Dog breeds
Gampr - a description of the breed and character of the dog
Giant Schnauzer - description of the breed and character of the dog
Chow Chow - description of the breed and character of the dog
Prague Ratter - a description of the breed and character of the dog
Tibetan Terrier - description of the breed and character of the dog
Great Swiss Mountain Dog - breed description
Border Terrier - description of the breed and character of the dog
English Bulldog - description of the breed and character of the dog
Pointer - breed description and character of the dog
Rottweiler - description of the breed and character of the dog
Beauceron - description of the breed and character of the dog
Doberman - description of the breed and character of the dog
Pembroke Welsh Corgi - description of the breed and character of the dog
Bouvier of Flanders - description of the breed and character of the dog
Irish Wolfhound - description of the breed and character of the dog
Bull Terrier - breed description and character of the dog
Russo-European Laika - breed and character description
Saluki - description of the breed and character of the dog
Boerboel - description of the breed and character of the dog
Dogue de Bordeaux - description of the breed and character of the dog
Pyrenean Mountain Dog - breed description
Weimaraner - description of the breed and character of the dog
Poodle - description of the breed and character of the dog
Basenji (African barking dog) - breed description
Affenpinscher - description of the breed and character of the dog
Irish Setter - breed description and character of a dog
Azawak - a description of the breed and character of the dog
Miniature Pinscher - description of the breed and character of the dog
Keeshond (Wolfspitz) - description of the breed and character of the dog
Japanese Chin - description of the breed and character of the dog