Black-striped Cychlasma - care and maintenance in an aquarium

Black-striped Tsichlazoma - the most popular species of fish in our time. These beautiful fish are small and very easy to maintain. In addition to the ease of care, they also attract by their sophisticated color. In addition, it is very important that the black-striped tsikhlazomy are more relaxed in nature than many small fish of the cichlid family.

 Tsikhlazoma black-striped

Not everyone shares the opinion on the popularity of this species of fish. Some breeders believe that today there are more colorful and interesting cichlids and cichlosoms. However, according to statistical data, in the Yandex search engine it is on the black-striped tsiklazom most requests. Each month, about 2,200 queries on this topic are entered into the search engine.

Description of black-striped tsikhlazomy

The Latin name of this species of fish sounds like “Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum”, which in Russian means black ribbon. Black-striped tsikhlazoma belongs to the order of perciformes, suborder perciform, and the family of tsikhlovyh. The most comfortable temperature for the stay of this type of fish are indicators in the range from 20 to 28 degrees. Cichlazomas of this species are practically not aggressive, some negative manifestations can be observed during the spawning period, as well as further education of the offspring.

In general, today the cichlasoma genus is no longer officially distinguished. Representatives of this kind today belong to different families and genera, therefore, if in the literature you meet various classifications, you should not be surprised.

Who is the black-striped tsikhlasoma compatible with?

Black-striped tsikhlazoma - a fish that gets on with many, despite the aggressive nature of their relatives. Cychlasmas are very calm and very evenly relate to their neighbors, and even to those who are much smaller. You can even conduct some experiments with representatives of the black-striped cichlase, put fish from other genera and families into the aquarium to them and watch how they will live together.

In most cases, it is recommended to keep black-striped cichlosis with other types of medium-sized or small-sized cichlids. Excellent options will be the diamond tsichlasoma, parrot and pseudotrophy. In addition, it is a well-known fact that barbs, terentations, swordtails and gourami get along well with tsikhlazomy. Also black-striped tsikhlasoma calmly refers to the neighborhood with corridors, labo, taracatums and fights. Especially carefully it is necessary to treat the content of black-striped tsihlaz together with somopodobny breeds. The fact is that tsikhlazomy leave their spawning at the bottom of the aquarium. Somopodobnye species of fish in this case will only interfere, as they will constantly swim into the territory tsihlazom. According to the results in the aquarium there will be constant skirmishes between my neighbors.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that tsikhlazomy not adapted to the existence in conjunction with aggressive and large in size fish. These include piranhas, astronotus and makars. In addition, with tsikhlazomami in one area can not live very small in size fish, sluggish species. These species of fish include mollies, small tetras, guppies, varieties of goldfish, and other petilium.

Black-striped tsikhlazoma - a kind of long-lived.Representatives of this family can live up to 10-15 years in an aquarium.

Conditions of keeping black-striped tsihlaz

Black-striped tsikhlazomy have medium size, so the ideal option for an aquarium for them will be the capacity of 100 liters or more. In such an aquarium, you can safely run two fish. However, there are no strict requirements in this regard; there have been cases of keeping fish even in a much smaller volume in an aquarium. The truth in this case, you need to understand that the pet will not feel comfortable and cozy, and therefore will not multiply and grow.

 Conditions of keeping black-striped tsihlaz

In general, black-striped tsikhlazomy completely whimsical to the conditions of their content. Enough to ensure the appropriate parameters of water in the aquarium, as well as other conditions for the content and breeding. Actually, for this reason, many experts recommend to start breeding cichlids with this type of fish. Particular attention in creating the situation should be given to the bottom of the aquarium, the soil placed in it, as well as zoning. The problem is that cychlasmas are big lovers of digging the ground, turning it over completely.Therefore, it is best to use small or medium pebbles, granite chips or gravel as the soil. It is not recommended to use smaller soil, sand is not suitable for tsikhlaz any more.

The division of the aquarium into zones can be done with the help of special decorative elements. Excellent in this case, various caves, grottoes, rocks and other options. In addition, different zones of the aquarium can be well identified with the help of plants with powerful and impressive roots. It is very important in this case to strengthen the plants in the ground well, as tsikhlazomy can dig them. For this purpose, you can use flat large stones or any decorative elements.

If you plan not only to keep the tsikhlaz, but also to plant them, also at the bottom you need to install pots, flat stones or other decorative elements in which the fish will be able to place their spawning. Many experts argue that even if the breeder does not have the goal of breeding fish, the aquarium should be decorated with such things. Such an imitation will create conditions for pets as close to reality as possible.

Also requirements include mandatory water filtration and aeration. Once a week it is necessary to change a third of the water in the aquarium. As for lighting, there are no special requirements.

How to feed black-striped tsihlazy?

In general, tsikhlazomy eat almost everything, they can eat live food or ice cream. Excellent representatives of this family are eaten by Artemia, a pipe-builder or moths. However, do not forget about vegetable feed, a third of the diet tsihlazom must include vegetable food. You can use standard vegetable feed sold in pet stores or you can grow some fast growing plants yourself. For example, great duckweed. Also, the fish can be given cabbage or salad leaves, and even oatmeal, pre-scalded with boiling water. Fish react absolutely perfectly to dry food and various substitutes. It is important to remember that the representatives of this family have a tendency to overeating.

 How to feed black-striped tsihlazom

Feeding fish is a simple process, but it requires attention. It is important that the diet of pets was varied and balanced.It is not necessary to constantly feed the fish the same, in their menu must be present live food and dry food. You should also take into account the preferences of tsihlaz and add to their menu protein feed or vegetable food, depending on the needs. Of course, the most popular feed options are dry food. In Russia, the most sold feed for fish brand "Tetra".

How to dilute with a cychlase in a black strip?

If you believe the experts in the maintenance and breeding of various inhabitants of the aquarium, the breeding process of representatives of this family is quite simple. It can be noted that the breeding of these fish is almost independently. However, as elsewhere, it will still require experience and skill to get a really good result.

It is worth noting that black-striped tsichlozam are monogamous in nature, and therefore breeders form pairs at an early age of fish that persist throughout life. For this reason, initially you should buy a small number of fish, and the number of females and males should be the same. The age of puberty in fish is approximately 7-9 months.

To understand which fish is male and who is female is quite simple. Firstly, males are noticeably larger in size than females. Secondly, males also differ in pointed fins in the back and anus. In males, a growth begins to manifest itself on the forehead, and in females one can notice a more complete abdomen, which in this case has an orange color.

Video: aquarium black-striped cichlid fish

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