Bergamot - the benefits and harm for men and women

Bergamot - citrus tree, obtained by selection of lemon and bitter orange (orange). Having Asian roots, aroused interest, recognition and value in the European city of Bergamo. Today, Italy is famous for the largest planted areas of this plant.

 The benefits and harm of bergamot

Despite the fact that for most people this exotic name is associated with fragrant tea with a light citrus fragrance, the range of application of an exotic plant is much wider. A high demand and mass use of products with bergamot in the composition, allowed to analyze the effectiveness and identify the benefits and harms of this component.

Where is bergamot used?

  1. Perfumery industry. Essential oils derived from fruits and leaves give the spirits a delicate, lasting touch of tropical fruits.That is what attracted the attention of famous brands: Carolina Herrera, Calvin Klein, Lacoste ...
  2. In cooking. Used in the preparation of desserts, main dishes and alcohol. This is a peculiar highlight of European cuisine. Most often, fragrant oil is used as an additive. Marmalade and candied fruits are made from the peel of bergamot and the fruits themselves, and jam is made.
  3. Aromatherapy. The fragrance of bergamot has a good relaxing effect. Improves mood. Helps to cope with depression. The smell of the plant can activate brain activity.

It can rightly be considered an aphrodisiac. This is a great seasoning for a romantic dinner. Useful for both men and women. Bergamot is also used in medicine.

To understand the value of a plant, it is necessary to know its important components, their concentration and useful properties. Of the more than 300 components, the most valuable:

  1. L-Linalyl acetate (50%) - vinegar ether ester, a multi-purpose odorant.
  2. Linalyl acetate (from 35 to 50%) - takes an active part in the creation of perfume combinations.
  3. D-Limonene - in small doses used in the perfume industry, in the cosmetic industry. Gives the chance to let out safe, not alcohol cosmetics. Perfectly dissolves fats.
  4. Camphene - used as an insect repellent.From it get camphor.
  5. Bergaptol.
  6. α-pinene - synthesize camphor from it and can make solvents.
  7. β-karyofillen - fragrance used in the manufacture of soap, cosmetics, perfume.
  8. Bergapten - widely applicable in medicine. Photosensitizing drug. It treats skin diseases, including Vitiligo and psoriasis.
  9. n-Cymol, is part of the food essences. Apply as a perfume with restrictions.
  10. Limonen.
  11. D-α-terpineol. Used as a bactericidal substance, in perfumery, for the production of solvents. Allows you to synthesize aromas.
  12. Sesquiterpene alcohols — disinfectants, deodorants, paints and varnishes, detergents, and bioactive drugs.
  13. Bound and free geraniol.
  14. Methylanthranilate - source material for the fragrant substances.
  15. Vitamins D, C, A, E, vitamins of group B are natural immunomodulators.

The benefits of bergamot

 The benefits of bergamot

  1. Buying tea from bona fide manufacturers, in which the fruits of bergamot are actually present, you can protect yourself from colds, as well as speed up the healing process in case of an existing problem.In addition to a pleasant taste and smell, this drink fights against germs and bacteria (stomatitis, infections of the oral cavity).
  2. Able to reduce the high temperature (compress put on the gastrocnemius muscle). This is a valuable quality in cases where you can not take chemical drugs.
  3. Bergamot oil can reduce the pain in cystitis, urethritis.
  4. Scientists have proved the positive effect of this fruit on diseases of the chronic nature of the digestive tract. This is due to a strong astringent.
  5. Effective diet product, 100 g of which contains 36 kcal. Improves metabolic processes in the body. Gives the opportunity to become slim smoothly, without stress for the body. The complex uses oil for anti-cellulite massage and fat-burning baths, which adds elasticity and firmness to the skin.
  6. Normalizes the acid-base balance of gastric juice, helps to cope with cholecystitis and gastritis.
  7. Drinking a cup of tea with bergamot in the morning, you can feel a surge of vitality. Tones and reduces fatigue. Is invigorating.
  8. By including this drink in the diet, you can naturally calm the nervous system and normalize sleep, improve skin condition.
  9. There have been cases of successful control of the fungus.
  10. Relieves the symptoms of vegetative dystonia, strengthens blood vessels.
  11. Due to the components of splitting fats, bergamot is often used in the production of a series of "hair care". Eliminates shine and gives silkiness. Seborrhea will no longer disturb.
  12. Inhalation with essential oil will relieve nasopharyngeal edema quickly and efficiently, and treated insect bites will relieve itching and disinfect the skin surface.
  13. Recorded cases of healing from eczema, varicose veins, burns, acne, oily skin, boils.
  14. It has a rejuvenation effect. Smoothes the skin and eliminates defects, refreshes.

It is worth noting that the effect of the hybrid on the human body is individual and is not a panacea.

Restrictions on use

No wonder doctors say that drugs can not only save, but also with unwise use destroy. Consequently, it is impossible to treat lightly Bergamot. It is also not suitable for everyone and has contraindications:

  1. Essential oils exacerbate the action of antibiotics. So, when taking a course of medication, it is worth refusing tea drinking.
  2. With the aggressive influence of the sun on the skin, sunburn or prolonged exposure to open radiation, it is recommended to postpone.
  3. Allergy sufferers susceptible to citrus will not be able to appreciate the fruit or components.
  4. In its pure form, the oil can cause a burn.
  5. Due to the pronounced smell, children under 12 years old are forbidden to use bergamot in any form.
  6. Since tea invigorates and tones, it is better for people with insomnia to refrain from such a drink. The same reason and the ability to cause uterine contraction does not allow it to drink to women who are carrying a child during lactation.

Given the exotic nature of the fruit, the specificity of taste, this product is not available to us. Domestic consumers are offered teas, oil, concentrate for the Finnish bath, and dried peel. If you have the opportunity to try this unusual type of citrus, do not forget about the ability to cause burns of the mucous.


Stopping your choice on something, you need to pay attention to the shelf life and storage conditions. Bergamot oil does not lose its properties for 2 years, provided that the dishes are made of dark glass, and the concentrate is a year.The optimal temperature conditions - the conditions of the domestic refrigerator.

The pricing policy is influenced by the dishes in which the product is packaged, namely the color of the container, its composition (100% essential oil) and the manufacturer.

Ways to use bergamot

 Ways to use bergamot

  1. For rinsing the mouth diluted with a few drops of oil in 100 ml of water - it turns out a good antiseptic.
  2. To make a compress, you need to mix 50 ml of water and 4 drops of oil - it turns out antipyretic.
  3. Can be applied to the skin in its pure form with dermatitis.
  4. Add a few drops in shampoo - will help with seborrhea.
  5. 2 drops of oil per liter of boiling water - inhalation of ARVI, Influenza.
  6. Mixing 5 drops of lavender and bergamot, 3 drops of neroli - this composition prevents emotional exhaustion.
  7. 5 drops of oil in a hot bath - you get a great antispasmodic.
  8. 5 gr. Bergamot and 30 almond - one can treat several diseases with this compound - psoriasis, eczema, scabies.
  9. 5 drops of oil and 10 ml of base - wound healing agent.
  10. 3 drops of oil and 10 ml of the base - a medicine for rubbing into the trapezius muscles with painful sensations.
  11. You can add oil to shampoos, balms, soap, favorite face mask (1:10).For the future cream, ointments and masks are not harvested.

Face masks

  1. Mixing in equal proportions the oil of bergamot, jojoba and grape, get a nourishing mask for the skin.
  2. A mixture of one egg whipped protein and 5 drops of oil applied for 10 minutes will help to narrow the pores on the face.
  3. 5 drops of essential oil of bergamot and thyme, combined with grape oil, is a good tool for cleaning the skin from the severity of the working day.

Hair care
Give your hair a healthy shine and silkiness, strengthen the bulbs, get rid of dandruff and dry skin, regenerate the skin - a useful extract will help.

  1. The easiest and most effective way is to wet the teeth of the scallop with oil before combing.
  2. Rinse effectively with water, adding 5 drops of bergamot and 1 pine to 4 liters.
  3. 20 g of oatmeal, 50 ml of yogurt without additives, yolks from two eggs, 5 drops of ether and bergamot - a mask, using which you can forget about greasy hair. It is recommended to apply a mixture of useful components to the hair. Create a thermal effect with a hat and bath towel for 10 minutes. Rinse with herbal decoction.
  4. A simple recipe will help to cope with dandruff.Three types of oils are mixed: jojoba, sandalwood and bergamot. Apply to the entire length of hair and incubated for 30 minutes.

Hostess note

  1. Making your favorite tea for sure useful, multiplying the healing properties and avoiding the use of artificial flavors will help add a few drops of essential oil to the usual granules.
  2. Countries famous for winemaking and brandy production are widely used in their recipe bergamot oil.
  3. A mixture of salt and extract is used for the impregnation of herbs with aromas. This trick gives a special spice salads.

A bottle of magic extract will be appropriate in the pantry of the hostess, first-aid kit, purse and cosmetics bag.

Video: the benefits and harm of bergamot

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