What to do if shoes rub: useful tips

Popular wisdom says that shoes must be bought after a long and meticulous fitting in the store. But what to do when, for uncertain reasons, after coming home, new shoes are not sitting like they used to? The problem of rubbing the legs and the appearance of painful calluses is particularly relevant. A person needs to go out every day, but any actions cause only discomfort. Let's try to figure out what to do if a shoe rubs. So, let's begin.

 What to do if shoes rub

Shoes rubs - what follows?

Naturally, rubbing can not pass unnoticed. This is followed by sad consequences. Everyone knows the problem of corns, which appear as a result of prolonged friction of the skin on the hard material of shoes. Sometimes corns appear due to excessive pressure.

There are several varieties of tumors - dry and wet calluses. The first is a coarsened, unlike all others, skin. Callus, on the contrary, manifests itself in the form of an inflated bubble, in which liquid accumulates.

The second thing that can wait for you from the constant rubbing of shoes is the natoptish. They are a fairly dense area of ​​skin that forms on the foot. Natoptysh usually leads to the appearance of dead zones and slowing blood circulation in general.

There are more complex effects, such as blisters. A bump appears in the skin, filled with liquid. Such neoplasms do not promise anything good.

In any case, all of these types contribute to the deterioration of the condition, severity and pain in the legs. When walking there is a tremendous discomfort, from which it is necessary to urgently get rid of. Some types of corns entail strong bleeding and the appearance of scars (purple or blue spots, etc.).

Preventive actions

If you are tired of struggling with the fact that shoes constantly rubs, consider preventive measures,which will help prevent this in the future. Otherwise, frequent friction can lead to deformation of the fingers and feet as a whole.

  1. Carefully choose shoes in the store. No need to get a beautiful, but terribly uncomfortable model. You pass in such a pair of a maximum of 2 hours, but the pain and discomfort will accompany for a long time.
  2. Get shoes strictly to size, take the habit of using non-slip insoles for shoes. They do not allow the foot to slide down, so the risk of callus will be reduced to a minimum.
  3. Prefer shoes from soft natural materials. It is clear that it is cheaper to buy leatherette. But it is better to dig and purchase high quality shoes that are perfect for your feet.
  4. If you often encounter the problem of rubbing from shoes with a closed heel, try not to purchase such models. It is better to buy shoes with a retaining strap at the back.
  5. In the case when new shoes rubs, you do not need to immediately go in it for a long walk. Gradually raznashivayte it, starting manipulation for 1 or 2 weeks before the intended output (events, etc.).
  6. If you have a solemn event on your nose, at which you must be in a parade, go out in a new shoe, but change your shoes in half an hour.For this purpose, carry extra shoes with you.
  7. In the summer and spring, heels come to the rescue. They are ideally suited for shoes of the closed type, besides, you will be able to choose option taking into account color preferences. To date, the footprints are even for open shoes.
  8. Look for new inventions - gel inserts. They must be glued to the inside of the shoe to reduce the stiffness of friction and its complete elimination. Non-slip insoles are made of similar material.
  9. People who have already found a solution from permanent rubbing, use a special talc for stop in the summer. The powder absorbs sweat, absorbs odor, eliminates slipping. Powder based on rosemary oil and zinc oxide has a similar effect.
  10. Visit a pedicure master to suggest other possible ways to deal with the problem. Buy a pencil in the pharmacy, which is necessary for the prevention of rubbing. Means greased areas of the skin, which often appear corns.

What to do if the shoes have already rubbed their feet

If you did not adhere to preventive measures, as a result of which you rubbed your feet with shoes, proceed as follows.

  1. Wash your feet first, then treat the damaged area with hydrogen peroxide or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then, after drying, lubricate the wound with sea buckthorn oil, tincture of calendula or chamomile.
  2. Arm yourself with a sewing needle, treat it with an antiseptic solution, or light it with a cigarette lighter. Then gently pierce the swollen corn, squeeze the ichor. Again, work the damaged area with peroxide or calendula tincture, let the wound dry.
  3. Corn should "breathe", so it will heal faster and will not leave coarse traces behind it. No need to seal the damaged area with adhesive tape.
  4. When the skin dries out, apply rescue agent ointment or any other means at your discretion (Panthenol, De-Panthenol, etc.). If you urgently need to go, glue 2 breathable adhesive plasters crosswise.

Folk remedies for rubbing shoes

  1. In the warm season it is often possible to meet with wet blisters, plantain copes with such problems.Practically in any place it will not be difficult to find this plant.
  2. If you are within the home, it is advisable to rinse the plantain. Finely chop the leaves and attach to the sore spot. It is better to rest with a compress. During the night the healing composition will do its job. Repeat the procedure as necessary.
  3. Healing properties of raw potatoes. Peel a small root vegetable and rub it on a fine grater. Apply gruel to affected skin. Wrap the leg with a bandage. It is worth waiting 2-3 hours for the corn to go off.
  4. As for dry corns, then onions or lemon will cope with such a problem. Turn into a mush any of the above products, attach to the affected area. Wrap gauze over your leg and put on your socks. Compress is best done at night.
  5. To eliminate natoptysh, you need only two components. Take 140 gr. onion peel and 250 ml. 6% -exus. Connect the components and tightly seal the container. The composition should be infused in a cool place for about 14 days. After that, use the tool in the form of lotions until the disappearance of corns.
  6. Also, a chicken egg-based remedy, 30 ml, can cope with problems. vinegar and 35 ml. vegetable oil.Stir the ingredients thoroughly and refrigerate. Insist the composition throughout the day. Saturate with a tampon and use as a compress.

Bath from corns and corns

  1. To eliminate the annoying cracks, natoptysh and corns, you can resort to using trays. This procedure will remove the immediate problem and discomfort when walking.
  2. Do not think that corns is a harmless thing. These little things lead to a distortion of posture when walking. The recipe is based on prunes, the procedure is recommended for the night.
  3. For a single therapy, take 8 prunes. Do not forget to remove the bones. Also need 250 ml. milk, preferably rustic.
  4. Place the saucepan on the stove and add animal product and fruit to it. Boil the mixture over low heat until the prunes are completely softened.
  5. Leave the broth to cool to an acceptable temperature. Turn the food into mush with a blender, pour the mixture into the bowl with warm water. Dip your legs in the composition and wait for cooling.
  6. After that, treat your feet and problem areas with a special saw or pumice.Liberally moisturize the skin with a fat cream. Put cellophane on your feet and socks on top. Go to bed.

If you are faced with the problem of rubbing feet with shoes, you need to follow simple tips. Use non-slip insoles and similar accessories to prevent foot problems. If the calluses have already appeared, use home remedies. To carry out the procedure preferably at bedtime. Try to avoid such things in the future.

Video: what to do if shoes shake and rubs

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