Ascorbic acid during pregnancy - the benefits and harm

Maternal instinct is a very strong feeling that makes preserve the baby long before the crumb is born. From the early stages of pregnancy, as soon as a woman finds out about her new position, she tries to change her habits, diet, lifestyle. As a rule, sensible women give up smoking, alcohol, try to be more in the fresh air. A separate question is nutrition and vitamins. Modern gynecologists do not recommend future moms to drink multivitamin complexes unnecessarily, especially if the woman’s diet is adequate - there are dairy products, meat, fish, fruits and vegetables in it. The exception is folic acid - they must drink it. If a woman lives in a region with a low iodine content in the soil, iodine is necessarily assigned.With special indications, a woman may need magnesium. But future moms are trying to provide themselves with everything they need and, above all, to protect themselves from colds.

 Ascorbic acid during pregnancy

As you know, vitamin C is best fights against viral diseases - ascorbic acid. Immunity during pregnancy is reduced, the risk of falling ill increases significantly. This is a very necessary and important vitamin for any organism, especially for a pregnant woman. But how to understand that you miss him?

Signs of Ascorbic Acid Deficiency

To understand whether you need to take ascorbic supplementation, you need to know how the lack of vitamin C is manifested in the body.

  1. A person with a lack of vitamin C in the body has a very low immunity, cannot withstand external viruses, is constantly sick. Often, these people cling to new SARS, not having time to cope with old infections. Moreover, the diseases themselves are rather difficult to suffer - with high fever, poor health, severe intoxication.
  2. With a deficiency of vitamin C there is pain in the bones when moving.
  3. A woman becomes passive or irritable, apathy appears, and her nervous condition is unstable.If the future mom works, the lack of vitamin affects the concentration of attention, memory deteriorates, the efficiency decreases.
  4. Vitamin C deficiency can be judged by the state of the blood vessels. The lack of the right amount of vitamin C makes the tissues weak, bruises remain on the skin even after slight physical contact or pressure. Nosebleeds also appear.
  5. Another evidence of a vitamin deficiency is bleeding and loose gums, opening of root space, in some cases, loss of teeth.
  6. Vitamin C affects hemoglobin, anemia develops.
  7. Lack of vitamin C affects appetite, a woman refuses to eat, loses weight.
  8. A lack of ascorbic acid also affects the skin of the future mother - the epidermis becomes dry and irritated, it cracks.

In severe cases, scurvy disease develops, which can lead to the formation of non-healing ulcers on the body. During pregnancy, the disease is extremely dangerous for the baby in the womb. That is why a woman should carefully monitor her body and respond to any changes.

The benefits of ascorbic acid during pregnancy

We have already found out that the lack of vitamin C in the body is highly undesirable, but how does ascorbic acid affect pregnancy?

  1. One of the main problems of pregnant women is frequent illness. Immunity decreases, all the forces of the body are aimed at the growth and development of the baby in the womb. It is extremely undesirable to get sick during pregnancy - firstly, intoxication and high temperatures are dangerous for the fetus, and secondly, medications cannot be taken, especially in the early stages. But we are all people, we work in a team, it is very difficult to avoid diseases. Vitamin C helps strengthen weakened immunity - this is an excellent prevention of ARVI.
  2. A sufficient amount of ascorbic acid in the body of a pregnant woman strengthens blood vessels, tightens the placenta, reduces the risk of its premature aging and exfoliation. A healthy placenta is adequate nutrition for the child, lack of oxygen starvation.
  3. As noted, ascorbic acid is needed for skin elasticity, it is very important for a pregnant woman, especially at a late period. Ascorbic acid will protect the future mom from stretch marks, or minimize their number.
  4. Ascorbic acid neutralizes products in the process of their decay, facilitating the metabolism in the body. This means that vitamin C helps to reduce the manifestations of toxicosis. In addition, the vitamin gives foods a special acidity, and acidic foods help to cope with the feeling of nausea.
  5. Another common problem for pregnant women is low hemoglobin, iron deficiency anemia. Even if you consume a lot of iron, it will not be completely absorbed without the proper amount of ascorbic acid, these substances work in pairs.
  6. In addition, ascorbic acid has a positive effect on the psychological state of a woman, makes her more stress-resistant and calm, and makes it easier to survive home and work problems.
  7. Ascorbic acid is especially useful before childbirth, because it makes the tissues more extensible and elastic, it allows a woman to give birth without tears, facilitates the passage of the baby through the birth canal.
  8. Ascorbic acid is very necessary for the baby in the womb - it provides its physical and mental development, helps to form the immune system.
  9. Very often a woman during pregnancy is faced with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, one of the most common is symphysitis, or a divergence of the pubic symphysis.Among others, one of the reasons for the development of pathology is a lack of vitamin C in the body.
  10. Ascorbic acid increases blood clotting, this reduces the risk of uterine bleeding during delivery.
  11. Very often, women in the period of carrying a baby are faced with varicose veins. Sharply increased load, large weight - all this is reflected in the state of the veins, the disease develops during pregnancy. And ascorbic acid allows you to keep veins and blood vessels in good shape.
  12. Ascorbic acid neutralizes and removes toxic substances, toxins and heavy metals from the body. In addition, vitamin C can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

Ascorbic acid can be taken in pills or in powder form, the most popular preparations based on vitamin C are Ascorutin, Tsevikap, Asvitol, Rostvit, etc. But it is much more useful and pleasant to use foods with a high content of ascorbic acid. Among the champions on the content of this vitamin can be identified rosehip, red sweet pepper, black currant, sea buckthorn, parsley, Brussels sprouts, dill, kiwi, citrus, strawberries, spinach, horseradish, etc.

Harm of ascorbic acid

Reception of ascorbic acid during pregnancy should be limited, overdose is as dangerous as a deficiency of any trace element. You should consume no more than 60mg of vitamin a day. If you take a multivitamin for pregnant women, be sure to check out their composition - if they already have ascorbic acid, you don’t need to take it in addition! An overdose of this substance can lead to symptoms such as headaches, irritability, skin rash, nausea and vomiting, increased blood pressure. If any of these symptoms occur, be sure to see your doctor.

In addition, ascorbic acid has contraindications. Take a vitamin supplement is not worth it if you have a tendency to thrombosis, thrombosis or thrombophlebitis. Also from ascorbinki should be abandoned for diabetes and miscarriages in history. In addition, ascorbic acid may give individual intolerance, in the event of an allergic reaction from an additional vitamin intake should be abandoned.

Remember that ascorbic acid is not a harmless sweetie that can be eaten in any quantity.Remember about your health and about the baby in the womb, take vitamin C only for its intended purpose, not exceeding the permissible doses.

Video: what will happen if you eat a lot of ascorbic acid

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