There are no healthy people, there are under-examined! This is a cinema joke, but in every joke there is some truth. Few modern people can boast of excellent health. Many of us have recurrent or chronic diseases that cause a lot of inconvenience. Most diseases are not dangerous and not deadly, but very unpleasant. In this section, you can find the answer to any question related to health. We get rid of acne, dandruff, hemorrhoids and excess weight. Tips to eliminate cough, runny nose and nail fungus. How to improve immunity and strengthen your health.
Medicine and health
Is it possible to eat peas with diabetes?
Is it possible to pomelo with diabetes?
Cedar oil - medicinal properties and contraindications
Pumpkin oil from worms: the benefits and application
Quince with diabetes - the benefits and harm
Can the Bulgarian pepper with diabetes?
Sea buckthorn for colds - the benefits and application
Blueberries in diabetes: the benefits and harm
Is it possible to eat sea buckthorn with diabetes?
Is it possible to have feijoa with diabetes?
Bay leaf with diabetes
Can pistachios with diabetes?
Quail eggs for gastritis: the benefits and harm
Green tea for hypertension - the benefits and harm
Celery in diabetes - the benefits and harm
Quail Egg Treatment: Application
Dental implants - the pros and cons
Onion Husk Treatment: Prescriptions for Use
Allergy to tea: causes, symptoms, treatment
Lemon with garlic for cleaning vessels: application
Potato juice for the stomach - the benefits and application
Is it possible to pumpkin seeds in diabetes?
Is it possible to cure a sore throat without antibiotics?
Feeling sick after eating - why and what to do?
How to handle scratches from a cat?
The first signs of diabetes in men
Symptoms of menopause in women in 40 years: the first signs
Vomiting in a child - the main causes and treatment
Rotavirus infection in children: symptoms and treatment
The first signs of diabetes in women