What to feed a cat with kidney failure?

Kidney failure in pets is often called a complex of diseases that lead to disruption of the normal functioning of the kidneys. Veterinarian-selected therapy will only have effect if the animal is properly nourished. And at this moment, many cat owners have a question: what is the right diet?

 What to feed a cat with renal failure

On this account there are many opinions and disputes. Going to the forum owners of pets, you can encounter different points of view. Someone claims that his favorite with kidney failure for the tenth year has been eating organic food and is feeling fine. Others say that only a special food will save the animal's life. To understand which of them is right, it is necessary to understand the nuances of the disease and the needs of sick cats.

What does a sick cat need

In renal failure, a serious impairment of water-salt metabolism occurs, and in severe cases insulin sensitivity decreases. This leads to the fact that the pet's food must be balanced: contain sufficient amounts of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but not be too high in calories. Also, in renal failure, dysphagia can develop (inability to swallow food). In this situation, the cat should not be given large pieces of food or solid food.

Specialty feeds: pros and cons

As already mentioned, in the preparation of the pet's ration it is necessary to proceed from the balance of nutrients. As a rule, to achieve their proper ratio when feeding with natural products is not easy. But this item is taken into account in the manufacture of specialized feed, which are developed by experts. This is their indisputable advantage. In addition, cats eat exactly as much as they need. If, before work, to fill the bowl to the top with natural food and go to work, by the evening its contents will spoil, and the pet will remain hungry.

Cheap feed does not meet the needs of a cat with urolithiasis. Their main task - to deliver a feeling of saturation and replenish the stock of calories. They do not take into account the peculiarities of metabolism and do not contain enough vitamins. In addition, in their composition there are a lot of by-products, but little fiber and vegetable matter. Therefore, it is necessary to give preference to expensive feed.

On the other hand, the brand of food and the amount of food for each cat are selected individually. Diet, suitable for one animal, can aggravate the health of the second. Sensitive pets may be allergic to the ingredients in the product. When selecting feed, consult a veterinarian.

Features of natural food

As in the case of specialized food, the cat's diet should be a veterinarian. You can not rely on your own narrow-minded experience and select products according to the principle "as long as it is useful." Sometimes food that does contain many nutrients is not at all suitable for feeding a cat with renal insufficiency. For example, a sick animal is forbidden to give fish.It contains a lot of phosphorus, and its accumulation in the body leads to the development of renal failure. Fermented milk products are also banned.

 Features of natural food for kidney failure in cats

On the other hand, there is a critical mark for the content of phosphorus and calcium, upon reaching which the destruction of bones and teeth occurs. To replenish their supply, you can give the animal sesame seeds. It is enough to mix seeds with other food - and there will be no problems with their reception. In no case can not be given for this purpose fish oil - it contains in the composition of vitamin A, which accelerates the progression of renal failure.

For renal failure, a reduction in carbohydrate intake is required. Therefore, you can not give the cat bread, crackers, buns and other flour products. Some owners feel sorry for the cats and, in response to the look that is begging for delicacy, they share with the favorites pastries, believing that nothing will happen from a small piece. But even a small amount of simple carbohydrates leads to a serious violation of the diet, after which it will take more than one day of recovery.

But you can give cats with kidney failure raw chicken, as well as offal.The protein contained in them will strengthen the body and give strength. But again, it is important to observe the principle of reasonable sufficiency: proteins increase the load on the kidneys, and with their excess toxins accumulate in the blood. The best option would be a combination of plant and animal food. Of course, it is difficult to make a cat with appetite eat cabbage leaves. But, if you crumble them together with minced meat, the task is much simpler.

What should be remembered

Regardless of what type of diet was chosen, you need to follow a few simple rules.

  1. First, at the initial stage of the selection of food, you can try different versions of the diet. But as soon as a suitable one is found, it is not recommended to change it. That is, if one particular brand of feed was chosen, then it should be bought in the future. If one dietary menu is made from natural products, it must be followed all the time.
  2. Secondly, you need regular monitoring by a veterinarian. Even with perfectly selected nutrition, no one has canceled failures in the body. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure from time to timethat the cat can continue to feed on the established scheme.
  3. Third, in addition to proper nutrition, it is important to provide the animal with enough water. In renal failure, the rate of excretion of water from the body increases. Urge to urinate become more frequent, which leads to pronounced dehydration. Therefore, in the watering of the pet should always be fresh water - cats will not drink what is idle for the second day.
  4. Fourthly, if the cat eats specialized feed, then it is better if it is wet. This is due to the previous point: when feeding with dry feed you need to consume more liquid. In addition, it is easier to add drugs and firming additives to wet food, which cats often refuse to swallow in their pure form.
  5. Fifthly, if the cat consumed vitamin complexes and supplements before diagnosing urolithiasis, now it is worth consulting a veterinarian before continuing to take them. In the current state, the pet's metabolism is different from the usual, and an excess of any vitamin can lead to loss of fluid in the body and other negative effects.
  6. Sixth, a certain diet should be developed. Feed the animal 4 times a day at the same time, and give food in small portions. There are cases when an animal feels nauseous for most days during renal failure. In such a situation, the contents of the bowl should not have a strong smell. From the meat is required to remove the slightest bone.

What if the cat refuses to eat

 What to do if a cat refuses to eat in case of kidney failure
It is not uncommon for cats suffering from urolithiasis to have an appetite. This is due to the intoxication of the body products of the kidneys, which can not function properly. Loss of appetite is a serious symptom, it should be a reason for going to the vet. But before the problem is resolved, it is necessary to feed the cat.

Food should be moist (even better if it is a paste) and fed through a syringe without a needle or a catheter. Do not assume that the delicious smell and favorite food will correct the situation, and the cat will not have to be fed by force. An animal in such a state is physically unable to consume food by itself. Therefore, it is important not to let everything take its course in the hope that the starving cat will finally eat.The lack of nutrients and calories leads to the fact that the animal eventually falls into lethargy, leading to death.

The problem of loss of appetite poses a threat to obese pets to the same extent as for thin ones. Postponing treatment with the idea that fasting will help a cat lose weight means to condemn it to death.

It is not always easy to care for sick animals. But attention to the quality of nutrition pet will give him more than one year of full life.

Video: cats and dogs renal failure

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