Mossy Barbus - care and maintenance in an aquarium

Mossy barbs are also called mutants due to the fact that they were bred as a result of gene crossing with Sumatran barbs. However, the representatives of the species turned out much more spectacular than their predecessors. Dark green scales with a bluish tint and attracts attention. When an individual grows up, its coloring fades, but the fish does not become less beautiful.

 Barb mossy


  1. It has already been mentioned that a barb of this variety is a subtype of a Sumatran specimen. This species is no less popular; rather, many aquarists will prefer it, rather than their ancestors. Since individuals do not live in natural conditions due to artificially obtaining the species, we will affect the habitats of the predecessors.
  2. The Sumanranian fishes were first described in 1854, Blecker did it. Accordingly, the fish received the name because of the characteristics of the habitat.It can be found in Sumatra, in Thailand and Cambodia. At first, the individuals were located exclusively on Sumatra and Borneo, but then migrated to other places. Some populations are even found in Australia, Singapore, Colombia and the United States of America.
  3. By their natural features, fish do not tolerate flow. They can be found in slowly flowing or completely stagnant water sources, be it small rivers or reservoirs with streams. Usually fish swim in dense thickets, therefore they are located in the jungle area. Here, everything suits them, starting with the purest water, ending with a high accumulation of oxygen and soft sand at the bottom. In their natural environment, barbs eat detritus, algae, insects and their larvae.


  1. According to their external data, these representatives of the subspecies are high and rounded, the head is sharp. The fish is small, it is hardly 6–7 cm in size. Therefore, it is constantly caught by large inhabitants. As for life expectancy, the rates are 5 years.
  2. Naturally, it is impossible not to touch the coloring. Greenish fish with a blue tint, which shimmers with proper lighting.Mutants do not have black stripes that their Sumatran predecessors have. There is a fringing around the edges of fins, and at the beginning of spawning, the muzzle becomes reddish.
  3. These fish do not require special delights in the content, so they are recommended to start for beginners in the field of aquarism. Generally speaking, fish differ from their ancestors only in color. In all other respects they are as undemanding as their predecessors. The main thing to remember is that the fish need the stability and cleanliness of the aquatic environment.
  4. Since pets are small in shape, they need to organize shelters. Usually among them stands vegetation, grottoes, snags, etc. But it is also important to provide a place for swimming, so the middle part is left for maneuvers. Fish eat algae, if they do not have enough plant food.
  5. They are necessarily contained in flocks of 8 individuals and more. The fish is not very aggressive, but can pester its fellows. Therefore, try not to keep it with even smaller individuals. If you buy a flock of fish, you can significantly reduce the aggression of this breed in relation to their fellows.
  6. To brighten up your aquarium, these mutants are combined with Sumatran barbs. They have the same behavior and rhythm of life, the fish get on well, they match each other according to the requirements for the aquatic environment and the general principles of care. Differ only in color, it makes the aquarium even more beautiful.

Sex differences

  1. If the individuals have not yet reached puberty, then the fish is almost impossible to distinguish by sex.
  2. At sexually mature females, a rounded belly becomes noticeable. Males acquire a brighter color, and they are also smaller.


 Content barb mossy

  1. The family under discussion does not apply to fish that require a certain water level for swimming. Barbusses feel great in the lowland, in the middle and upper layers. About 10–12 l are allotted to one fish. water. Therefore, if you plan to buy 8 individuals, separately order a reservoir of at least 80 liters.
  2. Mutant fish are well jumped out of the water space, so take care of the lid for the tank. Place it on top of the aquarium, leaving a small gap. The tank should be elongated, not round or square.Vegetation is planted on the sides.
  3. These pets are not demanding to the aquatic environment, quickly adapt. But there are certain recommendations that should be followed. Ideal for fish stiffness will be 5-10 units, acidity - 6-8 units, and temperature regime - 23-26 degrees.
  4. But even more important is the installation of a filter with excellent water treatment, because these fish are sick if the liquid is contaminated. A third of the volume is also regularly discharged, a new portion is poured instead.
  5. Due to the fact that these fish were bred by artificial crossing, they are more demanding. However, this does not prevent beginners in the field of aquaristics to get such inhabitants.
  6. One has only to remember that the barbs do not tolerate moving from one aquarium to another, they need to be planted in standing water for at least a day. Take care that the aquarium water is sufficiently enriched with oxygen. Otherwise, aquatic inhabitants will fall into a stressful state.


  1. Considered barbs, like all representatives of this type, belong to omnivorous individuals.Fish without any problems will be happy to eat fresh-frozen, dry and live foods. It is highly recommended to feed the treated individuals with high quality industrial feed.
  2. This method will avoid frequent pollution. In addition, professional foods are easier to handle for beginners. Among other things, with such a diet should be regularly diluted. From time to time, give the barbs moth and artemia. They can be live or frozen.
  3. Consider that the fish in question do not have a sense of proportion when feeding. Therefore, the number of servings is limited. Otherwise, individuals will die soon from obesity or other health problems. It is recommended to feed barbs several times a day. At the same time, remember that portions should be small. Fish should have time to eat all the food in a few minutes.


  1. The considered individuals are very active, so they need to be hooked only to fish of similar temperament and lifestyle. Neighbors should also move quickly in an aquarium, just like barbs. However, it is worth notingthat these individuals often bite the fins of all the inhabitants of the aquarium.
  2. In particular, this phenomenon can be observed if the barbs are kept in flocks. In general, individuals attack only those fish that are slow and too peaceful. Therefore, it is not necessary to hook up the scalar, gouram and other inhabitants of the aquatic world, which have long fins, to the barbs.
  3. Green barbs have the greatest aggression. Hatred of others appears, if you keep them alone or in pairs. Therefore, it makes sense to start a flock. In order not to have any problems with other inhabitants of the aquarium, barbs should be purchased in an amount of at least 7 individuals. In this case, they will only follow each other.
  4. In order to at least somehow decorate and diversify the appearance of the aquarium, it is recommended to start a flock of barbs of various types. Mutants are allowed to contain without problems with Sumatran individuals. Thus, your aquarium will noticeably change.


  1. Considered individuals breed in the aquarium is easy. They reach sexual maturity in 4-5 months. Choose the brightest pair from the pack and move to the breeding ground.
  2. Consider that parents after throwing caviar must be transplanted into the general aquarium without fail, otherwise they will completely destroy their offspring. In the breeding ground, you need to install an additional grid at the bottom.
  3. Before spawning, as well as any individuals, barbs should be plentifully fattened around a crescent. As soon as the male fertilizes the spawn, precipitate the parents. Fry appear after 1 week. Feed them "live dust."

The fish stands out from the rest of the aquatic inhabitants of the reservoir. Since the presented breed group is popular with professionals and beginners, it makes sense to consider everything connected with it.

Video: breeding mossy barb

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