There are no healthy people, there are under-examined! This is a cinema joke, but in every joke there is some truth. Few modern people can boast of excellent health. Many of us have recurrent or chronic diseases that cause a lot of inconvenience. Most diseases are not dangerous and not deadly, but very unpleasant. In this section, you can find the answer to any question related to health. We get rid of acne, dandruff, hemorrhoids and excess weight. Tips to eliminate cough, runny nose and nail fungus. How to improve immunity and strengthen your health.
Medicine and health
How smoking affects the human body
Parsley root - medicinal properties and contraindications
How to grind a child with vinegar at a temperature
How to care for your eyes at home
A vessel burst in the eye: causes and what to do?
Insomnia with menopause - what to do?
How many can not eat after filling a tooth?
My chest hurts before menstruation: why and what to do?
Treatment of hemorrhoids at home
Smell lost in the face of a cold: what to do?
Feeding mother's temperature - what to do?
What temperature should be shot down in an adult?
Black Walnut Tincture - Benefits and Applications
Itching all over the body without rash: causes and treatment
What should be the pulse of a healthy person?
Head tremor - causes, symptoms, treatment
How to treat enuresis in children: folk remedies
Pain in the muscles of the hands: causes, symptoms, treatment
How to treat diabetes at home
How to speed up the monthly to start faster
Treatment of gastritis with honey - popular recipes
Belching air after eating - causes and treatment
Treatment of flu at home
How to quickly remove the lice and nits in a child
Cramps in the calf muscles - causes and treatment
Aloe with cough honey - popular recipes
How to take sunflower oil for constipation
Mumiye - useful properties and contraindications
Milk thistle seeds - healing properties and contraindications
What temperature should be knocked down in a child?