Fleas have a cat - how to get home?

Caring owners of four-legged pets are closely monitoring the health of their ward. Therefore, they are wondering where and how a cat could catch fleas. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon, in advanced cases, infection leads to allergic dermatitis. A pet can pick up fleas at the entrance or on the territory near the house, what can we say about contact with infected animals. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, consider all aspects in turn.

 Fleas cat

The reasons

  1. Blood-sucking insects can appear in the fur coat of a furry friend after he interacts with other animals infected with fleas.
  2. Often, the owners themselves bring pests to their homes, for example, on shoes or outerwear. Some bring bloodsuckers on arrival from the cottage or on arrival from a business trip.
  3. If the neighborhood on the site does not differ in cleanliness, fleas through the doorway literally themselves pass into the apartment. They can also get out of the basement, which is important for the guests of the first floor.
  4. Another logical reason is that the animal picked up fleas in the grass when it was walking.


  1. There are basic signs by which infection can be detected. In particular, we are talking about non-standard behavior. A pet constantly scratches itself to cope with the itchiness of bloodsucker bites.
  2. When inspecting wool cover, you can see traces of life of representatives of the flea family. They look like black grains, collected in one place.
  3. If the cat is infected long enough, the blood-sucking insects will begin to lay eggs and multiply. This can be observed in a thick woolen cover, as well as on the bed of the animal. Eggs are pigmented whitish, they are turbid.
  4. The consequence of a bite is considered the manifestation of the so-called flea dermatitis. It is characterized by the presence of reddish spots scattered randomly on the body of the animal. The skin is very itchy, so the pet cannot sit still.
  5. If symptoms were detected, then there is a need for treatment of the animal by means of directional action. In their quality are purchased or self-made preparations. Blood-sucking insects breed quickly, so action is taken immediately.

Directional Aids

When bloodsuckers are found, the owners clutch their heads, especially when there are a lot of fleas on the animal's skin. Means differ in a form of release, duration of action, a technique of application and other aspects. It is very important to choose what suits your pet. Often on such compounds allergy occurs.

Other criteria are taken into account without fail, such as gender and age category. Cats in position are also required to buy protivoproshnye drugs of the appropriate direction.

Kittens are available in separate series, which are allowed to apply from a certain age. If there are several pets in the house, you will have to process all or delimit their contact. Only by understanding all the details, it will be possible to eliminate the parasites in the shortest possible time.

If we are talking about a pregnant cat or a little kitten, veterinarians do not always recommend the use of funds. They are advised to arm with a comb, to comb out all the fleas, their eggs and waste products. After a couple of days daily combing bloodsuckers disappear. After collecting the excrement, eggs and the fleas themselves need to spend burning.


 Flea drops for cats

  1. The most popular treatment option. The basis includes insecticidal substances that literally immediately kill the bloodsuckers. Fleas go away on this or the next day after treatment. In the process of applying choose the area between the shoulder blades (withers), the back of the neck or the area just below the skull. It is important to prevent the pet from licking the mixture.
  2. Drops are applied every few months. They have a long-lasting action, each subsequent time it is carried out later and later. Substances accumulate in the skin, so protect the pet for a long time. If you follow the rules, then the drops are considered the safest.
  3. There are some aspects to the recommendations. Before selecting the dosage, it is recommended to know the weight of the animal using the scales. For example, small animals up to 2 kg.Do not need a dose that suits individuals 5+ kg. Accordingly, when buying, you need to clarify the weight of the pipette with the contents.
  4. Before applying, it is advisable to wash your pet with a flea shampoo, then dry the coat 100%, comb and then drip on the withers. The coat is moved apart, the composition itself is applied to the skin. After all the manipulations you can not bathe the cat for two days.
  5. Bars, Frontline, Stronghold, Advocate and Celandine are considered to be the most sought-after drugs that have proven themselves. Not all variations will suit cats in position, small kittens and elderly pets. Therefore, read the instructions.


  1. Another option that can not boast such a duration of action, like a drop. Detergents with an off-stream effect are cheap, not too toxic. They are allowed to be used in the treatment of kittens, weakened pets and similar categories of cats.
  2. A positive feature is considered to be that shampoos are suitable for animals with long hair. Drops are not so easy to drip such pets. The basis of the funds are sparing insecticides that kill bloodsuckers, their larvae.
  3. Leading manufacturers have adapted to make the most natural shampoos that reduce the likelihood of allergies. Plant extracts and other soothing ingredients are added to the products. They are aimed at reducing itching and allergies.
  4. If you follow the manufacturer's recommendations, eliminate bloodsuckers will turn out in a short time. In this case, harm to the animal will not be inflicted. Too often, such formulations cannot be used to avoid intoxication.

The sprays

  1. Quite a good effect have a variety of sprays in the fight against parasites. It is enough to spray the product onto the pet's hair so that the insects completely die. Consider using the composition, be sure to follow the instructions.
  2. Remember that the spray should in no case be placed on the mucous membranes and eyes of your four-sided friend. It is strongly recommended to carry out similar procedures in the fresh air. In extreme cases, spray in a well-ventilated area.


 Flea collar for cats

  1. Special collars showed themselves well. They are quite well removed fleas from the fur of the animal. The advantage of this accessory is that pests quickly stop bothering your pet. However, it is worth knowing that such a tool is rather preventive.
  2. Special collars are very easy to use and do not cause any difficulties. In addition, they have quite a long protective effect. One collar can last up to 5 months. It all depends on the quality and manufacturer of the attribute. This accessory can be purchased at any pet store.

Folk remedies

  1. Folk methods of dealing with fleas in animals have long proven themselves on the good side. Thus you can quickly cope with small pests. To frighten off parasites, it is important to know that they do not tolerate the scent of rosemary, tansy, wormwood, eucalyptus, lavender and geranium.
  2. Prepare a decoction of any listed herbs. Be sure to treat the composition of the animal bed and its wool. If your four-legged friend is severely affected by fleas, be sure to repeat this procedure after 3 days. As a preventive measure, treat the cat's hair twice a month.
  3. As an alternative, essential oils have proven themselves well in the fight against small pests. The best way to deal with such a problem is rosemary or cedar extract. Mix in a shampoo for the animal a few drops of one of the esters. Carefully wash your pet.
  4. In the fight against fleas perfectly manifested garlic. From such an aroma, parasites simply fall into a panic state. Before treating your pet's coat, rub 3 cloves of garlic on a fine grater. Pour the mush 1 l. hot water. Insist the remedy all night.
  5. Once the infusion is ready, gently spread the product over the withers of the animal. To enhance the effect of such a drug, it is recommended to mix 1 gr. beer yeast. Consider, the tool is strictly prohibited to distribute to other parts of the body of the animal. Such a composition for a cat is toxic.


  1. Do not panic ahead of time, fleas can be easily removed, but it will take some time. First of all, treat the coat of the four-legged friend with any available means to get rid of small pests. Wait a few days.
  2. Then carefully comb the cat's hair to completely get rid of flea larvae and dead insects. Further, it is strongly recommended to purchase a special collar so that this does not happen again. Such an accessory will serve as an excellent prophylactic against the appearance of new insects.
  3. As an alternative, special pills are sometimes given to the animal. Do not forget to pay due attention to the cat bed. Such a place also requires thorough cleaning and disinfection. Treat litter with any means that eliminates fleas. Then the bed is recommended to fill with needles.
  4. It will not be superfluous to treat the premises with the most effective means to eliminate pests. The problem is that a flea cat could spread fleas throughout the house. Be sure to clean the floor with whiteness. Alternatively, you can use a solution of salt and soda, herbal decoction.
  5. During cleaning, pay special attention to those places where you notice parasites. To completely eliminate insects, you can use a household hairdryer. Thanks to him, you will be able to dry the hard-to-reach places and destroy flea eggs.
  6. If you find any pests in the bedding, wash things and iron them. Try to protect your animal from other individuals that are affected by fleas. Otherwise, you will have to remove pests again. For the rest, regularly inspect your four-legged friend and carry out preventiveactivity.

If you notice small pests on your animal, immediately begin to solve the problem. Follow all the necessary procedures to solve the problem as soon as possible. If this is not done, the cat may suffer from flea dermatitis. This is a rather unpleasant disease that requires a lot of time to heal.

Video: how to get fleas in kittens

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