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Garlic belongs to the perennial crops of the vegetable type, the bulbous family. Everyone knows that fragrant cloves are loved by many men. They gladly consume garlic for prophylaxis and because of the taste. But how is this vegetable useful for the female half of the population? Does he have any contraindications, or is everything so smooth? Let's figure it out together.
Garlic benefits
- First of all, it should be said about the positive effects of teeth on the human body during viral infections. The teeth strengthen the immune system, making it easier for people to resist the epidemic of influenza and ARVI.
- The composition includes bactericidal substances that kill harmful microorganisms.These compounds prevent viruses from attacking healthy cells. Garlic must be consumed if you are naturally suffering from weak protective functions.
- A representative of the bulbous family has a pleasant feature to cleave and remove cholesterol plaques from the cavity of the blood channels. Against this background, therapeutic and prophylactic therapy of atherosclerosis, varicose veins is carried out.
- Garlic normalizes blood circulation, increasing and diluting it. It also helps people with constant pressure surges and hypertension. The teeth are shown to receive those who suffer from systematic headaches.
- The composition contains vitamins and other substances useful for the nervous system. They relieve the effects of stressful situations, suppress insomnia and irritated psycho-emotional background.
- The representative of the bulbous family is successfully used to normalize the blood sugar levels, which is undoubtedly appreciated by patients with diabetes.
- Interestingly, juicy fragrant teeth neutralize poisons and remove them from the body. Garlic cloves help combat addiction, reducing dependence on cigarettes and alcohol.
- Healers of traditional medicine gladly use garlic to combat parasitic worms. Antihelminthic properties contribute to the speedy cleansing of the intestines from worms.
Garlic benefits for women
- Due to the accumulation of mineral compounds of various types, specialists in the field of gynecology advise eating cloves for the prevention and treatment of infertility.
- Gruel cooked on the basis of fresh garlic teeth, useful for the preparation of cosmetics. It is added to the mask to eliminate hair loss after childbirth.
- Garlic has a positive effect on the skin, so anti-aging remedies are prepared from it for wrinkles, for the formation of facial contours, and for pigmentation.
- Representatives of the fair half, who live in the hot southern regions, need to eat garlic. It prevents the development of skin cancer and breast milk.
- Not without the beneficial effects of the onion family on the body of a pregnant lady. Garlic improves the enrichment of the fetus with oxygen, forms the nervous system of the baby.
- For a pregnant woman also has its advantages.Vegetable removes excess fluid from the body, eliminating swelling of limbs and restless legs syndrome.
- Teeth act as a natural aphrodisiac, despite the specific smell. Garlic normalizes the human hormonal environment, which is extremely important for women.
- The product normalizes the activity of the digestive system, because it increases the secretion of gastric juice. Against this background, it is recommended to introduce adherents of diets into everyday food.
Garlic Contraindications
- Garlic, in addition to great benefits, has several disadvantages. Raw materials are strictly forbidden to consume during gastritis and gastric ulcers.
- Also contraindications include hemorrhoids, epilepsy, unstable activity of the kidneys and liver.
- Do not try to eat garlic in large quantities during the period of gestation. An acute product may adversely affect the course of pregnancy.
- Garlic should not be eaten with problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The composition strongly irritates the mucous membranes of internal organs.
Garlic to strengthen the immune system
- In order to fully strengthen the immune system, a person only needs to eat 1 clove of garlic a day.Raw materials can be added to vegetable salads. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to prepare the infusion. This tool should be taken in the offseason.
- To prepare the composition, clean 5 teeth of garlic. Remove the zest from 1 lemon. Put the ingredients together in a blender bowl. Turn into a homogeneous mush. Transfer the prepared composition to a glass container, pour 600 ml. cold filtered water. Insist means day, then strain.
- Ready infusion enough to drink 50 ml. daily. The course of prophylactic treatment lasts about 3 months. As a result, all inflammatory processes disappear. Significantly increased immunity.
Garlic against infectious diseases
- To cope with colds or flu, it is recommended to resort to a healing composition. Turn into a gruel 2 cloves of garlic and combine with 10 gr. flower honey.
- The tool must be taken at bedtime. Make sure in advance that there are no contraindications. The composition will prevent the development of the disease and will produce an antipyretic effect.
Juice of garlic against parasites
- If you suspect that you have helminths, you can resort to using pure garlic juice.Crush the garlic in any way possible, squeeze the liquid through a gauze cloth.
- Take the juice you need in a certain pattern. From 1 to 5 days, consume 10–12 drops three times a day. From 6 to 10 days is to increase the dose to 20-25 drops. Reception is carried out in the same way.
- After each intake, wait 10–15 minutes and eat 12 oz. flower honey. After another 15 minutes, you can begin to eat. The course of treatment is from 2 to 3 months.
Garlic tincture for vessels
- To effectively clean the blood vessels of cholesterol plaques and reduce blood pressure, you need to prepare an alcohol tincture with garlic. The composition also perfectly prevents the development of cardiovascular pathologies.
- For the preparation of raw materials you need to connect 110 gr. garlic and 500 ml. vodka. Keep the product in a glass container. The composition must be insisted in a dark cool room for four weeks. Do not forget to shake the ingredients regularly. After that, strain.
- Take the remedy 15 ml. three times a day before meals. The level of bad cholesterol in the blood will soon fall. Blood pressure is stabilized.Tincture cleaves atherosclerotic plaques. The risk of blood clots is reduced.
Garlic is famous for its beneficial properties since ancient times. With the help of vegetables, you can prevent and treat serious pathologies and various stages of diseases. When consuming garlic, consider a number of contraindications. Include garlic in your daily diet to always be healthy and beautiful. Also use raw materials in cosmetology.
Video: eat garlic every day and see what happens to you
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