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Few gardeners are indifferent to petunias. And rarely in any corner of the country you will not meet a familiar bush with an abundance of flowers. The beauty pleases the owners for a long time, but there is always a person who needs even more buds, even longer the charm of admiring. As in the famous cartoon: "It will be enough!".
How to feed petunia for abundant flowering? Is it possible, or genetics not to argue? Is complete. After all, even the hybrids do not give out the buds in full force with the usual care. Moreover, petunia is a very voracious person. Now consider what can be done.
The first dressing of petunia for abundant flowering should be done before the emergence of shoots. How? Very simple. For sowing you need to use nutrient soil based on good humus. On one peat, the plants will develop more slowly, and then flowering will be scarce.
Or, special granules are added directly to the soil, which provide nutrition to young shoots for the first time. True, most flower growers do not respect long-lasting fertilizers, preferring timely top-dressing because of the lack of trace elements.
Plus, immediately after seed placement, but before germination, it is recommended to spray it once with a solution of succinic acid or epin. This procedure will wake up the plant’s own vitality and increase the number of buds by about a third.
It is worth noting that petunia needs to be fed during the entire growing season quite often. Once a week is too little. The plant blooms much more abundantly if fertilized after each watering, but reducing the dosage. For example, 3 times a week.
After seed germination, the first “adult” fertilizer is applied immediately after the pick. By this time, the seedlings already have 3-4 true leaves and reaches the age of 2-2.5 weeks. By all means take into account that the plants are still young, the root system is weak. In fact, it is still children. Therefore, fertilizing give small doses.
It is very useful now to use any root stimulator for the early development of the root system.You can begin to slowly feed on any complex fertilizer with the prevailing nitrogen content. It would be nice to add potassium, manganese.
There is an opinion that vitamins B1 and B12 are necessary at the initial stage of development of petunia. You can buy them in the nearest pharmacy. Just do not make the drugs in its pure form in the soil. It is necessary to dilute them with water, and then slightly sprinkle the young shoots right on the leaves. According to reviews, petunias like this dressing. They grow on the eyes, and the scale of the subsequent flowering is amazing.
Caprices of teenagers
Unlike human children, petunia in adolescence is not very capricious. But the appetite is excellent. After the development of a good root system, the growth of the aerial part begins. At this time, we should not forget about the future flowering, so one cannot get rid of urea here. No, nitrogen is certainly needed for the proper development of stems and foliage. But, if you overdo it, the plant will turn out loose, fragile and watery, and flowering will be weak and short.
It is desirable at this stage to feed the petunias with liquid green fertilizer.It has a beneficial effect on the growth of the aerial parts, plus does not prevent the formation of buds. It is even better to use humate based feedings. This is the most valuable storehouse of nutrients. It is good because it does not burn the roots. But still without fanaticism. Even a normal mullein infusion with excess will do more harm than good.
Some sources recommend feeding petunias for abundant bloom with diluted bird droppings. We do not recommend doing this:
- Bird droppings are very concentrated. With illiterate dosage, you can easily burn the young root system.
- Adult plants require a dose of litter and water in the ratio of 1 to 25 (30). For young people 1 to 40 (45). And taking into account feeding in a day - and even less. Do you have accurate pharmacy scales to bother with concentration? Or nothing more to do, except for weighing?
- Without a laboratory it is impossible to determine the exact content of microelements in the litter. And the enumeration of each of them threatens not only the absence of abundant flowering, but also the death of the seedlings completely.
- With the apparent lack of any mineral or vitamin, it is much easier to correct the future feeding.Simply read the information on the composition on the package. In the case of fertilizer solution of bird droppings is impossible.
Taking into account the prices of the seeds of the most beautiful varieties of petunia, such a game with fire will be an unaffordable luxury and monkey labor. You should not risk young saplings for the sake of incomprehensible experiments. Use bird droppings for other plants.
First buds
As soon as the first buds appear on the petunias, they stop stuffing it with nitrogen. Now the plant requires a decent amount of potassium and phosphorus. It is these trace elements that are responsible for the number of colors, and also help extend the joy of admiring beauty.
Just do not confuse potassium and calcium. Some growers, wanting to save money, add ground egg shells to the soil. It will not bring harm, but there will be no benefit at all.
Often, it is during this period begins stretching shoots and yellowing leaves. This adversely affects the abundance of flowering. To avoid such a nuisance, it is necessary to conduct foliar feeding on the foliage. Not bad copes with this "surprise" solution of zircon or iron chelate.
Only by all means spend spraying in the evening. Otherwise, the sun's rays interact with the fertilizer and leave ugly spots on the leaves.
Flowering period
So. Petunias bloom luxuriantly, abundantly, do not take their eyes off. The hosts relaxed, feed beauty less. And in vain. By the middle of the growing season, the soil under the plant is almost completely depleted. And if the petunia is planted in a small container, even earlier.
Now that very moment when top dressing needs not to be reduced, but to be increased. In addition, the petunia continues to grow, throwing out new buds. Proper nutrition is vital for her now!
Ideal would be the introduction of complex mineral fertilizers with approximately the same content of potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. You can take those on the packaging which is written "for flowering houseplants." This composition is designed to feed flowers in conditions of a small amount of soil, so it is perfect.
Naturally, the fertilizer specifically designed for petunias, also worth taking into account. Just be sure to thoroughly read all the recommendations of the manufacturer.
Along with the mineral can be used humic dressing.Now, more than ever, liquid green fertilizer or any class of humates will be very useful. Just do not pour it interspersed with trace elements. Much more useful for flowering petunia will alternate feedings through time. And do not forget to reduce the dosage, otherwise just hurt.
Useful tips
- Do not use top dressing on dry soil. Before applying any fertilizer composition, make sure that the ground is sufficiently wet, otherwise the burn of small feeding roots will not be avoided. Then the petunia will spend all its strength to restore the root system, you will not wait for abundant flowering.
- Some gardeners think that a petunia planted in open ground does not require additional food. Interestingly, do they know the exact number of trace elements in the soil of their plot? Or does the plant have five-meter roots, which are nourished from everywhere? Misconception leads to poor flowering and poor growth. Even such petunias need to be periodically fed. Perhaps not as often as when the contents in the pots, but still necessary.
- If you are too lazy to make up food for petunias yourself,then your choice - universal complex fertilizers. They are as balanced as possible and are perfect for many beautifully flowering garden and indoor plants.
How to feed petunia for abundant flowering? The question is far from rhetorical. Everything you can use. After all, a lot of strength is required for a flower waterfall, but they still need to be taken somewhere. Therefore, carefully read the article and correctly fertilize your beauty. As a result, the petunia will thank you with abundant and long flowering.
Video: formula of abundant petunia bloom
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