Chemerichna water for hair - the benefits and application

Chemericnaya water is an infusion prepared on the basis of the eponymous plant - hellebore. This tool has been used by women since ancient times. But not everyone knows that the infusion is prepared on a poisonous plant. However, with proper use and no contraindications, the composition will benefit the hair and scalp. Let's look at the basic rules of application and the main aspects.

 Chemerichnaya water for hair

Benefits of Chemeric Water

Despite the fact that the plant is poisonous in nature, this does not prevent beautiful ladies from using the infusion and masks with tameric water for healing and treating hair.Systematic rather than chaotic application guarantees getting results in the shortest possible time.

A particular focus of the hellebore water is the fight against alopecia, or, as it is also called, mass hair loss. It is useful to make a mask of directional action for men who are faced with the problem of the appearance of bald patches and bald spots.

The composition of the coameric water includes many useful substances. Among them are natural sugars, starchy compounds, minerals, vitamins, resinous and tannins. They all penetrate deep into the follicles and fill the voids. Hair begins to grow thicker, cease to break, their porous structure disappears.

The curative properties of an infusion on Chemeritz include the fight against head lice and nits. In a short time, you can eliminate the problem, because the toxic substances in the composition of the plant kill the parasites.

In addition, the composition will benefit those who are tired of fighting dandruff, seborrhea, excessive oily skin of the scalp and clogged grease ducts.

For general nutrition, recovery, moisturizing hair, it is necessary to make masks with the inclusion of hellebore water. They will add natural shine to the strands, close the scales, relieve hair from the section.

Contraindications to the use of hellebore water

Do not be thoughtlessly use the tincture based on a poisonous plant. Familiarize yourself with contraindications and exclude them.

The ban applies in the following cases:

  • allergy to the drug;
  • abrasions and microdamages on the scalp;
  • dermatological problems;
  • lactation period;
  • pregnancy.

If you have no contraindications, purchase chemoremic water at any pharmacy kiosk. The composition is available in a dark glass bottle. Cost per 100 ml. does not exceed 80 rubles. Make sure that complete with tincture was instructions for its use, side effects, indications for use. Check expiration date.

Rules for the use of hellebore water

  1. Protect your hands with gloves when applying and blending mask components. Do not allow the drug on mucous membranes.
  2. Before use, shake the contents. At the bottom there is a sediment as a result of the fact that the water is made from natural raw materials.
  3. Before first use, make a test to make sure there is no adverse reaction. Apply a drop on your wrist, wait 10 minutes and rinse.
  4. It is forbidden to apply pure hellebore water,because with such use the scalp and hair are exposed to aggressive agents. Better make masks.
  5. Do not ingest the drug because of its strong toxicity. If this happens, flush the stomach, call an ambulance.
  6. Masks must be distributed over the entire length, unless otherwise specified in the instructions. In some cases it is allowed to apply only to the roots.
  7. The duration of exposure means is determined individually, it all depends on the selected mask. If you feel unbearable burning sensation, wash off the composition before.
  8. It is impossible to make masks based on the cemeric water too often. It is best to apply them 1-2 times a week.

Chemerichna water to strengthen hair

  1. The main advantage of this tool is that after the first application, the hair looks soft, raised in the zone of roots, moisturized.
  2. To prepare the mixture, you will need 15-20 ml. tinctures on chemeritsa, 40 ml. olive oil, 70 ml. kefir or yogurt of high fat content.
  3. Mix the above ingredients, leave. Now take a large radish, rub it on a grater, fold it on gauze and squeeze juice. Mix it into the bulk.
  4. Apply the mixture to the entire length of hair, carefully rubbing into the scalp. Collect the hair in a bun on the back of the head, wind a plastic film over the head and a towel turban. Wait half an hour, remove with water and shampoo.

Chemerichna water for hair restoration

  1. In order to fully restore the hair, to eliminate damage from regular dyeing and the use of thermal devices, you need to make a mask with sour cream and hellebore.
  2. Measure out 20 ml. tinctures, add to it 60 gr. thick sour cream, 20 ml. corn or burdock oil. Make sure the components are at room temperature.
  3. Enter 3 chicken yolks (raw), a tablespoon of your regular hair balm without impurities. Stir, whisk, apply over the entire length and wrap. Wait half an hour, rinse.

Chemerichna dandruff water

  1. The tool fully moisturizes the hair structure, revives the hair and heals it. In addition, the healing composition eliminates virtually any fungal problems and dandruff.
  2. Take burdock root, wash it and chop it. Fill the raw material with a small amount of boiling water and steam it on the steam bath for about 10 minutes.Leave the composition aside for half an hour, do not forget to strain.
  3. Take 250 ml. ready broth and mix it with 30 ml. lemon juice, 40 ml. castor oil and 60 ml. tinctures. Stir the ingredients thoroughly and treat the curls with plenty.
  4. Rub the composition into the scalp for a while. The tool must be completely dry on the hair. After that, thoroughly wash your hair with hot water and shampoo.

Chemerichnaya water for hair growth

 Chemerichnaya water for hair growth

  1. The mask activates dormant follicles and enriches the hair structure with nourishing enzymes and oxygen. Peel the medium-sized onion from the husk and turn it into a mush in any way possible. Squeeze the juice from the mixture.
  2. Use the common cup and combine the onion liquid, 30 gr. fresh honey, 35 ml. burdock oil and 40 ml. chomeric water. Stir the ingredients thoroughly, begin to rub into the hair roots. Heat the classic technology for half an hour, wash off the composition.

Chemerichnaya water against hair loss

  1. The mask copes with alopecia, nourishes the skin with nutrients and eliminates seborrhea. Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to treat the head with warm water by partings.Use a syringe and scallop for convenience.
  2. In parallel, prepare a remedy. To do this, mix 12 ml. lemon juice, 60 ml. burdock oil and 30 ml. tinctures. After treatment of the head with warm water after 15 minutes, it is necessary to apply the prepared composition. Warm for 25 minutes. Wash your head.

Chemerichna water from lice

  1. Before the procedure, make sure that there is no allergic reaction. Apply 1 drop to the wrist or the inside of the elbow. In such a place is very sensitive skin.
  2. If after 10-15 minutes you do not have redness, itching and burning, then the tool can be used for its intended purpose. It is not necessary to wash the hair before the procedure, the main thing is to dissolve and comb them. Shake the product, you will need 20 ml. tinctures.
  3. Dampen a cotton pad and begin to rub the drug in the root area. After that, tightly wrap the head with cling film and a towel. Do not be alarmed by the warming effect, it will be pleasant enough.
  4. During the procedure, be especially careful. Do not allow the composition in the eyes or mouth. If this happens, immediately flush mucous membranes with plenty of water. If necessary, consult a doctor.
  5. After the first use, all parasites will die.After 20 minutes, rinse off with hot water using natural shampoo. Carefully comb the lice with a fine hairbrush. The mask is allowed to do 2 times a week.

Chemerichnaya water - quite effective. Do not forget that if you fail to use the drug, you can cause significant harm to the body. Therefore, before the procedure, read the practical advice.

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