Initial letter - therapeutic properties and contraindications

Most medicinal plants have one common feature - they are not whimsical and grow on the most ordinary soils. A striking example confirming this fact is a perennial herb, which has received an eloquent name - the initial letter or medicinal shiset. This member of the Gubocolaceae family feels great in the foothills of the Caucasus, in the Urals and in Western Siberia. The plant is also distributed in the European part of the continent: it can be found in Germany and France, in the CIS countries, in the Russian open spaces. The letter lives on the slopes of hills, in forests, ravines, she likes to settle along the roads.

 Healing properties and contraindications

Distinctive features of the plant

The plant has the ability to adapt to the most adverse environmental conditions.In many ways, this helps the peculiar structure of perennial grass: the stem of the plant is quite powerful, tetrahedral. Its height sometimes reaches more than a meter. Heart-shaped leaves grow mainly near the root part, and there are few of them on the stem. During flowering, the letter is covered with purple-red inflorescences, collected in a large ear. The flowering period is quite long - from June until the beginning of autumn. Fruits appear in August. They resemble oblong-shaped nuts. These nuts are collected in four pieces and are located on two cups formed by inflorescences.

It is easy to distinguish the initial letter from other plants from the same family by the specific bitter smell. In some Western European countries, the medicinal clearer is officially recognized as a medicinal raw material. In our country, this plant is very popular in traditional medicine, but also often it is prescribed by professionals as an aid in the treatment of various pathologies.

Chemical composition

Due to the unique combination of valuable components, with the help of a letter you can cope with many pathologies.The above-ground part of the plant and the roots contain, for example, such substances useful to the human body:

  • flavonoids (glycosides of the flavono group);
  • alkaloids;
  • squirrels;
  • resins;
  • carbonates;
  • whole vitamin complex (C, K);
  • mineral salts;
  • tanning components.

All these components provide a lot of useful qualities, including medicinal properties.

What properties does the medicinal

In ancient times, people believed that the initial letter is able to heal and light ailment, and a serious disease. The plant was even endowed with magical power and kept in the house for protection against evil forces. It also treated headaches, ulcers, colds and even convulsive seizures. It is known that the decoction of herbs on red wine in those days was considered an effective remedy for debilitating diarrhea. A remedy, infused at the root of perennial, was used to induce vomiting. There are quite surprising methods in the national treasury: for example, with a strong head cold, the dried drop letters that were pounded into powder allowed the patient to sniff. This simple method, relieving a cold and cough, is often used in our days.

It is known that the ancient Roman physician Anthony Muse put the Emperor Augustus on his feet only thanks to the initial letter. In Russia, young girls with pale skin drank a decoction of the plant specifically to make a healthy glow on their cheeks. Weak babies were also bathed in the healing broth for health purposes.

In modern medicine, the herb with miraculous properties has also found wide application. Effective herbal preparations made from different parts of the letter have a number of properties:

  • support and strengthen immune forces;
  • normalize the body's metabolic functions;
  • stabilize blood pressure levels;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • have a positive effect on blood clotting, which helps with massive bleeding;
  • promote regeneration processes during wound healing;
  • localized foci of inflammation;
  • establish digestive processes;
  • promote sputum discharge and have a good choleretic effect;
  • cleanse the body of toxins;
  • have a pronounced diuretic property;
  • even intense pains are quickly removed.

This is not a complete list of the qualities of a modest plant.The ability to have a calming effect is used in such a serious disease as epilepsy. Folk healers recommend treating compositions based on initial letters for women who have advanced urinary problems. Homeopaths include medicinal cleans in the composition of anti-asthma drugs.

In addition to medical purposes, the letter is used in the manufacture of leather, with its help they get rid of rodents, and they also add it as an odorant in the manufacture of alcoholic beverages.

Since the flowering period of the letter is long, the plant is always a desirable object for bees and bumblebees. Therefore, it is among the best honey plants.

Under what diseases is the letter useful?

In principle, the properties are easy to understand with what diseases the plant can cope. We can name only some pathologies:

  • hypertension;
  • cystitis;
  • gout;
  • rhinitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • poisoning;
  • rheumatism;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • radiculitis;
  • jade;
  • dermatitis;
  • constipation and diarrhea;
  • eczema;
  • migraine.

You can bring a number of diseases in which the medicinal clever will demonstrate its excellent capabilities.

Popular recipes with a letter of medicinal

Healing compositions are prepared from virtually all parts of the plant. Dosage forms, having in its composition medicinal chistets, are taken orally and are used for external processing. Here are just some effective techniques, and there are an incredible amount of them that can be useful for home treatment.

 Popular recipes with a letter of medicinal

  1. Healing tea is easy to prepare, if you take a spoonful of tea herb and just pour boiling water over bitter raw materials (1/4 l). After a fifteen minute infusion, the solution is filtered and ready for use. Drink you can drink instead of tea with intestinal disorders and a strong cough, and you can rinse them sore throat.
  2. Infusion of leaves is considered an excellent expectorant. It helps to normalize blood pressure and relieve nervous tension. The cooking process is also quite simple: dry crushed leaves (1 tbsp. L.), Showered with a glass of boiling water, then the dishes are covered tightly with a lid. Two hours later, the infusion is ready to eat, but before that it must be well filtered. A healthy drink can be drunk 2 spoons (tablespoons) before each meal.
  3. Laxative decoction is prepared from the roots.It is desirable to pre-grind the raw materials so that the solution is more saturated. Then 20 g of dry mass is poured with a full glass of boiling water, and the mixture reaches a state of readiness on the fire for about 20 minutes. Single dose - 1 tablespoon.
  4. Alcohol tincture on flowers helps to bring down high pressure. Shows the composition of fainting and nervous disorders. For the preparation of the infusion is better to use a glass container, you can take a liter jar. The capacity is filled to one third with dry raw materials, then the flower mass is filled with vodka. The liquid component must completely fill the void free space. After this procedure, the dishes are tightly closed with a lid and placed in a warm place protected from light. Exactly two weeks later, the infusion is recommended to filter and you can begin treatment. At one time you need to dilute 20-30 drops of infusion with a small amount of water.
  5. A decoction of the roots of the letter on the milk also helps to solve the problems of digestion, to relieve cough. To implement this recipe, you need to take ½ liter of milk, pour it into a container, add 15 g of chopped roots and boil on low heat for half an hour.After that, the mixture should be infused for a couple of hours and only then it can be drained and drunk. Milk broth is better to drink before eating about 50-60 ml.
  6. Universal infusion will help with the negative manifestations of a number of diseases: hepatitis, gout, liver problems and urinary tract. For the preparation of this composition will require dry leaves and roots. Raw materials should be taken in equal parts (for ½ tbsp. L.), Mix, pour boiling water (1 cup). After the solution is well settled, it must be drained. It is possible to accept means on 1 spoon (dining room) before each meal.

Important! In order to increase the effectiveness of self-increasing the dosage of herbal preparations in any case it is impossible, because it is fraught with serious consequences.


Although the letter with the treatment shows high efficiency and is able to alleviate the condition of patients with very serious pathologies, it is necessary to take this herbal preparation with extreme caution. In some situations, it is generally contraindicated. These cases include:

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding stage;
  • severe hypotension;
  • gastritis with zero acidity;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • individual intolerance.

The content in the plant glycosides and alkaloids with uncontrolled intake can lead to poisoning.

Since the medicinal chisetus acts powerfully, in order to avoid serious complications, it should be taken only with the permission of the doctor. At the same time it is necessary to strictly observe the single and daily dose, not exceeding the permissible limits.

Video: medicinal properties of the letter

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