What can you make from avocado?

There are not many variations of dishes, which are based on the presented fruit. It is classified as a fruit, but in taste it resembles a vegetable. In the expanses of our country, this product is not common, however, and it has its followers.

 What can you make from avocado


  1. The tree is ranked as a laurel family, is found year round in its usual state. Evergreen fruits need additional advertising, because not all people are known in detail. Otherwise, the specimens presented are called alligator pears due to the specific format and special structure of the peel.
  2. The tree on which the fruits grow is quite large. It can stretch up to 10 meters or more. The stem part is branching, straight. Elliptical foliage. When flowering begins, the inflorescences are not the same size.Then there are fruits that resemble pears in format.
  3. Today, man knows about four hundred species of this plant. All varieties differ among themselves not only in taste, but also in format, pigmentation, and skin structure. Avocados with a hilly surface, pigmented in a dark green color, are supplied to stores. Otherwise, this species is called American.
  4. The peel of the presented product concentrates toxins, as well as the bone. If they penetrate the human body, problems with the activity of the digestive system will begin. Possible severe allergic reaction. The bone is removed and processed. On the basis of dried and ground raw materials produce medicines that are aimed at the treatment of ailments of different nature.

Selection features

  1. Many people, having tried avocado once, refuse it forever and no longer include it in their basic diet. However, this is a blunder that appeared because of ignorance. Everyone is used to seeing on the shelves only hard fruits, the flesh of which is difficult to cut.In fact, it should be rather easily shredded, but an exceptionally mature specimen can boast. The fruit is very tasty, only if ripe.
  2. In order not to harm yourself and extract the maximum value, it is necessary to conduct a visual inspection. Also push the fruit lightly. If it is fully ripe and ready to be consumed, then the depressed hole will soon assume its original position and become even. In the case of unfinished specimens, such a hole does not even appear, because they are too rigid.
  3. Prefer only those fruits that are a little noisy when shaking. This means that the bone in their cavity moves. This can only boast of ready-to-receive fruit. Of course, you need to buy copies without damage and rot. At the same time, the pigmentation of a high-quality fruit is uniform.
  4. If suddenly the fruit is not ripe, you can bring it to the desired state on your own. Leave to lie at room temperature for up to five days. If there is no time to wait, then wrap the product in paper, place it next to the bananas and wait for the result.

Impact on the body

 The impact of avacado on the body

  1. Many experts from the sphere of a healthy lifestyle advise their patients who care about their health to consume one fruit each day. Moreover, avocados are so valuable that they are able to fully block the useful qualities of other fruits and vegetables. One eaten copy will restore the activity of the most important systems and organs, as well as cover the deficit in certain substances.
  2. Stroke - the most dangerous disease from which every third elderly person dies. However, this pathological phenomenon can be prevented by maintaining pressure indicators at the optimum level. The presented product perfectly copes with this task. It removes salts, enriches the blood with nutrients, helps the delivery of oxygen to the cells. All this leads to the prevention of not only stroke, but also hypertension.
  3. A lot of research has been done regarding how the raw material under discussion affects human health. Scientists have found that fragrant and delicate fruits prevent the development of malignant tumors by preventing cell mutation and the withdrawal of free radicals from the body.Therefore, everyone who has a tendency to oncology, this fruit is simply necessary.
  4. Mexican experts have not refuted, but on the contrary, confirmed the above results. They also found many other substances, including potassium, which in the composition is in the amount of 7% of the total need of an adult in this substance per day. Mineral is important for the circulatory system, heart muscle, nervous system and brain. Without it, problems begin in the form of apathy, fatigue, ischemia, depression, etc.
  5. Separately, the effects of the product under discussion on the blood channels should be affected. The fruit removes cholesterol deposits from their cavities. It also increases the elasticity of the capillaries and veins, improves the health of the patient who has been diagnosed with varicose veins or thrombophlebitis. Taking the product daily, it will be possible to prevent atherosclerosis and heart attack.
  6. Some people compare these fruits with carrots, because the products presented accumulate a lot of carotenoids. They are very valuable for eye health. If a person does not like carrots, he can replace it with avocado without compromising health.Experts found out how the fetus affects vision. It has a lot of carotenoids and antioxidants that prevent serious eye pathologies (cataracts, glaucoma, etc.). There is a part of zeaxanthin and lutein, they only enhance the effect of substances.
  7. Not for nothing, adherents of various methods of weight loss introduce this fruit into their usual diet. It's all about the ability of raw materials to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, removing toxic compounds from it. Along with this, excess moisture leaves the tissue, which forms puffiness and does not allow to lose in the mass. This fruit is valuable due to the inclusion of dietary fiber and pectin. Together, they increase metabolic processes.

Impact on pregnant women

 Impact of avocado on pregnant women

  1. Each representative of the fair sex knows that during the planning of conception of the baby and in early pregnancy, experts recommend taking folic acid. It is this enzyme that is important in the formation of the circulatory and nervous systems in the fetus. The substance helps the baby to develop properly.
  2. In Western countries, the fruit is very popular among people who are trying to lead a healthy lifestyle.For this very reason, gynecologists advise expectant mothers to eat 1 fetus per day. If you follow this practice, you will not need to take extra vitamins.
  3. In the fruit there is a substance in the form of folate. That it prevents the development of congenital abnormalities and defects in babies. In addition, the fruit is saturated with vitamin K. When it is deficient, the expectant mother may begin to bleed internally. It is very harmful to the fetus.

Impact on men

  1. In addition, the stronger sex is also recommended to lean on the fruit when planning pregnancy. The active composition of the raw material significantly increases fertility. If the body suffers from folic acid deficiency, the quality of the ejaculate will decrease.
  2. As a result, the synthesized spermatozoa will be completely immobile or very sluggish. This should not be allowed. Reproductive functions are drastically reduced. In order not to face serious problems, it is enough to include the product in the daily diet.
  3. Representatives of the stronger sex in adulthood often face unpleasant processes in the form of pelvic stasis.If you ignore such troubles, carcinoma or prostate adenoma soon begins to develop.
  4. The advantage of the product is that its composition is rich in vitamin B9. It helps to increase libido. There is also anemia prevention. Along with this, there is a positive effect on the prostate gland.


Consider in more detail what can be cooked with the fruit in question.

 Avocado Recipes

With pork

  1. Chop 0.7 kg. pork tenderloin slices about 2 cm thick. Make chops from meat pieces. Rub the billet with salt and spices. Send to fry in oil to ruddy.
  2. Wrap the pork with foil and send to bake in the oven at 200 degrees. Simultaneously make the sauce in a blender. Turn into a homogeneous mass of 1 avocado, 5 gr. mustard, 30 ml. lemon juice. Add salt to taste. Serve the meat with the sauce.

With chicken and mushrooms

  1. Chop 0.6 kg into squares. chicken fillet. Do the same with 2 bulbs. Send the foods to roast until golden. Then pour 0.2 liters. dry white wine. Bake in the oven for a quarter of an hour at 180 degrees.
  2. In parallel, in a frying pan, heat 20 gr. butter.Fry in it 40 gr. flour. In the bowl of the blender connect 0.4 liters. cream, 50 ml. brandy, 2 raw yolks and spices to taste. Turn the components into a homogeneous composition.
  3. Pour the ready sauce to the flour. Protome on fire for a few minutes. Constantly stir the composition. Then pour hot chicken sauce. Leave in the oven for another 5-7 minutes. Remove the dish and place the avocado slices between the pieces of meat.
  4. Put thin slices of champignons on top of all ingredients. Put the food back into the oven. The dish is cooked before gaining golden brown crusts.


  1. Warm 40 ml in a frying pan. vegetable oil. Send it to roast a couple of garlic cloves until golden. Then get rid of the cloves. In spicy oil, fry the white part of leek. The procedure will not take more than 2 minutes.
  2. Then add 10 peeled shrimps to the onions. Tom components about 5 minutes. Put the seafood in a clean dish. Add chopped bell pepper to common ingredients. Pour in 0.3 l. cream and 0.1 liters. vegetable broth.
  3. Tomite products a few more minutes. Season with spices. Pour the ingredients into a saucepan and chop into a blender. In a separate bowl, turn 1 avocado into a puree, a bunch of fresh parsley and 20 ml. lemon juice.
  4. Connect homogeneous composition with hot mass. Stir the dish.Pour the soup into portions. Put the shrimp and slices of fresh bell pepper.

Fruits are mainly used in the manufacture of food by people who adhere to the principles of healthy eating. In today's material we have studied the most relevant information on this subject, so that you can make your own opinion.

Video: Avocado with Egg and Cheese

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