Tsichlazoma severum - care and maintenance in an aquarium

Another representative of the family of cichlids - cichlasoma severum. Bright, catchy, does not require special content to its content. Today we will consider everything that affects representatives of this breed group. The variegated color makes the cichlum desirable for every aquarist who contains a specific aquarium. Due to the fact that this fish looks like a discus, people called the severum a false discus.

 Cychlasma severum

Varieties and description

Fish prefer to settle in South America, like calm and deep rivers. Under natural conditions, representatives of this species reach an order of 30 cm in length. However, in aquarium conditions, the fish grows up to 20 cm, and lives for about 10 years.

As for color, it varies depending on where the fish swim. The color can be brown, light brown, with dark points on the body, etc.In fact, water pets contained in an aquarium are much more colorful and diverse. Because in this case, the main thing - appearance.

The most popular and popular colors of severum can be considered the following:

  1. Red pearl. Dense body covered with red dots on a bright yellow background. For their external data, fish are turned up in aquariums around the world, their popularity does not diminish.
  2. Gold. All shades of yellow, males are much brighter than females. On the head there is a mask of orange tone, but this is not a prerequisite.
  3. Red-shouldered (redhead, roktail). Just below the head is a band painted in orange-red. The same shade of pigmented fins.
  4. Blue Emerald. Another popular type of severum. Fish are famous for their emerald blue color, their body is painted in dark spots. It looks very expressive.
  5. Redpoint. Representatives of the subspecies have almost golden color. From the name it can be understood that their difference lies in the presence of red dots located on the entire body.

It should be noted that, depending on the sex, fish may be dull or, on the contrary, saturated. Females in most cases lack brightness in coloring, which is not the case with males.They are so saturated that you can admire endlessly.

Gender distinction

Despite the concept of colors, it is quite difficult to distinguish a male from a female. Judging by the numerous reviews of experienced, even professional aquarists do not always cope with the task.

The male boasts pointed fins on the back and in the anus, while females have these fins rounded. Also in the male sex, the frontal part bulges harder.

Specimens of female sex are endowed with an interesting color of gill covers. They do not have points inflicted chaotically. Instead, they flaunted even shade. The dorsal fin, in turn, has a dark spot.

It is most difficult to identify which individual is in front of you if it is painted in bright colors. Typically, such representatives do not have points on the gill covers, and this applies to both females and males.

Content Features

 The peculiarities of the content of cichlasoma severum

  1. Many are interested in the aspect affecting the complexity of the content. In fact, the severum is suitable for everyone. They are unpretentious, just multiply, grow quickly.It is precisely the last nuance that is paid attention to, it is important to provide individuals with a correct diet, and also to choose a suitable neighborhood taking into account the size of water pets. Then you will not face any difficulties in care.
  2. The fish normally tolerate temperature extremes, but it is important for it to provide spacious accommodation. There are certain peculiarities of the severum: if the fish lives in a vertical dwelling, it will begin to grow upwards, becoming flatter. But in cases of content in a horizontal aquarium, severum will get fat in width.
  3. The owner of the aquarium may encounter inconveniences during the breeding season. In order for the female and the male to find each other, you must first buy 6-8 individuals. Subsequently, they break up into pairs when they reach puberty. Then the formed young family is relocated to another dwelling, and the rest of the northern seasons are handed out to friends or kept for beauty. To avoid such inconvenience, it is recommended to immediately buy a couple of manufacturers.
  4. Important attention is paid to the aquarium setting. For the benefit of the fish will go to various snags, pebbles, rock masses, etc.From plants, prefer the options with powerful roots, because the severus, because of their size, simply pull them out. Root the plants well and attach the stones on top.
  5. Fish love to live in old water, but this does not mean that it does not need to be changed. Weekly pour a quarter of the liquid, instead fill it with a new one. Siphon the ground at the same frequency, because food remains are sinking down. Install the filter, also adhere to the optimal indicators of water (about 25 degrees), alkaline balance (6 units), hardness (12-15 units).


  1. The question of livability with other pets must be approached responsibly. Severums belong to the category of cichlids, which means that they can be contained with themselves.
  2. Suitable cichlids and tsikhlazomy, the size of the same with our representatives. It is strictly forbidden to sit down small fish, because they will be eaten instantly.
  3. If you plan to contain several species of fish, then provide pets with a large aquarium. On one individual should be about 100-150 liters. water.If more aggressive cichlids get hooked, these numbers increase.
  4. Also, severumas can get along with catfish, but only some of them. We list the species that are distinguished by the same cohesiveness: bag-tabernacle, synodontis, voileus, plecostomus. Of course, in any case, you need to build on the temperament of a particular individual.


 Aquarium fish cichlasoma severum

  1. Considered fish are omnivorous. Cichlids eat live food with great pleasure. Also, individuals will not give up dry or frozen food. Therefore, you will not have questions than to feed your new pets.
  2. It is mandatory in the diet of cichlids must contain vegetable food. To individuals received all the necessary substances, they should buy ready-made balanced feed. They are not expensive. Among those can be distinguished "leopard."
  3. Consider that the fish lived and felt well for a long time, the diet should be correct, varied and balanced. As a result, you will not worry about anything. Such rules should be followed regardless of the type and size of the fish.
  4. In addition, it is worth noting that feeding of cichlids should not be monotonous. Give to individuals both live and dry food. Take into account the preferences of the type of fish.If necessary, give more feed in which there is the highest concentration of protein or vegetable components.
  5. Often fish feed exclusively on dry feed. The most popular balanced feed company "Tetra". The range of food is really amazing. It is considered the most popular in Russia.
  6. In a variety of products of the company "Tetra" there are individual feed, depending on the characteristics and type of fish. In this case, you can choose absolutely any menu, even for individuals. Such a company offers food even to enhance the color of the fish. There are also special vitamin supplements for fry.


  1. As soon as individuals reach puberty, they independently find a mate for themselves. The full maturity of the northern seasons is reached about 2 years, sometimes earlier. Do not worry ahead of time, to distinguish individuals by gender can be much earlier.
  2. At the age of six months, the male differs from the female in that he has a sharp fin on his back. In females, such a fin grows after some time.In addition, individuals without any problems can be distinguished by color. Males have a brighter shade. He has more expressive stripes and blotches.
  3. In females, on the contrary, the color is almost monochromatic and pale. If you want to speed up the spawning process, the temperature in the aquarium should be increased to 3 degrees. It is important to replace the water 2 times a week. Replace at least a quarter of the total volume.
  4. Where the female will spawn is up to you. The process can occur both in the general aquarium and in a special one. In the latter case, the volume of the tank must be at least 200 liters. To understand when spawning begins, pay attention to the behavior of the fish. Before this will be followed by a mating dance with long kisses.
  5. Before spawning, the fish will clutch with their mouths. Further, the individuals circle for a while around the aquarium. The female begins to spawn on the plane. The number of eggs can be from 300 to 900 pcs. Everything will depend on how often spawning will be carried out.
  6. The fry begin to hatch after 1 week. Much may depend on the temperature of the water in the aquarium. At this time, a couple takes care of their offspring.Parents ventilate the fluid with fins near the clutch and get rid of dead eggs. A week later, the fry are born and are already beginning to ask for food.

To contain representatives of this species, you should acquire an aquarium of impressive volume, especially if you plan to hook up other fish. Provide the cichlids the most comfortable conditions for living. Do not forget to give a different feed.

Video: aquarium fish cichlasoma severum

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