How is bream different from white bream?

Inexperienced fishermen and simply lovers of the fish often face such a situation when it is necessary to determine which fish is bream or white bream. There is an opinion that these are completely different fishes, but this is not quite so. Bream simply does not meet certain requirements to bear the name of bream, so an additional sub-classification was introduced. In addition, the fishermen noticed that each of them has its own characteristics of fishing.

 What is different from bream bream

Fish structure

The bream has a rounded shape, slightly oblate. Its height is proportional to the length and is equal to about 30-35% of it. The anal fin stands out distinctly, its beginning radiating opposite the dorsal fin. Eating food, the mouth of the fish takes the form of a tube. He collects food from the bottom.

They are different in color. Bream's scales have a silver color, and bream - bronze or brown. The bream's head is small, with 5 pharyngeal teeth in the mouth.The bream's body is covered with mucus, which is quite difficult to get rid of. In addition, the fisherman, catching even one fish, probably gets dirty.

A bream, unlike a relative, has a large head, on which a relatively small mouth is located. He has a hump on his back.

These are distinctive features in the structure of the body. But, besides them, there are a number of additional differences in fishing, habitat and other things.


Bream lives in relatively clean waters. He is not characterized by fast rivers with pebbles at the bottom.

Place of life does not belong to the distinctive features of fish, because they prefer muddy bottom with shells. Experienced fishermen, once on the pond, can easily check for the presence of bream or bream in it. To do this, they throw the bottom gear and pull it. In the case when it turns out to be clean without grass and the water does not become cloudy after that, the chances of catching these fish in a given place increase several times.

But there is still a difference between the pleschikov, they can be found in ponds with salt water, basins of the seas.


Bream and podleschik - schooling fish, often found near the riverbed ridges, near the dumps and on the border of clean water and thickets. In these places, a fairly large amount of food, so the fish swim here to eat food.

Catching these fish is quite difficult, as they are extremely accurate, so they rarely become prey of predatory fish, unlike rudd and roach. They overwinter in holes and whirlpools, some individuals swim away into the sea. In winter, when there is little food, bream and podleschiki become vulnerable and often find themselves on the hook.


To spawn, they go aground with a large number of algae, fish lay eggs on them. In places of spawning, the fish creates a lot of noise, frolicking and splashing in the water. It takes place in April-May. One female gives up to 150 thousand eggs.

Due to the fact that the white bream is still young enough, it does not spawn.

Important! During spawning, bream fishing is prohibited.

The main differences

Despite much in common, they still have quite a few differences. In ichthyology there is no such definition as a bream. Fishermen invented it for convenience, as it is different methods of fishing. The white bream is a young bream that has not yet fully ripened and formed. Their behavior is completely different, so you need to catch them in a special way.

The bream can reach a weight of up to 6 kg and a length of up to 80 cm, and a white bream - a maximum of 1 kg of weight and a length - up to 50 cm. The scales of the breams have a brown or bronze color and are large in size. The bream has silver and small scales, even in comparison with other fish of the same size.

The taste of fish is also different. Bream is a fleshy, fatty fish that can not only be pickled and dried, but also fried. Bream same is suitable only for salting.

After reviewing the above information, it will be quite easy to distinguish the bream from the bream.

Fishing podleschika

 Fishing podleschika
Having learned to determine where the bream, and where the bream, you can begin to catch. For this you need a large number of baits. For the bream fine small fraction, such as for roach, is perfect. Podleschiki prefer the smell of vanilla and fruit. You can use the cake or seeds. Also experienced anglers recommend mixing feed. The goal - to create a loose bait, which attracts with its smell and appearance paleletschikov. Additionally, you can add biscuit cookies.

The most successful gear:

  • float;
  • ground;
  • feeder

As nozzles use:

  • peas;
  • barley;
  • maggots;
  • moths;
  • manure worms.

Since the bream is a very cautious fish, the hooks should be chosen thin, No. 12-14, 0.16 fishing line and 1.5 g float. In the case of using a feeder rod, the fishing area should be with large differences in depth.Lure must be thrown regularly. Pick up better dusting prikormki to increase the catch.

Bream can not swim for a long time, watching from the side. Usually 40-50 minutes is enough for him, after which you can begin to catch the catch. Therefore, at first, the fisherman needs to be patient and just wait.

Catching bream

Bream and podleschik is one type of fish, but at different ages. Despite this, catching bream using methods and bait as a white bream will not be able to catch adult fish. Therefore, you need to carefully prepare for each species.

The first thing you need to pick up the bait. Bream love to eat, so the bait should be high-calorie, you can use millet, barley and so on. Bream, like podleschiki, prefer the same smells.

It is possible to catch a large specimen at differences of depths, with vegetation nearby. In such a territory, fishes easily become tempted, as they feel protected. The weather must be calm.

During night fishing, dressing is used in the evening. Large individuals swim after 1-2 hours.

In the summer and autumn they catch mostly from the boat. The choice of location is the main condition for a good catch.

Video: how to distinguish between a buster and a white bream

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