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By melissa is meant the most valuable plant, which is often used in folk healing and cosmetology. On the basis of the presented raw materials, medicinal additives and drinks, in particular teas, are manufactured. In today's material, we will study the positive features of the raw materials so that you can make your own opinion and learn how to make tea with all the subtleties.
Value of drink
- The valuable effects of plants on the human body has been studied repeatedly, and therefore it can be considered in detail. First of all, broth on the basis of melissa rinsed curls to eliminate the loss, dandruff and other problems of such a plan. Cooled tea is widely used in the world of cosmetology, they wipe the skin when dealing with wrinkles and other imperfections.
- Experts have concluded that the drink under discussion has a positive effect on the activity of the circulatory system and cardiac muscle in particular.When dosed and at the same time, the correct reception of blood channels are cleared of cholesterol, thereby stabilizing pressure and pulse. Often the product is prescribed for vegetative-vascular dystonia in order to relieve headaches and enrich brain cells with oxygen and nutrients.
- If you have problems with the respiratory system, tea is also indispensable. They rinse their throats to eliminate tingling and soreness. The raw material, taken internally, dilutes the phlegm and removes it. Tea is shown to be consumed by smokers to reduce the negative effects of tar and toxins. Also, according to some reports, the presented plant reduces the craving for nicotine, allowing you to get rid of addiction.
- It makes sense to touch on sedative characteristics. Drink taken at night to eliminate problems with sleep. The composition removes the first signs of depressive disorders in all categories of individuals. The drink is shown to be consumed with frequent exposure to stressful situations, chronic fatigue, moral and physical exhaustion. In all these situations, he stabilizes the psycho-emotional background of a person.
- By incorporating antioxidants and vitamin C, the body's defense improves. Due to the strengthening of the immune system, it is easier for people to endure seasonal epidemics of ARVI and influenza. The composition also has diuretic qualities, it is drunk to treat the kidneys and remove excess fluid from the tissues. It makes sense to say that the product relieves inflammation, relieves fever, and fights toxicosis and poisoning.
- This natural antidepressant raises the spirits and adjusts to a positive wave. Tea strengthens and tones, suppresses fungal and viral infections, has antimicrobial effects. It cleans not only the blood channels, but also the intestinal tract, removing stagnation and preventing constipation. Every third modern person who, because of workload, does not have the opportunity to eat properly, faces such delicate problems.
Impact on women
- By melissa is meant the closest relative of mint. The presented varieties belong to the so-called female herbs, are widely used in traditional medicine and cosmetology.Each of the fair sex this drink should be introduced into the diet, including women in the position.
- The value lies in the ability to normalize the hormonal environment, restore hemoglobin levels and carry out the prevention of anemia. If brewing is carried out taking into account all the subtleties, the grass will give away all the healing substances to the water, so tea will be as useful as possible.
- Women more often than men suffer emotional turmoil. Depression develops quite quickly and sometimes on trifles. In order not to encounter the like, the drink is taken systematically, but not too large doses. Tea with the addition of honey will help you fall asleep, and the decoction on lemon balm is used for rinsing hair.
- Ladies in the position of the discussed drink will be reckoned as a plus if such an unpleasant problem as constipation has developed. Due to the light laxative effect, congestion in the intestine disappears, the activity of the entire digestive system is improved. Due to diuretic characteristics during pregnancy, it is necessary to drink the remedy, because it eliminates the strongest puffiness due to pasture of excess water.
- As for newly born mothers who are at the breastfeeding stage, the drink will also benefit.It enhances the rush of breast milk, increases its nutritional value and fat content, enriches with irreplaceable substances that subsequently enter the body of the baby.
- When menopause begins, so-called hot flashes make themselves felt. The hormonal environment is disturbed, irritability and moral fatigue appear. To bypass or eliminate the unpleasant symptoms, lemon balm is taken in the form of tea with the addition of honey. It smoothes the imbalance and allows the body to rebuild in a new way more comfortable.
- Let us return to the influence of the presented raw materials on the body of the lady in position. If the goal is to strengthen the immune system and at the same time do not harm the child, then you need to take the herbal drink metered. For taste, lemon juice is added in limited quantities or honey, provided you have eaten citrus fruits and beekeeping products before conception.
Impact on children
- The discussed drink is allowed to be given exclusively to those children whose age is 5 years or more. Especially often tea is taken by overly active children who cannot concentrate and are distracted by trifles.
- Do not treat your child a concentrated drink.To enrich black tea, just enter a couple of lemon balm leaves in it, that will be enough. Over the course of the life cycle, the number of plants increases, gradually you can switch to pure tea.
- Starting from 7-8 years old, it is allowed to harvest tea using a special technology. It is enough to mix 250 ml. hot water with 3 leaves and insist a third of an hour. This amount is given to the baby throughout the day in small portions.
- If you do not take into account the fact that the drink has some contraindications, yet the positive properties significantly predominate. With proper and moderate consumption of tea, you will significantly improve your health and overall health.
- Drink with melissa can also be prepared with the addition of fennel, thyme, mint and lime. A small amount of honey can be used as a sweetener. Also a slice of lemon can complement the flavored drink.
- In the tea shops you can buy ready-made tea of green or black varieties with the addition of lemon balm. However, some manufacturers even produce a whole series of product specifically for pregnant and nursing mothers.
- To brew a really tasty and healthy drink, it is enough to take 1 tsp. brew and pour it 300 ml. boiling water. Insist the raw material under the lid for about a quarter of an hour. In the same way, tea is prepared with the addition of other herbs.
- Then you can add lemon and honey at your discretion. For the preparation of a healing drink that will be useful for the digestive system. It is recommended to add fennel seeds to the base.
- If you suffer from diseases that are associated with the respiratory system, brew the same amount of thyme with the herb in question.
- Green tea is considered to be a classic with fragrant grass and lemon. Systematic consumption of the drink will strengthen the protective functions of the body in the cold season in the season of colds and viruses.
- To make a classic drink, add 5 grams of tea in a teapot. leaves of melissa and tea leaves. Pour in hot water and leave to infuse for a few minutes. Optionally, you can add lemon slices and a small amount of honey. Enjoy the fragrant drink.
The drink in question is beneficial for the whole body. Therefore, its systematic consumption in moderation will only positively affect human health. Tea often comes in a variety of diets.Its unique properties contribute to the speedy burning of unwanted kilograms.
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