Bird cherry - useful properties and contraindications

Bird-cherry (Padus avium Mill) is a member of the Rosaceae family. Amazing in its properties, the plant is not uncommon in nature. Most often it can be seen in places of high humidity, on the coasts of ponds, in the lowlands of rivers. The area of ​​prevalence of fragrant shrubs and trees is quite large, they are found in Africa and Ukraine, the Caucasus and the Western regions of Siberia, in Central Asia and Russia (the European part). It is so famous for its healing properties that, along with the usual apple trees, pears, plums, bird cherry bushes began to grow in private plots. They can be a decoration of park areas.

 Useful properties and contraindications of bird cherry

The history of the use of the components of this unique, healing plant, has many centuries.She was glorified in poetry and folklore. The period of active flowering was a sign that it was time to plant potatoes.

How to make stocks

In the plant everything is valuable. Fragrant flowers, leaves, bark of young shoots.

The bark is harvested in early spring when the circulation of juices begins after winter sleep. It is at the beginning of the spring trimester that the bark is removed easily. Remove the valuable billet rings with scissors cut branches. Dry using an electric dryer (80 degrees Celsius). Such a temperature regime contributes to the preservation of amygdalin and prevents the destruction of enzymes. In order not to lose the diuretic property, the bark is dried at 40 degrees. The shelf life of the obtained substance is 5 years.

Cherry flowers collected in May - the period of active flowering. The drying process is advisable to carry out on the street under a canopy with the possibility of airing and without access to the sun. Store raw materials for about a year.

In July - September, berries are harvested. During this period, the fruits gain their healing properties and fully mature. Brushes cherry cut in dry, sunny weather. Dried in any convenient way (dryer, oven or open air),adhering to 40-50 degrees, having sent not a dense layer. Ready berries are removed from the stalks and get rid of unnecessary fragments. Long stored in a dry, ventilated space, in paper or cloth bags for 3-5 years. Leaves are harvested in June.

Chemical composition

In order to coordinate treatment correctly, the useful elements that make up the berry were studied:

  • Sucrose, glucose, fructose.
  • Amigdalin, prunazin.
  • Anthocyanins.
  • Essential oil.
  • Pectin.
  • Trace elements (zinc, potassium, manganese, copper, boron, cobalt).
  • Vitamin R.
  • Carotene.
  • Gum.
  • Citric, ascorbic, malic organic acids.
  • Phenol carbolic acids.
  • Resins
  • Rutin
  • Cyanogenic glycosides.
  • Flavonoids.
  • Phytocides
  • Tannins and dyes.

The leaves also have:

  • Vitamin C.
  • Phenol carbolic acids.
  • Flavonoids (20%).

Bark, flowers, seeds - they contain a glycoside that secretes acid (cyanide).

All elements of the plant are saturated with essential oil with a bitter smell, gum, phytoncides and resins.

Curative properties of bird cherry

Experts identify the following properties:

  1. Anchoring. It has an astringent effect - due to the presence of tannins in the composition. Do not collapse under the action of heat treatments.
  2. Normalizing the digestive tract and stimulating the activity of the smooth muscles of the intestine by means of pectin.
  3. Strengthening the wall of the stomach. Bitterness in the composition of wild crops is especially valuable. The cultivated varieties are not so rich in these substances. It is worth paying attention to when treating the organ of digestion.
  4. Bactericidal - due to phytocides that can stop the development of microbes.
  5. Regenerating. Strengthening and restoring the walls of capillaries. This property is provided with potassium and vitamin P.
  6. Antioxidant - cleansing the blood from the action of cholesterol, removing toxic substances - the result of the action of vitamin PP and pectin.
  7. Restorative (immunomodulatory), due to trace elements, vitamins, flavonoids.
  8. Urinary. Potassium, bitterness and essential oils favor kidney function.
  9. Anti-inflammatory. The disinfecting property is caused by the presence of vitamin and mineral complexes, phytocides, which accelerate the regeneration processes.
  10. Sweatshops.Potassium contributes to the removal of fluid through the sweat glands.
  11. Contraceptive (it is not scientifically proven).
  12. Salt water. Vitamins, minerals - remove heavy metal salts. Relieve symptoms of gout and arthritis.
  13. Pain reliever Proven destructive effect on pathogenic bacteria.
  14. Toning, soothing.
  15. Insecticidal. The presence of phytocides well repels mosquitoes, ticks, flies.
  16. Bronchodilator. It is characterized by exfoliation and excretion of mucus. Marked expectorant action.

Indications for use

  • Dysentery.
  • Diseases of the stomach. Gastroenteritis (acute and chronic course).
  • Rheumatism, arthritis, gout.
  • Migraines, headache.
  • Temperature rise. Fever.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Inflammation of the small and large intestine.
  • Painful symptoms in diseases of the joints.
  • Toothache. Caries.
  • Heart Disease.
  • Furunculosis, dermatosis, purulent wounds, bedsores.
  • Psoriasis, scabies, acne.
  • Koch's wand.
  • Conjunctivitis, blepharitis.
  • Colpitis, venereal diseases.
  • Toxicosis.

Curative preparations of bird cherry

 Curative preparations of bird cherry

  1. A decoction of bark. Crushed bird cherry crust (5 g), add 200 g of water and boil (15 min).Allowed to brew for half an hour, filtered and consumed in 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day, effectively as a diaphoretic in the absence of sleep and failure of metabolic processes in the body.
  2. Infusion of inflorescences (in case of metabolic failure). 2 tbsp. spoons of dried collection pour 200 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for an hour, filter through gauze. Use up to five doses per day for 1 tablespoon of dining.
  3. Infusion of cherry blossoms (with conjunctivitis). Freshly picked flowers (1 teaspoon), pour a glass of cooled after boiling water. Withstand the night, tsedyat. Apply applications on the eyes, dripping.
  4. A decoction based on bark (when coughing, fever, cystitis, colds). Dry matter (10 g) is poured with a glass of water, boiled for 10 minutes. Stand 2 hours, shed through gauze. Use up to 4 times a day and 1 tsp.
  5. A decoction of the berries (with diarrhea). They take whole berries of bird cherry (1 tbsp. Spoon), pour in a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes. on low heat. Stand 2 hours, squeeze and take 100 ml three times a day.
  6. Decoction of cherry fruit with propolis (with diseases of the stomach, diarrhea). Mix 1 tbsp. spoonful of whole berries with a glass of boiled water, boil for 10 minutes, set aside to cool to room temperature. To filtered broth add alcohol tincture of propolis (30 drops).It is recommended to drink 100 ml, three times a day. When dermatitis is used externally.
  7. Infusion fruit (with skin diseases caused by fungus). Freshly harvested fruits (2 tablespoons) insist in a glass of water for 7 hours. Squeeze and use externally.
  8. Disinfecting tincture with a tonic effect. Bird cherry is immersed in water for a few minutes. Quench your thirst with pleasant pure water, with a fragrant flavor.
  9. Tincture of the cortex (with painful sensations in the joints, rheumatism, muscle spasms). Two Art. spoon chopped collection insist on vodka (200 ml) for 21 days without access of light.
  10. Combined decoction (for psoriasis). Three parts of calendula flowers and 2 parts of leaves of wild strawberry, tricolor violet and buds of birch are added to 1 part of dry leaves of bird cherry. From the total mass is taken 1 tbsp. spoon, poured a glass of water and brought to a boil. Allow to cool, filter and take half a cup half an hour before meals, three times a day. Treated courses for 40 days, with breaks of 30 days.
  11. Combined decoction (for astringent effect). Take three parts of the fruit of the bird cherry and two - blueberries. Two Art. spoons of berries are poured with a glass of boiled water, boiled for 20 minutes. Take half a cup four times a day.
  12. Precast infusion (for viruses, herpes).Cherry flowers (3 parts), lemon balm leaves (3 parts), juniper berries (1 part), rowan fruits (1 part) are mixed. From the total composition take 1 tbsp. spoon, brewed with a glass of boiling water, insist about an hour. Take three times a day a glass (in the form of heat).

Popular belief says that to prevent a cold, just a short time is enough to stand under a bird-cherry tree. Regular walks in the park with planted bushes will calm the nervous system and fix a restless sleep.

Cases when use is prohibited

Like all drugs, drugs with bird cherry in the composition also have limitations in use and require a serious attitude.

Prunus is a poisonous plant, so it makes amygdalin, which is included in all parts of the tree. The decay product of this substance is prussic acid. This is the reason why preparations based on berries are prepared from whole dried fruits.

Bird cherry berries have strong binding properties that can lead to constipation. Also this contraceptive means - therefore, affects the reproductive function of the female body.Admission to pregnant women is contraindicated, since in the first trimester the risk of miscarriage is possible. The aroma of flowers can have a negative effect on the process of carrying, it is recommended to temporarily abandon the bouquets of cherry flowers in the house.

It is not recommended to give berries to young children. Immature fruits can cause poisoning.

Important! With long-term storage of dosage forms of berries and bark, poison is released - hydrocyanic acid. Long storage is hazardous to health.

Interesting Facts

  1. It is believed that the plant has magical properties, able to clear the aura of negative influences.
  2. Able to relieve depression and attract love.
  3. It has magical properties. Heals from unrequited love.
  4. A branch of bird cherry can be tested for the presence of the evil eye. Takes a branch with a diameter of 5 mm, dried. If a dry wand broke easily - this is a sign of an evil eye.
  5. Bird cherry juice has tinting abilities. It can give color to the wine or confection, it also used to dye fabrics in brown and green.
  6. Wood used for weaving products (baskets, hoops).
  7. From the powder of the berries, tea was brewed, a filling was prepared for the pies, added to the smell of the flour.
  8. Used to fight insects.
  9. There is an opinion that the shrub got its name from the river Po, which flows in Italy.
  10. The sweet smell attracts bees, this plant is a honey plant.
  11. The juice of the berries was used to treat infections in wounds during the Patriotic War. This gave a chance for recovery to many patients.

Video: medicinal properties of bird cherry

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