What is useful lentil for the human body

Buckwheat, rice, potatoes - is in the diet of each person. These products have been on the menu since childhood and have become commonplace. But sometimes there is a desire to try something new and tasty. On the shelves you can find a lot of cereals, among which is lentils. She is not in great demand and is known far from all. And this is very bad. It contains a large number of nutrients that are urgently needed by the body. Some of them cannot be obtained from other products.

 What is useful lentil for the human body

According to statistics, more and more people switch to the correct lifestyle, quit smoking and drinking, start to play sports and eat right. Therefore, you should carefully read the lentils and include it in your diet.

History of lentils

Today, few people know about lentils, despite the fact that it has been known to humanity for more than one century and has been used in food. Homeland lentils is considered southeast Asia. Little by little she became famous all over the world.The mention of lentils can be found in the Bible legends. During the excavation of one of the Egyptian tombs, mashed lentils were found.

People who lived in ancient Greece and Egypt, appreciated it and ate it very often. Beggars made bread from it, and because of its nutritional qualities, it replaced meat with it. The wealthy people used it as a side dish, and the doctors knew its magical properties, and therefore they used it to treat many diseases.

In the Russian lands, lentils appeared in the 14th century and people really liked it. From it they cooked stew, porridge, bread and much more. She settled down well on these lands, so they began to actively grow over several centuries. But the appearance of potatoes has greatly changed the situation. People stopped eating healthy fruits, replacing them with tasty and unusual potatoes. But despite this, in many countries, the popularity of lentils has not decreased significantly. Even today many people love it and appreciate it for its undeniable benefit.

Types of lentils

About 10 varieties are known. They all differ in appearance, color, content of nutrients.But despite this, they are all similar in taste. The most common and popular varieties:

  1. Green - this is not enough lentils. She keeps her shape great while cooking. Thanks to this feature, it is added to salads and meat, and snacks are prepared with it. Green lentil helps in the treatment and prevention of hepatitis, ulcers, cholecystitis, hypertension.
  2. Red - endowed with unusual taste, well boiled soft. Therefore, it is prepared from the first dishes and side dishes. It has a lot of protein and iron, it is recommended for people with low hemoglobin.
  3. Brown - added to soups and casseroles because of the spicy bright nutty flavor. It is useful for people who have problems with the lungs, including those with tuberculosis. Accelerates the process of recovery and osteomuscular injuries.
  4. Black - has the smallest fruit, 2-3 mm. Due to its special composition, it is recommended to add it to your diet for pregnant women and young children.
  5. French - publishes spicy aroma and sharp taste. Quickly cooked and at the same time holds a form. It is added to salads and used as a side dish.

Of all the varieties described above, you can prepare an exquisite and unusual dish.Lentil differs from other legumes in its cooking speed. In addition, few products can retain all their nutrients after heat treatment, as does lentils.

Composition and calorie

Lentils are dietetic foods. Its 100 g contains 25 g of vegetable protein, 14 g of water, 54 g of carbon and only 1 g of fat. These numbers may vary slightly depending on the variety.

 Composition and calorie lentils

As you know, a person gets protein by eating meat. But for vegetarians, it is also important to keep your body healthy. Lentil will come to the rescue. It is similar in composition to meat, and vegetable protein is much easier and faster absorbed by the body.

Anyone who wants to have a slim and fit figure, should follow a structured diet. But it happens that the body is not saturated, from this there is a feeling of hunger and a person's mood decreases. In addition, it can lead to serious illnesses. Lentils will help to cope with this. It nourishes well and the body does not feel hunger for a long time, and its low fat content allows it to be consumed without fear for the body.

Many people think that legumes are very difficult to digest by the stomach and are afraid to eat them. But it is not. Lentil contains Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, soluble fiber. All this allows to improve digestion and is the prevention of cancer of the digestive organs.

It contains about 90% of the daily amount of folic acid, which is extremely important for pregnant women for the full development of the child.

Lentils contain many vitamins, among them A, PP, E, B. Minerals and macro elements in its composition are magnesium, potassium, iron, molybdenum, they are contained in the maximum amount. In addition to them, there is manganese, iodine, copper, zinc in lentils.

Fact! Lentil improves the functioning of the heart, nervous system and blood formation.

The calorie content of fresh lentils is about 300 kcal per 100 g, but in the process of cooking it decreases to 110 kcal. These numbers may vary slightly depending on the variety.

Positive effect on the human body

With lentil no one can compare the content of nutrients. It affects the entire body and has many advantages:

 The positive effect of lentils on the human body

  1. The tryptophan contained in lentils has a positive effect on the nervous system.It contributes to the production of serotonin, responsible for the mental state and mood of a person. Many medieval healers have recommended lentils to their patients for sedation.
  2. The minerals and macronutrients that make up the beans help clean the blood vessels of cholesterol, raise hemoglobin, normalize work and strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  3. Low calorie content and a high concentration of substances necessary for the body allow people who want to lose weight to include this product in the menu. At the same time, the result will be not only external, but also internal. Lentils will improve the work of the body and will not give a feeling of hunger.
  4. Lentils are environmentally friendly products in any case. It does not depend on the place of its growth and fertilizers, which it was cultivated in the fields. Culture is endowed with a property that does not accumulate nitrates and radionuclides.
  5. Vitamin C in the product improves immunity, reducing the likelihood of seasonal colds. Therefore, it should be eaten regularly, especially in spring and autumn.
  6. Due to the content of isoflavones, lentils are products that prevent the development of cancer cells.The main thing is that after heat treatment, it does not lose its abilities.
  7. People who suffer from diabetes benefit from using lentils because of the content of light carbohydrates. They do not allow blood sugar to rise. Lentils replaces bread and other cereals. It should be present in the diet at least 2 times a week.
  8. In addition to the internal effects on the body, people used it as a basis for various creams. For example, by mixing crushed lentils with egg yolk, it turns out a tool for quick healing of wounds.

By consuming lentils several times a week, you can heal the body without spending fabulous money on medicines that may not always have a positive effect. In addition, the benefits of eating will be the whole body.


Do not forget that lentils, like any other product, has its own contraindications:

 Harm lentils

  1. Like other legumes lentils leads to gas formation. Therefore, with intestinal diseases and a tendency to dysbacteriosis, it is not advisable to use lentils.
  2. In chronic diseases associated with digestion, it is necessary to reduce the use of lentils to a minimum.It is better to refuse salads with it, giving preference to the varieties as mashed potatoes or soups.
  3. Lentils contain phytans, they prevent the full absorption of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, the human body can receive less vital calcium, iron and other substances.

It is worth noting that lentils are prohibited for people with diseases of internal organs due to possible complications. In a healthy person, however, problems should not arise if used correctly. If, however, they appeared after consuming lentils, it is worthwhile to consult a doctor, it is possible that a person does not even know about problems with his health.

Several recipes from lentils

  1. Lentil chowder. It was prepared several thousand years ago. It is very easy to prepare, but at the same time very tasty and healthy. To this end, 200 g of lentils are poured with boiling broth and boiled for 30 minutes. At this time, zazharki is prepared from finely chopped onions and carrots in vegetable oil. When the lentils are boiled down, a roast is added to it. If desired, you can add potatoes, smoked meats, garlic, tomatoes and other ingredients at your discretion.At the end add the greens and served to the table.
  2. Lentil cutlets. To do this, take razvararuyu lentils and cook it until soft. Onions with garlic and red pepper fried in a pan until golden brown. All mix, knead, add salt, pepper to taste. Next, form small patties, envelop them in flour or breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable oil on both sides.

Video: what is the use of lentils?

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