Aquarium fish minor - care and maintenance

It will be about the aquarium fish, which will be an ideal option for beginners. In Latin, its name sounds like Hyphessobrycon minor. To us, it is known as a minor. This little fish is very popular among aquarium owners. After all, it is quite simple to take care of her, it is not necessary to create any particularly strict conditions. The flocks of these fish are very playful, it is interesting to watch them. But this does not mean that you can allow the state of the aquarium to flow. If you do not take care of him, the minors may grow more slowly, their color will fade. The deterioration of conditions leads to the fact that the fish will multiply worse, and their life expectancy will be shorter.

 Aquarium fish minor

Habitat in nature

Representatives of this species live in nature in South America. They inhabit the waters of the Amazon, in the middle part and in the north of the continent. Basically, they live in forest waters, in slow or completely stagnant waters.


Minor are small. Usually adult fish has a length of 4-5 centimeters. They live about 6 years. The body of these fish is flattened from the sides, is slim. The main difference of this species from others is the shape of the dorsal fin. It is quadrangular. It is located vertically, can be elongated.

A dark stripe runs across the body of the minor. The upper body of these bright fish is olive-brown. Their belly and sides are red. Only on the dorsal fin there are dark spots.

There are individuals in which the tip of the dorsal fin is painted white, but most often the dorsal fin is black, sometimes framed by a white border. The adipose fin in the minor is transparent. The rest are bright red. There are no scales at the base of the tail. Females are paler than males, but larger in size.


The Minors have a peaceful nature. In nature, they live in small flocks of at least 4 minors. If they are kept alone, they begin to show aggression. Minors can attack small fish and even their own kind. They bite off the tail and fins with small fish. Therefore, they should also be kept in flocks.

By the minors you can share any fish. The main thing is that they are just as peaceful and active, and also have similar dimensions.

Conditions of detention

The best conditions for representatives of this species will be as close to natural as possible. What is needed for this?

  1. Minorov allowed to contain even in a small aquarium. Its volume must be at least 30 liters. But best of all they will feel, if each individual will account for 10 liters of water. Minor, like all heracin, can jump out of the water. Therefore, the aquarium should always be covered. It is important that the aquarium is long.
  2. Minor will live at the bottom of the aquarium, as well as in its middle part. It is necessary that there was enough vegetation in it, but at the same time there was a place for swimming. Algae are planted directly into the ground. If it is floating algae, then they are placed on the surface. Very good for these fish fit plants such as Javanese moss, as well as the Thai fern.
  3. It is important to provide the aquarium with an aerator and a good filter. The lighting in the aquarium should be medium in intensity. Every week it is necessary to do the substitution of one-fifth of the water.
  4. The acidity of water is from 6.8 to 7. The most suitable temperature for representatives of this species is 22-26 degrees. But if the water is sometimes cooler, the Minors will take it normally.
  5. It is desirable that the ground was dark. It can be made of gravel or sand. Fancy snags and caves will serve not only as good decoration elements, but also as a shelter for these little fishes.

Feeding minors

These fish in food unpretentious. But when feeding them it is important to consider a few points.

 Feeding minors

  1. Food should be small, as the fish themselves are small. Large feed, they just do not capture.
  2. It is also very important that a varied food be present in the diet of the minors. Different types of feed they need to give in turn. This will provide the necessary substances. As a result, the fish will be healthy, which means they will delight you with their beautiful coloring and activity.

In the wild, minors usually feed on insects, which are collected from the surface of the water. Also their food becomes small aquatic inhabitants.

When the aquarium content they can be given almost any kind of food. Crustaceans, bloodworm, small insects.From dry food, they will eat both flakes and pellets. It is also important that they eat vegetation. Perfect for this salad, dandelions and spinach.


If you decide to breed minors, first of all you need to organize for them a spawning. For this you need to prepare a small capacity tank. Aquarium suitable for about 10-20 liters. At the bottom of the tank it is necessary to lay the separator grid. This is necessary so that the parents themselves do not eat the caviar, which they will postpone. This behavior is typical for this species. The light in the spawning should be weak and diffused. There is no need to build any kind of soil, but plants are needed. Best of all, if it will be plants with small leaves and a long stem.

Then you need to pour water into the aquarium. In such a spawning room a small layer of water about 10–15 centimeters high is poured. For successful spawning, you must create the following conditions:

  • The temperature should be quite high - 24-28 degrees.
  • The acidity level of water is from 6.2 to 7.
  • Stiffness - not higher than 15.

Water in the tank can be peeled or fresh.To prepare peat water, you need to add a decoction of peat of high concentration. Infused such water from a week to one month. During cooking it is very important to monitor the acidity of the water.

For breeding choose one pair or a group of several individuals. Seven days before the alleged spawning of fish very well fed. In this case, females and males are deposited separately. In the evening, individuals should be placed in the prepared spawning. The female can lay eggs already the next morning, but sometimes it is necessary to wait several days. One female usually lays on 200-300 eggs, which fall to the bottom of the tank or settle on the plants. Adults are then immediately deposited. The container should be aerated, the light should be very dim. Touching the caviar in any case is impossible, it can harm it.

Sometimes the female can lay her calf later than a few days. Until this happens, the fish do not need to be fed.

If she still does not lay eggs, the fish are returned to the aquarium. After some time, you can try again.

If the caviar is still delayed, then in 24-48 hours the fry will hatch. They hang on the vegetation and glass spawning.Feed them need infusoria, cyclops and rotifers. Every 15-20 days you need to replace them with water. At the age of 8-10 months, the fish become adults, and they can be used for breeding.

Maintain and breed minors easy. The main thing - to comply with basic conditions and maintain cleanliness.

Video: content and breeding minors

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