English Bulldog - description of the breed and character of the dog

The modern English bulldog only remotely resembles his distant ancestor, who in the XII XIII centuries forced everyone who was in his way to tremble in horror. In those days, these were formidable ferocious dogs that could defeat a bull. As proof of this, the name of the bulldog was fixed, the first part of which means “bull” in English. Mastiffs and Alans are considered their ancestors.

 English bulldog

We raised English bulldogs exclusively for fighting, selecting the most aggressive and powerful ones with powerful jaws from the litter. They fought bravely not only with the bulls, but also with bears and lions in the arena. It can be argued that in this way natural selection took place, the most dexterous, strong and agile survived. They were involved in procreation. But these dogs, intended only for fighting, had different sizes and colors, the structure of the jaw was significantly different for many.

But it was so until 1835 - then they thought that this spectacle was too cruel, and officially the battles ceased to exist, and with them the breed, having become unclaimed, began to die out.

However, the adherents of the breed did not let it disappear, moreover, they tried out of the evil and bloodthirsty hereditary fighters to bring a new line, fundamentally changing their character. In the mid-50s of the 19th century, active breeding work began, aimed at redeeming the breed of malice and bloodthirst. For this purpose, more calm dogs were strictly selected in the litter, and the most aggressive were sent to the plantations as guards, guards, mostly as purebreds.

Already in 1860, the breeders were able to present at the popular exhibition in Birmingham an updated breed, which some dog experts assigned to the decorative group. But most often the English Bulldogs carried their service, guarding the English aristocrats. These dogs were officially included in the list of legalized breeds of England in 1873, and seven years later, the English Bulldogs began to leave their homeland, finding owners in many parts of the world.

Now in a friendly and calm bulldog it is difficult to recognize a former mobile warrior who is able to attack a large animal and defeat him.The modern dog is also powerful and self-confident, however, it is still more calm and good-natured. But, if the owner is in danger, the bulldog will be able to protect him without hesitation.

Brief information about the breed

These dogs have an average size, the average height at the withers reaches 35 - 40 cm, weigh:

  • males - up to 25 kg;
  • females - up to 23 kg.

The most original of a bulldog is its face, and especially its jaw. They protrude forward, thereby exposing the teeth. The head is rounded, rather short muzzle. The ears are of medium size, located on the sides of the head and hanging down. There should be skin folding on the head. The leather, hidden in the folds, helped the dogs during the fight: even if the enemy grabbed the folds, the dog could still continue the fight. The folds also helped to warn the eyes: if the animal was injured, their blood did not flood. The nose is strongly impressed, and the other brachycephalic dogs are different.

The body is wide and massive, squat. The shoulders are wide, but the pelvis is much narrower, which adversely affects during the birth of puppies, and often the owners are forced to seek help from a veterinarian to make a cesarean section.

All limbs are placed apart at a great distance. The coat is hard and short.The color may be different, but the main thing is to have a black mask on the face.

English Bulldog as a homebody and companion

In English Bulldog, the character is not quite simple. He is not a fan of not only frisky, but also hiking. It is better for him to sit at home with the owners, soak up his rightful place. He has a stubborn temper, and if he does not want to do something, it will be quite problematic to convince a pet. But all these difficulties are compensated by an amusing behavior, which improves the mood of all households.

 Dog breed english bulldog

English Bulldog is very attached to children, likes to spend time with them, having fun taking part in their games and pranks.

These dogs love to taste their owners' home things. Because you need to hide everything in a securely closed place, and so that the pet is not bored, get him special toys for chewing.

It is very difficult for them to carry the hot season. Therefore, in the summer time the owners should worry about creating comfortable conditions.

For urban conditions, the bulldog is ideal because it does not need long walks, running and physical activity.On average, it is enough for him to go on air twice a day for 30 minutes, but the puppy needs to be given a small load, forcing him to move more actively.

The structure of the nose makes the dog breathe open mouth, while it makes loud noises. And due to the fact that you have to swallow a large amount of air, gases are often formed, which go outside accompanied by a strong odor. If the apartment in which the pet lives is small, you should always have an air freshener available or the ability to air the room.

An unpleasant smell appears in the folds of the animal, and drooling from the mouth. Who does not scare away these unpleasant facts, will get a great friend, a faithful defender.


These bulldogs live on average about 10 years. Of all the breeds, they are most located in diseases, among which many are inherited, and many are acquired. The most common pathologies associated with:

  • musculoskeletal system;
  • cardiovascular system.

Bulldogs have a tendency to obesity, because they like to eat a hearty meal, and move a little.Their organism has a negative property - a very slow metabolism. If we recall that almost all members of the breed suffer from weak joints, the overfed pet may be subject to various diseases and injuries. With serious injuries the owners turn to veterinary clinics quite often. A balanced diet, in which there are vitamins and minerals, will help maintain the necessary weight, health.

Bulldogs often have allergic reactions. Anything can be a source of trouble:

  • plants;
  • the annoying rays of the sun;
  • pollen of flowers.

If allergies have appeared, you should seek help from a veterinarian so that he prescribed a course of therapy. Modern tools allow you to quickly get rid of the problem.

Educational procedures

For those people whose time is always scheduled, the good news is the fact that you don’t have to pay a lot of attention to bringing up English bulldogs. It is important to find mutual understanding with him immediately, to cultivate and impart basic skills. They learn quickly, and, having spent time on training at the very beginning, you can not be afraid that the dog will be capricious, stubborn and disobedient.Only by building a normal relationship with a dog of this breed, you can achieve perfect obedience.

 Raising an english bulldog

This breed has no desire to jump out without the demand for the street, and to rush, without dismantling the road, in search of adventure. Bulldog quickly gets used to the new conditions, understands where his resting place and feeding.

The dog must be aware that the owner is not only the source of a satisfying and comfortable life, but also a good friend. Therefore, it is not recommended to plant on a chain or send an animal to an aviary. The dog must be constantly near people.

The English Bulldogs have a desire to prove to the members of the household that he is the one in the family. Professional trainers advise in this case to prove that the dog is wrong, and not to allow to rest on the bed, to spoil things. It is necessary to go on about, and problems will continue to appear more and more. Do not forget that the dog's jaws can cope with any furniture, not to mention things and shoes.

Tip! For a pet, you need to immediately arrange a comfortable place so that it would be cozy there, and you did not want to find the best, having noticed the master bed.

Do not punish the bulldog, it is easier for him to explain what he did wrong, to encourage when the dog is obedient and executes all the commands clearly and correctly. Cruel punishments harm mutual understanding.

These dogs have a sense of leadership, because the other animals in the house, if they are smaller, can not be good for each other. To avoid conflicts, it is desirable that the animals were under the same roof from a very early age.

Imposing and slow-moving bulldog can become fearless and belligerent, if you need to protect the owners. He will not be afraid to fight first with an animal that is bigger and stronger. It is worth the dog to get angry, as the battle begins the real, and the pet will defend its position until victory. And if you take into account the bite of a bulldog, then if he attacks a person, he can hurt him considerably. In this case, law enforcement agencies may intervene. Therefore, the owner of a bulldog should not set a pet on people and animals, turn it into a quarrelsome fighter. Those who have passed the necessary course of dog training are quite peaceful, and will never rush to others, more often just moving aside.

This breed has an average level of activity. Puppies love to play pranks, but in adulthood, dogs are calm. Peculiarities of the respiratory system do not allow them to run fast, but they don’t want to do that, sedately following the host on a leash.Due to breathing problems and a weak heart, the dog cannot be taken on long walks and even for short jogs. Excessive loads can cause significant damage to health.

A puppy is also not worth much physical stress, despite the fact that at this age he is active and energetic. You should always take into account the anatomical features of the breed.


The dog needs to be cleaned periodically, especially during the molting period. This procedure is important because dirt, dead hair and dandruff are removed from the skin surface. There are special brushes that you can choose in the pet store. In the absence of this procedure, a bulldog can develop skin diseases.

During cleansing, an effective massage occurs, during which blood flows to the skin, and metabolism improves. In order to have a better brushing effect, it is recommended to walk through the wool with a cloth brush. Many owners will use a vacuum cleaner for this purpose, but not every animal can get used to the humming unit.

Swimming in the summer season is nice to the bulldog, as long as he doesn’t get into a draft after swimming. Wipe thoroughly.But when it is cold, it is better not to bathe the dog so that it does not get sick.

Fact! Bulldogs swim badly due to the fact that their front part is very heavy, so you should not try to lure them into the pond.

Buying an English bulldog, you can face different prices for the breed. If the pedigree is rich in champions, then puppies will be more expensive.

Video: dog breed english bulldog

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