How to remove limescale in the toilet?

Plumbing is available in every home, for its full functioning it is necessary to conduct regular cleaning activities. Special care is required in the bathtub and toilet; this is where most of the lime scale accumulates. Contamination cannot be called lightweight, and therefore effective means must be used to exclude it. Consider the main aspects.

 How to remove limescale in the toilet

Types of pollution

  1. Lime-borne deposits are complex soils; they appear due to hard tap water, which contains a lot of calcium salt. All these deposits appear in the bottom of the toilet in the form of a yellow patina. Chemicals based on caustic acids are used to eliminate pollution.
  2. Another type of pollution is rust. Orange stripes are formed in the toilet due to clogged pipes and their old age.In some cases, the walls of the toilet bowl are stained with rust due to the accumulation of iron in tap water.
  3. Also in the toilet there are deposits in the form of urinary stone, this pollution is usually combined with limescale. The complexity of cleaning increases many times, so you should promptly flush the toilet behind you and carry out hygienic measures.

To eliminate all types of pollution at the same time, it is necessary to take care of water softening. To do this, a directional pill should be placed in the drain flank, which is sold in household chemicals and sanitary ware shops.

Chemicals from limescale

Modern manufacturers supply the shops with a variety of household products that are aimed at removing rust, urinary stone and plaque in the toilet. In order to carry out high-quality cleaning, it is necessary to purchase products based on gel or cream, in rare cases powder formulations are used.

There are 4 main groups of funds:

  1. Acid Purifiers. As the name implies, products include a large amount of acids.Among them are salt, formic, oxalic, and their combination with each other. During use of such products should carefully protect the respiratory tract, skin of the hands and mucous eyes. Acid cleaners should not be used too often, as they spoil the enamel of the toilet bowl. It is forbidden to clean such ceramics and earthenware toilets. The following are considered to be explicit representatives of the products: “Toilet Duckling Active”, “Santri Gel”.
  2. Alkaline cleaners. Usually presented in the form of chemical solutions that contain sodium. Quickly remove pollution of any nature, including urinary stone and limescale. Representatives of alkaline cleaners are considered "Bref gel" and "Dosya".
  3. Chlorine-containing cleaners. Quickly eliminate various kinds of pollution and unpleasant odors. But they have a sharp aroma that spreads throughout the apartment. Cleaning is done with well-open windows. Chlorine-containing products can be used daily, without fear for the safety of sanitary ware. We recommend to consider "Titan", "Silit Bang" and "Commet".
  4. Powdered cleaners. Used in most cases for the removal of urinary stone, but are also suitable for the fight against lime scale. As the name implies, the product is a dry powder. It is distributed at the site of contamination, then cleaned with a stiff brush or brush. With regular use it is possible to damage the enamel, lime and urinary stone will get clogged in the microcracks. It is necessary to give preference to the means “Flash”, “PemoLux”, “Big Power”.

Folk remedies for removing limescale

Oxalic acid

  1. If the plaque in the toilet is in an advanced stage, oxalic acid will be a great help in solving the problem. It is important to understand that the tool has a pronounced causticity.
  2. When working with such a chemical, it is necessary to comply with all safety measures and to resort to the help of protective equipment. Wear thick silicone gloves, goggles and a fabric respirator.
  3. Acid can be purchased at any technical store. It is used in various ways. If you are going to remove plaque from a small section of the toilet, you need to pour a little money on a thick rags.
  4. Wipe up the pollution. The procedure should help.If the toilet is in a state of neglect, then the acid must be poured into the toilet. Wait 3-5 hours. After that, flush the toilet with plenty of water.
  5. Working with aggressive compositions, do not be lazy to use personal protective equipment. During the procedure, always keep the room with the windows open wide open. The advantage of the tool is that it restores toilets even in a terrible state.

Lemon acid
 Citric acid from lime scale

  1. Citric acid refers to a product with more gentle properties. The tool can also cope with complex contaminants. Acid showed itself well in the fight against raids of a different nature.
  2. Flush the toilet several times before proceeding with the procedure. Carefully pour a small amount of hot water into it. The liquid should not be a boiling water. Sprinkle toilet bowl wall 100 g. citric acid.
  3. Use a brush or a thick brush and carefully wipe the bottom. Leave the toilet with the remedy for a few hours. After 4-5 hours, clean the walls again and wash away the water. To cope with the old stone, it is better to leave the acid overnight for de-scaling.


  1. Whiteness is an alternative and no less effective means. Before resorting to the aid of a chlorinated compound, it is necessary to get rid of all the water in the toilet bowl. After that you can pour in the chemical composition.
  2. In some cases, just wait a few hours to resolve the problem. In disrepair, the toilet with the tool is better to leave until the morning.
  3. After peeling and destruction of the plaque, wash the toilet thoroughly and pay proper attention to the bottom. Flush the toilet several times. It is strictly forbidden to use the toilet as intended at the time of the cleaning procedure.


  1. Many housewives successfully apply simple liquid in the form of electrolyte. Perhaps friends have ever mentioned the miraculous qualities of the chemical composition. Electrolyte should be used in the deplorable state of the toilet.
  2. Before the procedure, it is important to take into account practical recommendations for which it is prohibited to use such a composition. You should not resort to using electrolyte with a slight contamination of the toilet. For such problems there are more benign remedies.
  3. It is forbidden to resort to the use of electrolyte, if the sewer plastic pipes and drains depart from the toilet. Aggressive composition can significantly harm the system. Also, do not apply the chemical composition, if you are connected to a central sewer.
  4. If you decide on such acts, carefully weighing everything, you must take precautions. Electrolyte is extremely dangerous for the human body. Even a small amount of the substance on the skin can cause severe burns.
  5. It is mandatory to wear glasses, gloves and a respirator before the procedure. Protective suit also does not hurt. Keep in mind that the substance is applied exclusively on the dry surface of the toilet bowl. Pour in the electrolyte with extreme caution, do not allow splashing.
  6. Wait a while, then rinse the water several times. Keep in mind that the drain must be strictly with the lid closed. Do not forget that the electrolyte is made from highly concentrated acidic compounds. Therefore, strictly follow all precautions.

Clean the toilet from old pollution is not difficult.Before performing the appropriate procedure, evaluate the problem. Perhaps the task will cope conventional tools that are sold in any household store. In extreme cases, resort to the help of potent chemicals. Strictly follow all precautions.

Video: how to clean the toilet from lime and urinary stone

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