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The positive and negative aspects of honey water have been discussed in various forums for a long time, however this drink definitely has one positive feature - it tastes good, especially if you add a little cinnamon and lemon to it.
Beneficial features
Immediately it is worth noting the fact that experts categorically prohibit eating a large amount of honey per day - no more than 2 tablespoons, but you can drink honey drink in unlimited quantities.
The beneficial properties of honey water are as follows:
- Improves digestion. A glass of such a product in the morning on an empty stomach helps to completely clean the intestines, rid it of harmful substances, and, thereby, water settles the work of the intestines. And after all, the functioning of the organism as a whole and its productivity depend on the work of the intestine.
- It helps to lose weight.In no case should you confuse honey water with a diet, because it only cleanses your body of harmful enzymes and fat deposits. It is useful for the gastrointestinal tract, and helps to effectively combat excess weight.
- Calms and improves mood. Just one glass of such water can calm the nervous system, improve its work, and also contribute to better sleep.
- It strengthens the immune system, helps to recover faster. In the initial stages of the disease, honey water helps to stop the infection, and thus does not allow you to stay down with the temperature. Its antibacterial properties will also help to cope with more serious diseases, which include sore throat and bronchitis.
- Relieves the load on the liver and improves its work as a whole. Honey provides protection for the liver and relieves it of harmful elements, thereby facilitating its work.
5 simple rules for the use of honey water
It would seem that it could be easier than to prepare honey water? Take a glass of water, add honey, cinnamon and lemon to taste - that's all, the tool is ready. But in fact, the use of honey water has a lot more subtleties than it might seem at first glance. Consider them in more detail:
- Honey should be exclusively natural. For such a solution is absolutely not suitable for any funds purchased in the supermarket. It is better to buy honey in the markets or from your own friends, beekeepers, if you have any.
- Water should not be boiled. After boiling, it, as a rule, loses absolutely all its properties, and therefore it is strongly recommended to use only water from sources or ordinary store water in bottles.
- Water temperature should be at room temperature. Another argument against boiled water, because in such water, honey loses all its properties, and the taste as well. It is recommended to heat the water to room temperature, so that it is comfortable enough to drink, and it is not cold.
- In the solution, you must add no more than one teaspoon. You can even make this spoon with a slide, but the rule is one - no more can be added. Otherwise, the solution will be too cloying, and such a portion of glucose will definitely not be beneficial for the body.
- Honey water should be drunk immediately after waking up, even before making breakfast. If you have a low acidity of the stomach, breakfast should be only an hour after taking the drink.If the acidity is normal or even slightly increased - you can safely have breakfast within half an hour after the honey water.
Before you begin to prepare such a tool, you should also carefully read the contraindications, because if you fit one of the criteria, honey water will not only not improve your health, but even negatively affect it.
Contraindications include the following items:
- It is strictly forbidden to use honey in any of its manifestations in the presence of allergies, during lactation or during pregnancy. Even though modern marketers assure buyers that the new formula of honey is completely hypoallergenic, in reality it is just a hoax. It is for this reason that it is recommended to give up honey both during lactation and during pregnancy, because this can greatly harm the health of the child;
- In case of heart or kidney failure, stomach ulcers or gastritis, it is also strongly recommended to refrain from adding honey to your diet. This category includes people with diabetes mellitus - despite the large amount of nutrients in this solution, no one has yet canceled a huge portion of glucose.
- It is better not to drink this solution at night, because in the morning you risk waking up with swelling on your hands, face and even legs. Despite the fact that many experts claim that there will be no edema, this is not so. Puffiness can be avoided only if your kidneys are very active, and in this case you will also have to go to the toilet all night, because it is only that way that excess fluid can get out of the body.
Freedom from parasites
It is important to note right away that honey water cannot be used as the only drug in the course of treatment for parasites, especially when it comes to your children. It is also necessary the appointment of medical treatment to fully protect themselves from various pests.
Scientists have not yet studied in detail how honey affects parasites, but the fact remains that honey affects them destructively, and helps to get rid of them faster and permanently remove them from the body.
If you drink honey water every morning and on a strict schedule, it can work as a prophylactic, if you have not been diagnosed.
Application for hair and face
In cosmetology often used masks, massages and wraps with honey, which have literally miraculous effect - tone and tighten the skin, moisturize it and even remove toxins. But, unfortunately, not all girls can afford this procedure, because a large concentration of honey often causes an allergic reaction. In this case, honey water will be an excellent alternative, in which the concentration of honey is much less, and it does not provoke an allergic reaction. Honey water can also be used to strengthen the hair structure and make it look healthier.
- Use for the face: there is only one teaspoon of honey per glass in 250 ml, then it is all mixed up and used as a tonic for the face. Honey tonic will help to remove irritation from the skin, remove flaking, make the skin softer and velvety. The procedure must be repeated 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening, after washing with other means.
- Application for hair. In the case when it comes to hair, it is necessary to increase the concentration of honey in water exactly 2 times. For hair, honey is used in the composition of the mask,when it is necessary to carefully apply the product to each strand separately, apply the composition to the hair roots with massage movements, and then place the hair in a plastic cap or even a regular bag, and let the product soak for an hour. This mask will be especially useful in the winter, when hair often suffer from vitamin deficiency. Honey mask also helps to fight with split ends and greatly facilitates hair styling in general.
Slimming with honey water
Honey water is effectively used for weight loss, but with it you can not lose a large number of kilograms. Rather, it has a therapeutic effect, helps to improve sleep patterns, restore appetite and removes various harmful substances from the body. Thus, honey helps to lose a small amount of weight, but this should be enough to motivate further weight loss.
In general, it can be said that it is not only possible to use honey water on an empty stomach, but it is absolutely necessary. Of course, only in those cases if you do not have personal intolerance to honey or you do not fit under one of the points indicated in the contraindications.
- Honey water is much less allergenic than ordinary honey, it can be used in various ways, and much more often than honey in its original form.
- It is also important to pay attention to the fact that honey should be used exclusively in one mode, because if the regime is constantly shot down, it will reduce the effectiveness of such treatment or even prevention.
- Do not forget that honey can not be used as an independent drug, it must necessarily be combined with medical treatment.
- Honey water is strongly recommended to drink during the period of time when most people have vitamin deficiency, that is, during the cold season, as well as in the spring. It will help not only to saturate the body with various vitamins, but also to improve overall well-being.
Honey is also strongly recommended for people with low immunity, because honey can not only protect against various kinds of infections, but also generally strengthen the immune system. People who use this tool, have noticed improvements within a few weeks after the start of taking honey water with a whole course of treatment.
To use honey water or not - the decision is solely yours, however, many researchers have proven that with the rational use of this water, no side effects should arise, not even the slightest worsening in the patients' conditions.
Video: the useful water honey on an empty stomach
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