Marsh marsh - healing properties and contraindications

Marsh Marsh refers to perennial aquatic plants with brown color and branched root system. Grass has a number of useful properties and has several names. Magnify its irroot and reeds, Tatar potion and cakes. There are some other names. For therapeutic purposes, its root is used.

 Medicinal properties and contraindications of calamus calamus

Chemical composition

The plant contains various chemicals with which, obviously not stinging, nature itself has endowed it. The composition is characterized by the presence of:

  • Akorin.
  • Starch
  • Ascorbic acid.
  • Squirrel.
  • Various mineral elements.
  • Colamine.
  • Essential oils.

The plant has a peculiar smell, which is caused by the presence of aldehyde. In addition, there are many vitamins and iodine in the grass.

Body benefits

Its therapeutic effect of calamus is due to the wide range of substances included in its composition. For medical purposes used rhizome. Harvest it in the fall. To do this, the root is dug, washed, cut into separate small pieces and dried. This is done under sheds or in a drying cabinet.

Air marsh in the form of various dosage forms is used. It is used in tablets, which are called "Vikair", gastric fees. The main indications for use are problems with the digestive tract, improvement of appetite and stimulation of digestion. The medicinal plant has the following types of actions:

  1. With the use of calamus swamp expand vessels.
  2. Taking the herb can eliminate pain, so the plant is used as a painkiller.
  3. The herb has an antispasmodic effect. Sometimes the cause of pain is a spasm of the internal organs. The plant is able to eliminate pain by relieving spasms.
  4. The herb has an antimicrobial effect, inhibiting the growth and development of microbial microflora at the cellular level.
  5. Taking herbs can calm the nervous system. This is achieved by the presence of a sedative effect. When excessively excited, the nervous system after the application of compositions based on calamus comes in order.
  6. Calamus Marsh is used to stop bleeding with various hemorrhages.
  7. The herb has a diuretic effect, increasing the excretion and outflow of urine.
  8. The plant is famous for its astringent effect and is able to increase the overall tone of the body.

When is calamus swamp applied?

  1. In Russia, aira powder has been used for the treatment of purulent wounds for a long time, sprinkling wound surfaces on them.
  2. In the form of infusions, decoctions, it is used to correct conditions associated with problems of the digestive tract.
  3. With its use, the bladder improves its work and digestion is improved.
  4. Air belongs to the aromatic means and is able to improve the secretory function of the stomach. Aira powder can eliminate the phenomena in which heartburn acts as one of the symptoms.
  5. Use it for bathing.
  6. Persons with tuberculosis are also shown taking calamus calamus.
  7. Grass is able to normalize the work of the nervous system.
  8. It will help with liver diseases, conditions caused by rheumatism.
  9. With calamus, you can increase your appetite and normalize the work of the digestive system to those who need it. In order to whet the appetite, it is enough to chew dried calamus root.
  10. Aire marsh can combat inflammation of the gums and eliminate bad breath.
  11. The root will help get rid of malaria, toothache, cough, some infectious diseases.
  12. Air is able to lower the acidity of gastric juice.
  13. Eliminate headaches and lower blood pressure can also use the root of this plant in the form of infusions and decoctions.
  14. If a person is poisoned by hallucinogens, calamus root will help to neutralize their action.
  15. Useful plant for men. It prevents hair loss, as a prophylactic for baldness. In addition, it is able to enhance the potency.
  16. For women, it will help eliminate painful sensations during painful menstruation. Its use will be effective if there is amenorrhea and there are problems with the ovaries.

How to prepare a plant for future use?

Those who need the help of calamus calamus, you can prepare it yourself or buy it in a pharmacy in finished form. It is sold packaged in cardboard packs or in the form of tablets "Vikair." In fact, this is the same calamus calamus.

Those who decide to stock up on their own, you need to know that the time of its collection is late autumn. Roots must be carefully cleaned and rinsed. Then they should be a bit of a whack. They are dried not entirely, but cut into pieces. If the drying process is carried out by force in the oven, the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. Otherwise, the root will simply lose its healing properties.

A sign of sufficient drying is that the roots begin to break well. Raw materials have a bitter taste and a peculiar smell with a pink or white shade on the rift. Externally, the roots are brown in color. Store the harvested raw materials in a dark dry place in paper or cloth bags. Shelf life is 2 years.

We treat diseases with airs

The root of the calamus calamus can disinfect water. To do this, it is enough to place a few dried roots of a plant in a carafe of water.The use of infusions and decoctions of the plant can improve appetite, stimulate the digestive tract. Therapy based on calamus can even improve memory.

 We treat diseases with airs

Air can lead to improved blood circulation. The same herb is used if it violates its work:

  • Respiratory system.
  • The activity of the heart and its vessels.
  • Nerve structures.
  • Urine excretion system.

Air in the form of decoction will improve gastric secretion, reduce pressure, eliminate pain. The plant will remove the conditions associated with depression of the nervous system.

Marsh marsh is able to eliminate many unpleasant phenomena in the gynecological field. For this purpose, a woman takes a sedentary bath with a swamp air. The tool contributes to the dilution and sputum discharge. Wounds and cuts heal quickly under his influence. Save the plant from flatulence and diarrhea.

Vegetal bitterness is a good anesthetic. It will come to the rescue if there are cramps in the stomach. The plant in the form of an extract is used as a diuretic. With it, you can restore the sensitivity of the nerve endings of the spinal structures. Used plant with problems with the liver and gall bladder.

Cooking funds from calamus swamp house

  1. Cooking infusion. Dry raw materials are subject to thorough grinding. It is filled with water and boiled for a quarter of an hour on fire. After that, the composition should be filtered. It should be taken before meals for half a glass.
  2. Cooking alcohol tincture. Calamus root is filled with alcohol. Day he must insist. Reception is carried out in 25 drops. Replace alcohol can be vodka. Dry raw materials should be one tablespoon, and vodka 100 ml. Before use, the tincture is diluted in half a glass of water. Its use will help with joint pain, migraine, digestive problems. The phenomena of flatulence and gout disappear.
  3. Cooking candied fruit. First, the preparation of the usual syrup is required. Cut into the roots, which must be cooked in syrup for 5 minutes. Then for 12 hours, the composition is left alone. Then it must again be brought to a boil. Then again the agent is infused for 12 hours. After that, the roots are dried as candied.
  4. Use powder. They are treated for wounds and ulcers. To do this, they powdered.If you overcome a cold, then you can clear the nasal sinuses by inhaling calamus powder with your nose. If you add honey in it, then the reception of such funds will help improve memory. It is added to improve the taste, because the plant is bitter.

Air for gums
To strengthen the gums, it can be applied in two ways:

  1. Use the infusion, which is prepared by adding a teaspoon of chopped root to a glass of boiling water. The exposure time is 2 hours. Then the composition should be filtered. Cooked infusion should rinse your mouth.
  2. Tatar cowl in the form of powder mixed with propolis. This composition is used to clean the teeth instead of paste.

Get rid of smoking
If there are no contraindications, then a fresh root should be chewed after a smoked cigarette. There is a feeling of nausea up to vomiting. This effect is based on the use of calamus calamus against smoking.

If there is a keen desire to smoke, you need to mix peppermint with a marsh airwood. They are taken in equal volumes of 1 teaspoon. The mixture is filled with a glass of boiling water. The tool is indicated for oral administration.

We strengthen hair
The hair roots will become stronger if you use a mask, which includes calamus and burdock. From them is preparing a decoction, which acts as a means for rinsing.

For women

  1. To get rid of fibroids will help the composition, which includes honey in the amount of 100 g, calamus root in the amount of two spoons and aloe juice 50 ml. The tincture is aged for three days and taken three times a day for a reception.
  2. In case of hormonal disorders, the medicinal raw material is placed in cold water and infused for 8 hours. After this 30 minutes, the composition should be in a water bath. It uses a means of a glass before taking food.
  3. In menopause, it will be useful to use the powder of the calamus root of the marsh. One teaspoon to the reception will be quite enough.

For men
The plant belongs to the natural aphrodisiac, able to enhance sexual desire. Such properties are particularly pronounced in oil derived from plants. In relation to the reproductive system, it exhibits a pronounced tonic effect. This leads to an improvement in the quality and quantity of seminal fluid. It is often introduced into the complex therapy for the treatment of male infertility. One hundred grams of roots poured vodka.Take the composition must be on a small spoon for two weeks.


They are available in almost any medicinal plants, including, and calamus swamp.

  1. Do not use the plant for a long period of time. There may be cases of individual intolerance to the components of the composition.
  2. Tatar sabelnik during pregnancy is contraindicated.
  3. In the presence of acute processes on the part of the urine excretion system, it should also not be taken.
  4. For hypotonia, the plant also has limitations for its use.

The best option before you start receiving calamus calamus is to consult a doctor.

Video: healing properties of calamus swamp

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