Cold tea: 7 healing recipes

How many teas do you know? Black and green? Some gourmets can boast that they have tried red and even yellow tea. Tea may be different according to the method of collection - drying, twisting, grinding or other processing methods. Tea is the most common drink around the globe, it is inferior even to popular coffee. After all, tea is not only tasty, but also incredibly useful. Especially during a cold. In this article you will learn about the benefits of a hot drink, get acquainted with the main varieties of cold tea, and learn how to brew and drink tea properly so as not to lose its healing properties.

 Cold tea

Why is tea so good for colds?

In general, with any viral infection, fluid is the first and most important medicine. Sometimes it is more effective than many antiviral drugs that do not carry any medicinal properties. Take a look at the many antiviral drugs — for the most part, it contains paracetamol for fever and caffeine for relief of cold symptoms.There is no drug component, it can not be. Because there is no scientifically proven drug against the virus. If we treat a bacterial infection with antibiotics (this is effective and justified by medicine), then water is effective against the virus. A simple liquid that we drink during illness. The sooner we drink enough liquid to remove the virus from the body, the sooner we will be cured. This is especially true not for additional symptoms, but for signs of intoxication. Want to feel better with ARVI - drink a lot, at least 2-3 liters of fluid. And the best drink for this is tea.

Tea is served hot or warm, which gives an undoubted plus for the body when treating a cold. The patient sweats better and removes toxins and viruses from the body. Many teas have not only diaphoretic properties, but also contain an incredible amount of vitamin C and which promotes healing, strengthens the immune system, enhances the body's opposition to external negative influences. In addition, hot tea gives temporary relief of cold symptoms - the sore throat subsides, the nose begins to breathe on its own, and the chill stops.

Cold tea

In the modern world, you can buy ready-made tea for cold in a bag that is sold in pharmacies. However, this powder is not very useful and safe, because it contains antipyretic drugs, painkillers and vasoconstrictor components that affect the human nervous system. Moreover, various artificial flavors are added to many of these varieties of tea. Such compounds can not drink to children and pregnant women. We will tell you about real cold teas, which are safe for children and adults and are truly effective.

Lemon tea

Lemon is considered one of the best remedies for sore throat. When laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and sore throat citric acid anesthetizes and disinfects the throat mucosa, instantly relieving pain. In addition, in a lemon a large amount of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system - the body is able to resist viruses and bacteria.

The properties of lemon are similar to onions and garlic, but this citrus has a more pleasant aroma. Lemon is used not only in the form of tea - the peel can be chewed to eliminate sore throat, and rinse the mouth with lemon water in the fight against inflammation of the mucous membrane.

Lemon is absolutely safe for pregnant women, it is an affordable and real way to get rid of a cold without harm to the baby. However, remember that this is still citrus, and you should not use it in large quantities, otherwise you can provoke an allergy in a child.

Preparing tea with lemon is not difficult, the basis can be both green and black tea. Make tea in the usual way, and just before drinking add a slice of lemon in a mug. To suppress the sour taste, be sure to supplement the taste of the drink with sugar or honey. After the tea is drunk, be sure to eat a slice of lemon with the peel. You can chop the fourth part of lemon and pour it with a glass of boiling water. Drinking this powerful healing drink 4-5 times a day and in the morning will not leave a sore throat.

Ginger tea
Ginger tea is a real find for tea connoisseurs. Ginger is often compared to ginseng root - a healing plant that gives health and longevity. Ginger tea allows you to quickly warm up, removes signs of intoxication, has antiseptic properties. Ginger tea suppresses inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat and mouth, relieves purulent processes.

 Cold Ginger Tea

Ginger tea is very useful during pregnancy - it not only boosts immunity and fights against cold, but also relieves nausea, which is an excellent solution for toxemia. Cooking ginger tea is not difficult. The root can be bought from herbalists or in any supermarket. Much better if the ginger root is not dried, but fresh. It should be chopped with a knife or just grated. A standard teapot will need about a teaspoon of minced ginger root. Add the right amount of brewing and ginger to the kettle. After you pour in the boiling water, let the tea brew a little longer than the allotted time. Usually, tea is ready for use in 15-20 minutes, during which time the drink will absorb all the healing vitamins and components of ginger.

Very popular is cough ginger tea. To make it, you need to rub a teaspoon of ginger, add a couple of cardamom pods and a few cloves. Pour the prepared composition with two cups of boiling water and let stand in a bundled form for 2-3 hours. Drink tea throughout the day to increase sputum discharge.

This is a great remedy for colds, besides, very tasty.In the villages, tea with honey was considered the main remedy. Natural honey has powerful anti-inflammatory, antiviral and anti-bacterial properties. A simple tea with honey can improve the health of the patient, relieve sore throat and moisten a dry cough. However, in order for tea with honey to be beneficial, it must be drunk properly.

The most important condition is that honey cannot be dissolved in tea, otherwise it becomes simply useless. Under the influence of high temperatures, honey loses healing components, the product becomes no more useful than regular sugar. To drink tea with honey you need a bit of sugar. Take a small amount of honey in your mouth and drink it with hot tea. This treatment will certainly appeal to your children. Caution should be taken honey diabetics and pregnant women (in order to avoid allergies). After the honey, it is imperative to rinse the throat with clean water so that the sweet remnants do not become food for the development and reproduction of bacteria on the inflamed throat mucosa.

Tea with raspberries during a cold is a classic of the genre. And it is not surprising, because raspberry has a powerful diaphoretic property.It has been scientifically proven and repeatedly verified that raspberries make sweat no worse than many antipyretic drugs. Raspberries perfectly bring down the temperature without harm to health. Medicinal properties have not only berries, but also the stems and raspberry leaves. Earlier in the villages, the leaves of this berry were dried and stored in case of illness.

Making tea with raspberries is not difficult. To do this, brew ordinary tea, add a teaspoon of raspberry jam, a few berries of frozen or fresh raspberries. If there are no berries, you can make a decoction of dried leaves and stems - a couple of tablespoons of raw materials per liter of boiling water. For sweets, you can add some sugar or honey to your tea. After the drink is drunk, you must go under the covers and wrap yourself up warmly. When the patient is sweating, his well-being will improve significantly.

This is another popular drink that can not only accelerate recovery, but also significantly strengthen the body's defenses. Broth hips eliminates many cold symptoms, reduces the intoxication of the body, improves well-being. Prepare this tea a little differently.

 Rosehip tea for colds

In order for the hips to give off their color, taste, and most importantly, benefit, the broth should be infused for at least 10 hours. So that it does not cool down during this time, it is necessary to brew rosehip in a thermos. Pour a handful of washed rosehip berries into the container, about 100 grams, pour boiling water over it. Let it stand until morning. If the broth seems sour to you, you should add sugar or honey. Broth hips must be drunk not only during the period of illness, but also at another time, especially in winter and autumn - this is an excellent prevention of colds.

Chamomile tea for colds
As Avicenna said, there are no plants that do not have medicinal properties. Each herb has some healing effect. The most popular plant in herbal medicine is chamomile, because it is not just available, but very effective. Chamomile decoction has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Chamomile tea soothes the inflamed mucosa, relieves redness and swelling, relieves pain. A decoction of chamomile is used not only for ingestion - it is gargled in the throat and oral cavity, external wounds are treated, used in cosmetology.

To make chamomile tea, pour a tablespoon of inflorescences and a teaspoon of black tea with a liter of boiling water, let it brew. Drink with honey and lemon. Do not drink chamomile tea more than 4 cups per day, it can cause vomiting. With extreme caution, chamomile decoction should be taken pregnant - an excess of this drink in the body can cause premature birth.


Linden tea is also very useful for colds. It contains a lot of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and is able to withstand viral diseases. Lime tea, like raspberry, has diaphoretic and antipyretic properties, it is safe for pregnant women and is one of the most effective and at the same time harmless remedies for colds. Linden tea softens dry cough, removes toxins from the body, relieves swelling, because it has a good diuretic effect. Moreover, in winter, brewed tea from linden blossoms will give your home a warm, sweet and rich aroma of summer.

To prepare a healing drink, you need to take three tablespoons of lime blossom and pour boiling water. Insist broth for 20 minutes and then drink in small sips.Especially delicious lime tea is made with honey and lemon.

Natural remedies for colds, unlike industrial medicines, not only relieve the symptoms of the disease, but also strengthen the body's defenses, allowing it to continue to resist viral diseases on its own. If you have a cold - do not rush to run to the pharmacy. Perhaps the safest and most effective drugs you already have in the fridge or kitchen box?

Video: Three Cold Tea Recipes

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