Lemon peel - health benefits and harm

Lemon - a real storehouse of useful components and vitamins. However, his wealth is not only in the healing properties of juicy pulp. Dense, bright skin, called lemon peel, also should be actively used in folk medicine, cosmetology, cooking.

 The benefits and harm of lemon peel

Lemon peel - features of cooking and storage

Lemon is a special product, because its upper part - the skin - is saturated with essential oils, which are perfectly preserved during drying.

Important! Peel is only that top layer of a peel which is painted!

To get lemon peel, the fruit is thoroughly washed (preferably with a brush), and then it is poured with boiling water for the purpose of more reliable disinfection. After that, you will need a kitchen knife or grater.

To cut the lemon peel you need a sharp knife, because only a thin layer is removed from the fruit.Peel is obtained by rubbing the cut skin with a grater, and you need to ensure that only the yellow skin layer is erased, otherwise the dish will turn out to be bitter.

After that, the resulting mass is dried and placed in a glass or metal container under a tight lid. To store the product is recommended to choose a place isolated from moisture. Zest can be frozen. For this, the peel is placed for a couple of hours in the freezer, and then taken out and rubbed on a grater.

Useful properties of lemon peel

The chemical composition of lemon peel is quite diverse. Saturation with fiber, fats, vitamins, minerals and flavonoids makes zest extremely useful.

Peel in any form is allowed, the main thing is to do it systematically and not to overdo it with the quantity. If you approach the question wisely, noticeable improvements can be noted soon.

Why is lemon zest so useful?

  • helps prevent bone diseases;
  • able to prevent the development of thrombosis;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • improves appetite;
  • affects vessels, increasing their elasticity;
  • helps to cleanse the body of toxins and other harmful deposits;
  • skin components enhance the properties of the immune system;
  • able to arrest sore throat;
  • normalize blood flow, cleanse the liver;
  • It has a therapeutic effect on fungal pathologies.

Positive effect on the process of digestion. All this is due to the presence of dietary fiber, marked as part of the lemon peel. This component enhances intestinal motility, contributes to the removal of waste, eliminates gas formation and spasms in the intestinal section.

The healing properties with which the zest is endowed have made it popular in traditional medicine for the treatment of gastric disorders, elimination of colic, vomiting, and dyspepsia. The unique product is able to get rid of putrefactive bacteria in the mouth and intestines, thereby eliminating bad breath and improve digestion.

Lemon peel has anti-cancer properties. Due to the content of flavonoids, the peel is able to block the spread of cancer cells. And the substance is endowed with antitumor properties. Research scientists have shown that those people who eat lemons do not peel,much less likely to face the development of malignant tumors in the lungs, large intestine and mammary gland. A special easily digestible substance pectin has a slowing effect on the development of skin cancer, prostate.

Oral hygiene. In order not to encounter some pathologies of the gums (gingivitis, bleeding, etc.), you need to enrich your menu with vitamin C, which is contained in large quantities in lemon peel. Also, the merit of this vitamin is in its active fight against bacteria that provoke the appearance of caries and periodontitis.

Lemon peel is also used for weight loss. Lemon peel contains pectin, which slows down the absorption of carbohydrates. Thus, the struggle with the extra pounds. This component provides a long feeling of saturation, and craving for sweets disappears.

Thanks to the lemon peel, the work of the heart muscle is optimized, and this reduces the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Bioflavonoids present in the composition of lemon peel are active antioxidants that can prevent oxidative processes.Under their influence, the body gets rid of free radicals, provoking mutations in the cells, which result in premature aging, cancers and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Harm of lemon peel

In addition to the undeniable advantages, lemon peel can be harmful. The first thing to be careful of people suffering from peptic ulcer disease.

 Harm of lemon peel

It is important to remember that excessive consumption of citrus can trigger an allergic reaction.

If a sore throat is severely inflamed, then you should refrain from consuming a lemon, as you can get a burn of the larynx.

With increased acidity, the consumption of peel must be eliminated, otherwise heartburn will torment.

Lemon peel in cosmetics

Lemon peel is widely used in cosmetic procedures.

Those who do not know how to get rid of yellowed skin of the feet should use a peel, which is rubbed with feet.

Lemon peel is able to solve the problem of overdried dermis in the elbow area. It is enough to rub the problem area with it and the issue will be resolved.

An excellent facial and body scrub can be made from olive oil, sugar and lemon zest, grated. After mixing all the ingredients, the composition is ready for use. This scrub perfectly moisturizes.

Anyone who makes soap at home alone should take note of the fact that lemon zest is a good cosmetic additive.

Lemon peels may be involved in maintaining cleanliness and pleasant smell in the house.

The benefits of lemon peel in everyday life

Lemon peel is actively used in everyday life. With its help it is possible to eliminate a number of problems.

  1. Elimination of stains and fat. Lemon vinegar perfectly copes with pollution of a different nature. The rubbed skin is placed in a glass jar and poured with vinegar, the lid is covered on top. After a couple of weeks, the infused mass is filtered and diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. As a result, it is possible to get a unique composition that can clean almost everything. In addition, the vinegar obtained on the basis of zest, endowed with excellent disinfectant properties.
  2. Disposing the refrigerator from an unpleasant smell. If you put the lemon peel in the fridge, then you can forget about the unpleasant smell.
  3. Helps to fight insects - pests.Uninvited guests in the apartment - ants, fleas, moths, cockroaches - do not tolerate a citrus smell. To combat them, you can try to place at the door, window sills, cracks zest.
  4. Removal of lime deposits. Cranes and other chrome-plated surfaces often suffer from lime deposits, which cause a lot of hassle to housewives. The stone will disappear if you wipe them with lemon peel.
  5. For cleaning brass, copper and stainless steel, sea salt is mixed with zest, the polluted area is rubbed with this composition, after which everything is washed off.
  6. By means of a dried peel stains from coffee and tea on cups and glasses are easily removed. To eliminate the problem, the crushed skin is applied to the problem area and moistened with water. The cup is left for several hours, after which it is wiped with a cloth. There will be no trace of stains.
  7. Cleaning the microwave with a peel is an interesting find. The whole process is as follows: the rind is laid out in a bowl with water and put in the microwave for 5 minutes. While the water is boiling, steam will fill the inside surface of the appliance. After that, the bowl goes, and the microwave is wiped.

Lemon peel is a unique product that has found application in cooking and in everyday life. The useful component is capable of enriching the human body with useful substances, vitamins and trace elements.

Video: 8 ways to use lemon

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