There are no healthy people, there are under-examined! This is a cinema joke, but in every joke there is some truth. Few modern people can boast of excellent health. Many of us have recurrent or chronic diseases that cause a lot of inconvenience. Most diseases are not dangerous and not deadly, but very unpleasant. In this section, you can find the answer to any question related to health. We get rid of acne, dandruff, hemorrhoids and excess weight. Tips to eliminate cough, runny nose and nail fungus. How to improve immunity and strengthen your health.
Medicine and health
Can I have seeds for diabetes?
Can I drink chicory in diabetes?
Is it possible to eat dates with diabetes?
Can sauerkraut with diabetes?
Is it possible to fig in diabetes?
Is it possible to eat pineapple with diabetes?
Can I drink kefir with diabetes?
Can I have cheese in diabetes?
Is it possible to eat apples with diabetes?
Can I Drink Beer with Diabetes?
Can I drink coffee with diabetes?
Is it possible to dried apricots with diabetes?
Is it possible to walnuts with diabetes?
What if a child coughs at night?
What juices can you drink with diabetes?
How to treat psoriasis at home
Acupuncture - Health Benefits
Medicinal properties and contraindications of celandine
What should I do if my stomach hurts and is sick?
How to take wormwood from parasites
How to calm a cough in a child at home
Plantain seeds - medicinal properties and contraindications
High temperature in a child without symptoms
Manchurian nut - healing properties and application
Onion Husk - medicinal properties and contraindications
How to Brew Sage Gargle
Beaver jet - healing properties and application
What is stone therapy - the benefits and contraindications
What to process the seam after cesarean section?
Diarrhea in a child - what to do and how to treat?