Ramson - useful properties and contraindications

Ramson, known to many as bear onions, grows everywhere in Russia, except for the Tundra. Due to its tonic and healing effects, this plant has been widely used by our ancestors in traditional medicine. In addition, ramson - an ingredient for many dishes. Not many people know about the beneficial properties and contraindications of this product.

 Useful properties and contraindications of wild garlic

The composition of wild garlic

89% of wild garlic falls on water. In addition, the plant can boast of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and dietary fiber.

  1. The product is rich in vitamins A, C, PP, as well as B1, B2, B3, B9.
  2. Due to the contained phytoncides and saponins, ramson is an active eliminator of microbes.
  3. Acyllin in the composition activates the effects of macrophages, as a result of which microbes and viruses can be destroyed. Lysozyme plays the role of a natural antibiotic.
  4. Ramson is a real natural antioxidant that can repel pathogens of a number of infections.
  5. There was a place in the wild garlic with the following microelements: sulfur, calcium, iodine, iron, selenium, copper, zinc, manganese, barium, fluorine, boron, and nickel.

The advantage of this plant in a large amount of vitamin C. It is contained here in 15 times more than in any of the citrus. Only a few leaves can fill the daily human need for ascorbic acid.

Ramson and its beneficial properties

Ramson is endowed with a number of positive properties that are important for the human body.

  1. Normalization of metabolic processes. Almost everyone has to deal with metabolic disorders. As a result, a person’s general condition deteriorates, working capacity decreases, and health problems begin. Ramson is able to cope with the problem.
  2. Blood is purified, its formula improves. Regular consumption of bear bow affects the composition of the blood only positively. In addition, the components contained in the plant, stimulate the active excretion of toxic components.
  3. The fight against dermatovenereological pathologies.Ramson helps to deal with such problems as natograds, warts, lichen, etc.
  4. It is useful for dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, colds.
  5. Stimulates the strengthening of the central nervous system. The plant has a positive effect on the functioning of the peripheral nervous system, accelerating the reaction.
  6. It activates the functioning of the cardiovascular system, positively influencing the work of the heart muscle.
  7. Strengthens the immune system. Ramson can boast a balanced composition, which is important to maintain its tonic properties.
  8. Normalizing cholesterol. Ramson helps those who suffer from hypertension, as it has the ability to lower blood pressure. Vessels are cleared of plaques that are formed by harmful cholesterol, knocking together and sticking to the walls of blood vessels.
  9. The product contains a lot of plant fiber, which stimulates the digestive process and helps to get rid of toxins and slags.
  10. Due to the bactericidal properties of wild garlic, it is possible to solve the problem of pathogenic flora of the oral mucosa. To do this, it is enough to chew a green leaf for 2-3 minutes.
  11. Due to the impact of beneficial components contained in the plant, the work of the thyroid gland and the nervous system improves.
  12. Ramsons found application as a cosmetic. Masks, prepared on the basis of the bulbs of this plant, perfectly whiten the skin, clean it from rashes and ulcers.

Reception of wild garlic can be done both internally, as part of dishes, and externally.

Contraindications wild garlic

Despite the mass of positive properties, in some situations, from the use of this plant should refrain.

 Contraindications wild garlic

  1. Contraindications to use are any diseases of the gastrointestinal canal. Sokogonnye properties of the product can only exacerbate the situation and provoke an exacerbation of the disease.
  2. Do not eat wild garlic pregnant women and nursing moms. The sharp taste and smell penetrated into breast milk can scare the baby. It is possible that he completely abandoned the mother's breast.
  3. Bear onions - an allergenic product. If a person has an individual intolerance, then the product will bring nothing but harm to the body.When using the plant for the first time, it is best to start with a few leaves and follow the reaction. If the reaction does not follow, you can safely eat the product. Important! Ramson looks like a lily of the valley. These two plants cannot be confused, since poison is contained in the leaves of the lily of the valley, this product can significantly harm the body. You can distinguish them by smell. If you smell cut wild garlic, you can feel the bright aroma of garlic.
  4. The use of the product should be moderate, 10-20 leaves per day, not more. Abuse of the plant can lead to unpleasant consequences, manifested in the form of sleep disorders, headaches, indigestion, heart problems.
  5. Bear onions have a diuretic property. That is why it can not be used in patients with kidney disease.
  6. Since wild garlic is able to lower blood pressure, hypotension should be discarded from its use.
  7. Patients suffering from renal and hepatic pathologies, heart diseases should stop using alcohol tincture made from bear bow. In such cases, it is better to use water broth or extracts.

The use of wild garlic for medical purposes

In the modern world, it is increasingly possible to observe situations when people turn to traditional medicine for help in treating diseases. Ramson is used by herbalists for the treatment and prevention of a variety of diseases. There are a lot of recipes for using the plant.

 The use of wild garlic for medical purposes

Ramson salad
Young leaves of the plant must be plucked before the onset of the flowering period. They should be cut, salt and flavor with various dressings (sour cream, cream, olive or sunflower oil, sauce or homemade mayonnaise). With such components, the garlic becomes not only tasty, but also useful as a remedy for beriberi, spring weakness. The plant can improve appetite and metabolic processes.

Use fresh ramson juice
Juice made from the leaves of this product is used as a lotion to combat purulent formations, warts, lichen, bedsores. Soaked in juice juice for a quarter of an hour is placed on the problem area. Otitis can be treated with the juice of wild garlic. For this, the composition obtained from the plant is instilled into the diseased ear twice a day.After 15 minutes, the ear is dried using a cotton pad.

Raspberry infusion
To prepare the tincture will have to use the bulbs of this plant, which are pre-crushed with a fine grater. A small spoonful of raw materials should be poured with 2 cups of boiled water, cooled to room temperature. An hour later, the resulting drug should be drained. Drink 0.5 cups three times a day. Such a composition is especially effective in case of failures of the menstrual cycle, for the treatment of malaria, recuperation.

Tincture based on vodka
To prepare the composition is simple. The crushed greens of a plant should be poured with vodka in a ratio of 1 to 10. After 10 days of infusion, the composition is filtered. Apply the drug inside to combat atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes (30 drops in the morning and evening every day for a month). Also, the tincture is applied externally. It is pounded if pains appear in the joints (twice a day, until there are improvements).

The tincture is used for the treatment of periodontal disease, only it is prepared in this case differently, in a ratio of 1 to 1. 1 tablespoon of the obtained composition must be diluted with a glass of water.This medicine rinses the mouth twice a day. Diabetic patients can prepare a decoction of wild garlic roots.

Wine decoction
10 leaves of the plant are boiled in white wine for no more than 5 minutes. The filtered composition is drunk with a spoon of honey, 2-3 sips should be taken at a time. Per day, several similar techniques are performed. Such a tool is an excellent assistant in the fight against lung diseases, vitamin deficiency. It will take about 2 weeks.

Remedy for hypertension
Need to take 0.5 kg. lemons, onions, horseradish and wild garlic. The washed and cleaned ingredients (only lemon is not peeled) are ground using a meat grinder. The resulting gruel is diluted with 2 liters of water and left for a month for infusion. Drink 1 large spoon in the morning, afternoon and evening for 30 days. The composition is an excellent assistant for atherosclerosis, hypertension and arrhythmias.

External use of wild garlic
Topical use involves the use of a slurry obtained from a plant and wrapped in cloth or gauze. The product in this form is applied to the affected areas, wounds, lichen. For the treatment of rhinitis make small flagella of gauze with gruel inside and lay them in the nasal passages. To eliminate conjunctivitis remedy aged for 5 minutes in the mornings and evenings.

Ramson is a useful plant that is a source of vitamins, a remedy and a food product. Bear onions is able to bring benefits to the human body, to assist in the fight against certain diseases. In addition, products made from this plant are actively used in cosmetology.

Video: ramson - the benefits and harm

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