Botsiya marble - care and maintenance in the aquarium

Marble combat was ranked as a family of wines. This fish is often called zebra, as it has pronounced stripes on its sides.

 Marble marble

Botsia is a white fish, its silver body is elegantly intertwined with gloomy patterns. This zebristost characteristic of both young fish, and for mature individuals. The only colorful difference between a baby and an adult lies in bluish shades, which are characteristic only of adults.

Fish botsiya popular in Western countries, but we have it every year, gaining more and more bonus points.

Pedigree fighting

Narayan Rao was the first to bake Boqius of marble in his memoirs, this event occurred in the 1920s.

Where can I meet the battle? In Pakistan and India - and the Pakistani fighting is muchmore beautiful than their Indian counterparts. Perhaps these are two different species or subspecies, as long as there is no exact classification of these fish.

The British say "YoYo Loach" and point the finger at the battle. It all started when a Ken Childs correspondent was shooting fish for his next reportage, he noticed that the colors on the battles resemble the letters YoYo.

Once Ken Childs decided to spat in the article and instead of writing marble YoYo, readers liked the new nickname of the fish and to this day, the British use the trendy YoYo at the sight of fighting.


Fish in Pakistan and India. Its habitat is quite extensive, but is under constant threat due to industrial enterprises.

A small fish does not like areas with strong currents; it can usually be found in places with minimal currents or in standing water. Most often it comes across in lakes, ponds, oxbows and backwaters. Eat botsy mostly insects, but in some cases, aquatic vegetation.

The family of winchons like to hunt at night, but in the daytime they are inactive. This is a calm fish, although some fighters like to fight each other, but they do not suffer during collisions.

Parameters of marble battle

The length of the domesticated combat is about 6 centimeters, in nature individuals with a length of up to 15 centimeters are caught. The fish lives on average from 5 to 8 years, in some cases it can live up to 16 years.

What is the beauty of fighting? Black stripes are located on the silver body - this is the charm of the night hunter. Add to this four pairs of mustache near the mouth - and see a completely unique fish.

When the fright begins to fade, her color begins to turn pale, and she herself can pretend to be dead, just like her friend, the clown battle. If we compare it with our natural fish, the closest ancestor of the botsie will be burbot - since he has a mustache, he has a spotty color, crawls along the bottom and likes to hunt at night.

Care rules

 Rules for the care of marble botsii
They live fighting for a long time, if they are not left in the lurch. Unfortunately, newbies forget about their bottom friend or care for him incorrectly.

The fish is very sensitive to water degrees and other water parameters, and it can also easily get stuck in snags and other objects in the aquarium.

Feed features

Marble combat is not whimsical - it eats all the food that it offers.The main thing when feeding is to buy the food that will fall to the very bottom. We recommend using frozen food or various weights so that the food reaches the bottom.

It is important to remember that fish likes to consume food at night when the lights are turned off. They adore live food, for example, raspberry or pipemaker. Also colored mistresses like snails. Therefore, if you wish to remove snails from an aquarium, then the best option is to start with a dozen marble battles.

The beats are like rotan by their appetite, they greedily eat everything edible on the way - be careful, they are very easy to overfeed.

Do I need a large aquarium for fighting?

For a home, a small capacity of 130 liters or more will do. As a rule, they do not leave the lower layers of the aquarium, but they are very active in their open spaces. The larger the aquarium, the less stress these fish have - although it is a bottom fish, it is very dynamic and belligerent.

If the fish do not have enough space, then it will begin to show aggression to all the inhabitants of the aquarium, even to representatives of its kind. In fact, the fish do not like conflicts, if for no reason.With enough space, there will be no enmity with the inhabitants of the underwater kingdom.

Beats rarely attack anyone, but are still able to bite the tributaries. Usually, the fish are engaged in charity, namely - they clean the aquarium from dirt, algae and other debris. They are excellent cleaners of water space.

Specific behavior

A huge aquarium is a lot of territory for games, especially when you consider that it is a schooling fish, which cannot normally exist without its relatives. If you want to fight, then you have to buy from 5 marble fish, otherwise nothing good will come of this idea.

As for stealth, they are ardent experts in this case, they are able to climb where it is impossible. Sometimes they get stuck in their secret places, do not be lazy to count the fish and see if some of the fish have disappeared.

If you decide to start a fight, then make sure that the aquarium was rich in all sorts of shelters. Especially they adore narrow tubes of ceramics and plastics.

Botsi have a love for calm, high-degree water (from 25 to 30 degrees).They need not only clean water, but also fresh, that is, you need to constantly change the water! And you will need a really huge supply of fresh water with a certain degree norm. Fluid temperature should not change, otherwise the fish will not be able to recover for a long time.

Relationship with the underwater world

 Botia lohachata
The bets get along well with most fish, however, they should never be kept in the same cage with predators or aggressors. Fish, though arrogant, but very fearful - if intimidated, they will stop eating and crawling out of their shelters.

The bets do not like other combat, they constantly fight, but, like any flock, they have an order established by the alpha male. There is no need to worry about fights, as their battles are more of a formal nature, they do not cause damage to each other.

Gender Differences

The male and female have identical colors, it is difficult to understand where the girl is, and where the boy is. Although it is noticeable during the spawning period, as the female has a belly with eggs.

Fish easily adapts at home, but it is not divorced in the same comfortable conditions for it. There is no case when the battle marble spawned in an aquarium.


Some people try to specifically breed botsy for sale, but they do not always succeed. The young are taken as a basis, they are caught in the wild and are trying to adapt to the home environment.

Boths spawn not like other fish, but in a special way! The female, together with the male, rises to the upper layers and throws out her eggs there. Females are overly fertile, they are able to sweep 4,000 small eggs at a time.

Newly minted parents do not take responsibility for their children, they can even eat their own eggs immediately after spawning. Here they are, these fights!

Video: marble marble (Botia lohachata)

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