it is not recommended to eat cauliflower for expectant mothers suffering from such diseases as:

  • Gastric or duodenal ulcer.
  • Gastritis or intestinal problems.
  • Pathology of the kidney or thyroid gland.
  • Gout.

Care should be taken to treat food that contains cauliflower, women who have recently undergone abdominal surgery. In some cases, this vegetable in the process of digestion can provoke increased flatulence, diarrhea and flatulence, which can cause the exacerbation of certain chronic ailments or create discomfort for the developing baby.

Video: products harmful during pregnancy and during feeding

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