Peanuts - beneficial properties and contraindications

Peanuts are also called peanuts, which are widely used in the fields of folk healing, cosmetology, culinary purposes. The product is used in nutrition to get rid of extra pounds. All this is possible thanks to the useful qualities of the nut, let's look at them in more detail.

 Useful properties and contraindications of peanuts

The beneficial properties of peanuts

  1. Before starting to study the basic properties, it is necessary to consider in more detail the list of elements included in the peanut. Peanuts are rich in acids, vitamins, dietary fiber, ash, plant fiber, water, pectin, and other equally important substances.
  2. The product is not deprived of amino acids, which are necessary for the human body to normalize cholesterol.It is amino acids that clean the blood channels from plaques and increase the density of the vascular walls.
  3. Magnesium is considered to be another valuable element; this mineral compound is necessary to improve the functioning of the heart muscle, compact the bones and cleanse the body of harmful decomposition products.
  4. Peanuts are not deprived of the most valuable folic acid. Otherwise, it is called vitamin B9. Folic acid cleans the list, restores its structure and reduces the load on this internal organ. Vitamin B9 is needed for pregnant girls.
  5. Plant fiber in combination with coarse dietary fibers improves the processes of the digestive tract. As a result, the consumption of peanuts normalizes the passage of food through the esophagus, putrid stagnations disappear.
  6. Nicotinic acid is necessary to improve the condition of the skin and hair. Also, this substance prevents such serious diseases as Alzheimer and Parkinson.
  7. Many are wondering about the nutritional value of groundnuts. Caloric values ​​do not exceed 552 units, this value is characteristic of raw nuts without salt and additional roasting.In a small amount of peanuts can be introduced into food to improve health.
  8. The main value of peanuts lies in the protein content. 100 gr. Already given 27 gr. protein, which is important for athletes. People who want to build muscle and strengthen bones, you must include peanuts in the diet.
  9. In the composition there is a mass of vitamins of group B. It is about riboflavin, thiamine, pantothenic acid, niacin and others. These compounds are needed by the nervous system, they normalize the psychoemotional environment of a person and fight insomnia. Peanuts should be eaten with frequent exposure to stress.
  10. Peanuts help to recover from a severe operation or illness. Incoming antioxidants remove toxic substances from the cavity of internal organs, contributing to the speedy cure. Peanut is introduced into the menu for seasonal infections and frequent business trips.
  11. Not without the participation of tocopherol and retinol - the natural vitamins of youth. When ingested, they stimulate the production of collagen, stop the effects of free radicals and prevent alcohol / food poisoning.
  12. Choline in combination with vitamin PP restores blood flow, tightens cell membranes, controls carbohydrate metabolism. When taking a nut, the sugars are transformed into energy, not fat reserves.

Peanuts for women

 Peanuts for women

  1. It is useful to consume nuts to girls during the menstrual cycle. The composition contains substances that improve the composition of the blood and enrich it. Peanut improves the condition during menstruation, relieves dizziness, muscle spasms.
  2. Vitamins E and A, tocopherol with retinol, respectively, are necessary to maintain the beauty of the skin. When ingested, peanuts improve collagen production, smoothing the skin. The benefits are observed for the hair, they get rid of dandruff, look shiny.
  3. Peanut makes up for blood loss, it is also prescribed for pregnant women. When carrying a fruit, it is extremely important to avoid beriberi, a peanut doing an excellent job with this task.
  4. Not without value for new mothers who are breastfed. Nuts consumed daily, improve the quality and fat content of milk, as well as remove its bitterness.
  5. Pregnant women and other categories of persons need to monitor the performance of iron in the blood. With a shortage of this element develops iron deficiency anemia. Nuts make up for lack.
  6. Peanuts are involved in the prevention of breast cancer. It is mandatory to use it to those who live in hot sunny regions.

Peanuts for men

  1. The benefits of nuts for members of a strong half of humanity has been known for a long time. The product must be consumed regularly, especially in adulthood. Raw materials copes with the problems of potency and the reproductive system.
  2. Taking peanuts stabilizes hormones. Nuts perfectly strengthen muscle tissue and tone up the body as a whole. Regular eating of the product provides good prevention of ailments of the cardiovascular system.

Peanuts for weight loss

 Peanuts for weight loss

  1. Among nutritionists, there are many-sided debates about whether peanuts can be included in weight loss diets. Undoubtedly, the product is high in calories and can trigger rapid mass gain. If you approach the other side, you can see that peanuts perfectly suppress hunger for a long time.
  2. A small amount of roasted nuts and peanut butter can be included in the daily diet while losing weight. Consider, it is forbidden to combine several types of legumes.
  3. Weight loss should be accompanied by the consumption of a sufficient amount of dried fruit. Roasted nuts with honey can be eaten as a healthy dietary meal. Consider, while losing weight, peanut paste is completely contraindicated.

Peanuts for diabetics

  1. If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, then the disease involves a special diet for life. In this case, moderate eating peanuts will help alleviate the condition and saturate the body with important enzymes.
  2. The recommended dose of nuts must be coordinated with the doctor individually. Walnut stabilizes blood cholesterol. It also prolongs the remission period. An alternative is peanut butter.

Peanuts for athletes

 Peanuts for athletes

  1. Nuts are very popular in professional sports. Peanuts are especially in demand in bodybuilding. Raw materials allow for the shortest possible time to adjust the body and dialsufficient muscle mass.
  2. Even in professional sports, peanuts need to be consumed in strictly limited quantities. On the other hand, nuts are not recommended to be completely excluded from the diet of athletes. Alternatively, you can eat peanut butter.

Peanuts during pregnancy

  1. The representatives of the fair sex during the bearing of the fetus is important to adhere to the proper diet. Peanuts are not prohibited in the menu of pregnant girls. An important feature is the strict control of consumed raw materials.
  2. Peanuts with moderate eating will provide the body with nutrients. Nuts allow the baby to fully develop in the womb. Do not consume peanut butter during pregnancy.
  3. The composition can provoke a negative reaction of the body. Often increases the load on the activity of the liver and kidneys. The chair is broken, diarrhea develops. Intoxication increases, allergies can occur.
  4. To stabilize the condition of a pregnant girl, you will need to resort to the help of medicines and decoctions of medicinal plants. You should not risk your own and baby's health.Therefore, consult your doctor beforehand.

Peanut Contraindications

  • Peanuts can cause a strong allergic reaction.
  • Nuts can be harmful if abused.
  • It is forbidden to eat raw materials in the presence of chronic diseases.
  • An overabundance of substances that peanuts contain can cause hormonal imbalances.

Peanuts - quite a useful product. Nuts in sufficient quantities contain unique components that are needed by the body. However, abuse can lead to unpleasant consequences. If you decide to get rid of ailments, study the contraindications.

Video: the useful peanuts

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