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When menopause occurs, a serious restructuring occurs in the female body. The level of hormones is changing - this is due to the fact that reproductive function is declining. Such changes often lead to the appearance of symptoms that give the woman a lot of rather unpleasant feelings. There are signs such as irritability, hypersensitivity, a feeling of hot flashes. In addition, insomnia is quite common during this period. Many ladies do not consider it necessary to treat this symptom, thinking that it is quite harmless. But it is not. It is necessary to take measures as soon as possible to normalize sleep in order to avoid the development of other diseases.
Why does insomnia occur?
Sleep disturbance in menopause is a problem for one-third of all women who experience menopause. Causes of insomnia can be divided into two subgroups - psychological and hormonal. The former are explained by the fact that women, when characteristic changes occur in their bodies, are too painful for this. They feel anxiety all the time, sometimes they become depressed. Instability of psycho-emotional background causes insomnia. In this case, the consultation can help the psychotherapist.
Changes in hormone levels also significantly affect sleep. First of all, the production of hormones, estrogen and progesterone, necessary for the reproductive function of a woman, is significantly reduced. In addition, estrogens are actively involved in the production of melanin, which is responsible for a normal night's rest.
In addition, there are several provoking factors that can lead to sleep disturbance. These include the following:
- lack of exercise, lack of physical activity;
- addiction to cigarettes and alcoholic beverages;
- overweight;
- excessive use of energy drinks and other drinks, which include caffeine.
What is dangerous insomnia?
Sleep disturbance during menopause may occur from time to time or accompany the woman constantly. Visit the doctor if you need a full night rest more than a week.
It is necessary to treat insomnia, because it is at that time when a person is sleeping that the whole body is restored, the production of substances that are responsible for the normal functioning of the immune system occurs.
If you do not take appropriate measures to solve the problem, the risk of serious complications, which include:
- depression, psycho-emotional disorders;
- gastritis;
- stroke and other disorders of the cardiovascular system;
- malfunctions in the functioning of the endocrine system, in severe cases - the development of cancer tumors.
How to cope with this condition in menopause, the doctor will tell. Self-treatment in this case is absolutely not recommended. The following therapeutic interventions may be prescribed:
- drug therapy;
- making lifestyle adjustments;
- homeopathy;
- counseling psychologist.
Drug use
Choose the most suitable drug, normalizing sleep, you can only when properly established cause of insomnia. It is possible to use hormone replacement therapy. This means getting the female body the missing elements from external sources.
There are several types of drugs that have a similar effect and help get rid of the symptoms of menopause.
Preparations with plant hormones:
- Climaxan;
- Remens;
- Feminine;
- Qi-Klim.
Drugs based on estriol:
- Dermestril;
- Divina;
- Divigel.
Drugs with sedative properties:
- valerian;
- Grandaxine;
- motherwort infusion.
In addition, the following medications may be prescribed:
- Afobazole. Stabilizes psycho-emotional sleep, helps you fall asleep faster.
- Imov. Effectively fights insomnia, has a calming effect.
- Phenibut. Helps to get rid of anxiety, relieves dizziness.
Use of homeopathic remedies
During the treatment of sleep disorders, not only medicines are used, but also homeopathic remedies. The composition of them is absolutely natural, it includes only plant substances. Homeopathy helps normalize sleep and emotional background. The drugs have practically no contraindications, side effects occur extremely rarely, for this reason, they are most often used to treat insomnia. The most effective homeopathic remedies:
- DreamZzz. The tool is completely natural, it consists of biological elements of animal and vegetable origin. There are no artificial additives. The biogenic complex has a beneficial effect on the body’s work and helps restore biological rhythms. The natural components that make up the product have a sedative effect. Removing the tension of the internal systems helps to improve heart rate and improve the work of the whole organism. The product includes gaba alishan, beaver jet, lofant. Such components help to stabilize the emotional background, get rid of depression and other disorders, contribute to relaxation,calm and strengthen the nervous system, increase vitality and mood elevation. The drug will provide a full sound sleep.
- Sonilyuks. Herbal preparation that is designed to combat sleep disorders and psychological problems. Contributes to the stabilization of the state during menopause. The action of its natural substances strengthens the body, normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system, heart and blood vessels. Provides relaxation full night sleep. The results of clinical trials have shown that the tool helps to fall asleep faster and easier, less often to wake up at night and get rid of nightmarish dreams. Symptoms such as anxiety, aggressiveness, chronic fatigue, nervous overstrain are eliminated. The drug is available in the form of a syrup, which should be taken twice a day, observing the dosage specified in the instructions.
What else to do to get rid of insomnia
To improve sleep and get rid of many of the symptoms that manifest themselves during menopause, you can, if you make some adjustments in your lifestyle. It should only slightly change their own habits,and insomnia and emotional instability will quickly pass.
Compliance with the following guidelines will help:
- Do sport. The onset of menopause - not a reason to abandon physical activity. On the contrary, at this time there is a significant decrease in the rate of metabolism. Accelerate it will help regular exercise. During this period, it is recommended to engage in fitness, yoga, cardio. Dances perfectly fit. But it should be noted that classes should be held in the morning or afternoon, in the afternoon it is not recommended to do it, otherwise the nervous system will be overexcited by evening.
- Food features. Properly prepared diet will also help fight insomnia and bad mood. The daily menu of a woman who has menopause should include a large amount of fruits and vegetables, cereals, lean meat, dairy products. It is necessary to refuse caffeine, energy and alcoholic drinks, strong tea, chocolate, fried and fatty foods, since such products have a stimulating effect on the nervous system.
- Organization of bed. A full night's rest is affected by the way it is organized. You should choose a quality mattress and bedding. Lingerie and sleepwear should be made of natural material. The room should be ventilated daily before going to bed. It is desirable if fresh air will flow continuously for a whole night. It is better to hang thick curtains on the windows, then penetrating light will not disturb sensitive rest.
- Daily regime. To sleep well at night, you should clearly plan your daily routine. Going to bed and getting up should be every day at the same time, not only on weekdays, but also on weekends. But, if you want to lie down at an earlier time, you should not endure, you should immediately go to bed.
- Relaxing at bedtime. At least three hours before bedtime, it is recommended not to eat and drink, so that the body does not experience stress. In the evening, take a warm bath, in which you can add an infusion of herbs or aromatic oils that will have a relaxing effect. It is extremely undesirable to use various gadgets for reading and watching programs before going to bed, otherwise an over-excited nervous system will not allow you to sleep peacefully.
Folk remedies for insomnia
To normalize night sleep, you can use the means of traditional medicine. Herbs that have soothing properties are thyme, peony, lavender. They can be taken in any combination or separately. In addition, you can use the following effective remedies for insomnia:
- Dill seeds. 50 g of raw materials pour half a glass of red wine and boil over medium heat for 15 minutes. Then remove from heat and allow to cool. Daily dosage of broth - 30 ml. Take overnight.
- Hop flowers. 2 tsp. product pour 250 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid so that the product is infused for at least 5 hours. Take before bedtime.
The following methods will help to cope with sleep disorders:
- Milk with honey. In the absence of an allergic reaction to bee products, you should drink a glass of pre-warmed milk daily before bedtime, in which you should add a spoonful of honey. The benefit of the drink is that milk contains treptophan - this is aminopropionic acid, which is needed for the production of seratonin, which produces the sleep hormone melatonin.
- Tomato juice. Such a drink in combination with a small amount of nutmeg is an excellent tool to help normalize night sleep.A glass of juice should be drunk 60 minutes before the last meal.
Only a doctor can choose a competent therapy during menopause. Before using any remedy, both medicinal and homeopathic, you should be familiar with the contraindications and learn about possible side effects.
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